General Discussion

General DiscussionOne of the least bought items?

One of the least bought items? in General Discussion

    Why don't pro invoker players buy veil of discord to combo with the tornado, meteor, deafening blast combo? I mean this could add in 25% more damage along with the big damage it already has? its cheap too :)

    I tried it out and it wasn't that bad. Used it once and it was alright :D

    DMT: Dumbfuck Moron Teamm...

      Most invokers build for mobility and setup. Phase boots, force staff, blink dagger, eul's and than scepter for chain cast. Another issue is setup range, that tornado can be cast long out of vision range, thus your combo can be started long before your in veil range.




          LOL follow the tutorial, Sniper should buy arcane boots ! and it works !

          look at that 9 wins in a row, go go go !


            Nobody has seen necromicon since 2011 in competitive plays. Since lycan nerf.
            Also bloodstone is very rare. because they are not playing as active to gain lots of charges on it, and they would rather buy an item with good active ability which would contribute more.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              1 necro book for pushing isn't too much power. It's probably only good countering sk weaver and a few others. Which rarely show up in tournaments. Few hero is good for building it too, BM, furion, lycan, bane, what else ?

              And your 2700 equipment could be easily turned against you. That helm of dominant have low cooldown now... so buy one of those and enemy necrobook is yours. lol


                btw its not as hard to use veil in a combo.. If you have wards up, you see an enemy team pushing or whatever then blink into position, veil, tornado, meteor, DB, refresher orb, blink dagger again, tornado, meteor that should be rampage or something unless one gets away then sunstrike :P RAMPAGE!!!


                  cuz invoker sucks


                    invoker is the best hero and the funnest hero to play -_-


                      normal queue...


                        nigga pls hes neither best nor funniest to play with

                        Cykapath 传说中的猫龙

                          Vaikiss, why, cause he is handsome?