General Discussion

General DiscussionZenith picked Bloodseeker...

Zenith picked Bloodseeker... in General Discussion



      bloodsikir op


        nice lol

        King of Low Prio

          and lost for it


            damn i got disconnected... :(


              Zenith picked bloodsekker
              Lol wat?

              Na'Vi/Alliance picked bloodseeker
              OMG IS THIS A NEW META?


                Bloodcyka so good


                  rsnake also picked the hero. Solo mid vs OD. I think Relentless said bloodseeker owns OD mid? weeel NO.

                  Chen Centaur Challenge

                    He does. OD got ganks on mid to help him with this because he needed it. When OD was vs BS without help BS crushed him on cs. Pro teams picked this match because BS does easily beat OD mid. Unfortunately pro teams have little experience making BS work for them. There are so many heroes that could be great in pro games...but they need to be solved and practiced. It is not easy to really fully understand how to take advantage of a hero and make it synergize with a lineup.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      lone druid has a decent time mid vs od as navi showed us versus mouz.