General Discussion

General DiscussionKeep Playing or New Account?

Keep Playing or New Account? in General Discussion

    Always been trying to get 50%, but its getting harder and harder to get there. I dont really want to get a new account because of my items sets etc. Can anyone help explain or give me any tips?


      Is win rate really that important?

      I've had to deal with so many idiots and dicks in public match making. I would be happy if I was playing with at least decent people.

      I've lost interest in my win-rate as of recent. I just want to play with people who know what their doing and talking about. I feel that's more important than worrying about your win-rate. It's just a number

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        dude its only 23 wins you need :o


          yeah fair enough nathan ahaha


            im pretty sure you'll never play with people who 'know what they are doing' if you cant even stay at 50% win rate in a matchmaking system that tries it hardest to keep everyone at 50%.


              I was 40 wins behind about a month ago. keep going, and don't play shit heroes.

              dookie daddy

                Your account is still young so to speak so turning your winrate around is something easily accomplished with some good friends and better gameplay can do. Also keep in mind that the players you are playing with against are either smurfs or actual new players to DotA2 so you will get a little bit of imbalance which should level itself out as you go along.

                Keep in mind that my winrate climbs and falls so marginally due to the amount of games I had and the further along you are the harder it will get to turn your ratio. If you do really care about your "e-pride" that much then maybe once you hit about 300+ games if things still aren't improving you can try a account redo.


                  Care less, seriously. I was down at like 46 or so. Then I stopped caring, won like 12 outta 14 matches or something, scraped back to 50, went on a 5 win streak and thought, "fuck yeah, getting good at this game boizzzzz", started to care a bit again...boom, lose 3 outta 4.

                  I started a new account once.....urgh, it was horrible. Trying to play games where half of your team has no clue and the rest are smurfs and the same for the other team, all noobs and then a level 800 lifestealer pops up and 5 mans the team. It was horrible, I lasted 2 or 3 games before I couldn't do it any more, it's just not worth it.

                  Honestly, care less, enjoy more. It's a game.

                  Edit: Also, you've won 6 outta your last 7 so just carry on and care less.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    u wont get any better with new account

                    unless u will stack with ppls that will help u win majority of ur games

                    Pandamonium(You Died)

                      I went from 50>54 around my 500th game. You still have A LOT to improve. Plus ur on the win streak so go ahead.

                      Autism is great

                        If your skill didn`t improve drastically new account won`t change much


                          "Care less, enjoy the game"
                          Let loose, choose heroes that you have fun playing with and enjoy doto as it is.


                            Keep playing man, I sucked worse than you when i first started, I had a 44% win ratio if i remember correctly and now i'm nearing 52% Solo Queue. Just keep playing, and also remember, as you get better, so do your opponents. :) Good Luck

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              If you want to get to %50, you don't fucking pick Pudge. You pick Naix Nyx TA, any tryhard shit.

                              King of Low Prio

                                winrates mean jack shit stop being a tryhard


                                  Sampson - shut the fuck up, no1 cares about ur oppinion u stupid moron.

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    Lol so mad. You should step it up already.

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      Phantom Assassin Lost Match
                                      3 months ago
                                      Single Draft
                                      0 / 17 / 3
                                      Anti-Mage Anti-Mage Lost Match
                                      3 months ago
                                      Single Draft
                                      6 / 33 / 4
                                      Puck Puck Lost Match
                                      3 months ago
                                      All Pick
                                      1 / 15 / 7
                                      Tiny Tiny Lost Match
                                      3 months ago
                                      All Pick
                                      1 / 18 / 3
                                      Kunkka Kunkka Lost Match
                                      3 months ago
                                      Single Draft
                                      4 / 20 / 3
                                      Sven Sven Lost Match
                                      3 months ago
                                      All Pick
                                      5 / 32 / 7
                                      Skywrath Mage Skywrath Mage Won Match
                                      3 months ago
                                      All Pick
                                      0 / 31 / 14

                                      no wonder he is pissed


                                        I didnt think more than 20 deaths was possible in a legit match


                                          You can always swap your items from one account to the next.

                                          Your winrate is going to stay at around 50% regardless. The only times I make any significant progress on mine is when I run in stacks, preferrably five mans. This is a team game and no matter how talented of a player you are, solo queue is still solo queue. It's also way more fun to play in groups.

                                          Kanye Best

                                            The fuck is with all these bottom feeder tryhards advocating stacks lol

                                            Play solo, keep your account, get better.


                                              Gotta say, N'aix ... you're a fucking legend, keep it up XD XD XD

                                              What to wear?

                                                re roll