General Discussion

General DiscussionDo I play to win, or play to learn?

Do I play to win, or play to learn? in General Discussion

    I'm pretty new.

    However, I'm pretty good with Weaver (lost because of disconnects twice, but I've done well in all the games I've played as him) and I'm apparently really great with Treant Protector (7 wins, 1 loss).

    Now, this is at low MM, I know. It's not representative, etc.

    But my question is this: Should I be playing Weaver and Treant Protector almost exclusively for a while to get myself into the right level of MM for my playstyle, or should I be randoming heroes and trying to learn a bunch of heroes (and lose games because of it) in order to get a good grasp of the game?

    Basically, I don't want to ruin my MMR and end up playing with scrubs all my life, but I want to learn.

    So which should I focus on as a new player?


      I'd say play new heroes vs bots or something if you care about your mmr&stats. Also, saves a lot of frustration from teammates if you know what your abilities do etc.

      Besides that, there's a lot more to learn in Dota than just different heroes.


        you should play to learn/fun every game until hmmm... around ~600 + games at least. do what you think is correct and learn a lot (while having fun too). Then try to do nice combos with certain heroes :P


          Oh, well definitely.

          I guess a good example is Lifestealer. I'm not very good with lifestealer. I'm fine in bots (everything crushes bots), but against people I tend to fail as LS.

          I've played him more than I've played Weaver. I want to learn Lifestealer.

          But I'm bad with him. So I'm unsure if I should practice with him, or play as a more reliable hero.

          Will I get stuck in a rut if my MMR tanks because I play heroes I'm bad with?

          @Lifedancer--Okay, okay. That's what I was looking for.

          So just play however, and don't worry about how I end up. :D

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            If you play heroes you are bad at and get a low MMR it will only take 5-10 games of playing your best heroes to get back to a rating that matches the level of your best heroes.

            You should do what you want to do to have fun playing dota. If you want to really learn a hero however, then you need to focus on that hero and play it a lot. Playing all heroes will give you a nice background understanding of what they can do, but if you keep doing that you will never be very good at any of them.

            The 100th time you play a hero you will notice that you are a lot better at it than the 50th time. There are over 100 heroes in the game right now, it takes many games to learn each one.


              Really? Oh, well that's awesome.

              That actually gets rid of any fear I had of messing up, haha. Cool.


                You play to learn, don't be so obsessed with MMR. MMR is just a rating assigned to you over a span of time to ensure you are playing with equally skilled players to minimize stomps (stomps due to skill mismatch). If you are detected to be better than the people you play with then you will be matched accordingly or vice versa. Just remember your MMR will tend to even out and settle over time and improve as you improve, don't even think about it, just play on.


                  And checking your match history I can address some of the problems you have had with lifestealer. Unless you are very good at farming and snowball, he is a somewhat situational pick in that he is made to destroy beefy high hp strength heroes. In the matches you played you were vs carries like Drow, Phantom Assassin, Riki and Anti-mage (from recent history). Agility heroes tend to have low hp pools and high armour which isn't ideal for lifestealer unless you snowball out of control fast or the enemy don't farm. Drow can kite you to death when rage is off cooldown, PA will damage you faster than you can heal, Riki will be an illusive pest backstabbing you to death and smoke clouding you, and finally AM will just be plane difficult to catch pre-manta where his dps will be too much for you.

                  Autism is great

                    most usefull advice i can give you is to - set goals -

                    Autism is great

                      and switch to lol if you look for competitive game


                        I started out by playing with a friend who had been playing the game for a while, and I randomed a hero every single game. I wouldn't worry about your MMR too much, after you understand more of the game, your ranking will naturally balance out over time. Going into the game thinking exclusively about your MMR isn't the way to go, this will only lower your will to try new things.

                        There's only one way to get good with heroes you think you're bad at. If you only play heroes you're good with to try get a better MMR, you're still going to have to play other heroes eventually.

                        Also, I'd recommend looking at Dota Alt-Tab to get a general idea of how to build new heroes.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          avoid playing alone

                          try to play against people who are much better than u (inhouses scrims team matchmaking tournament games) thats best practice

                          and ofc massing games