General Discussion

General DiscussionDota Plus Needs To be One Time Fee.

Dota Plus Needs To be One Time Fee. in General Discussion

    That's my simple thought.

    Let's Give an example, i have 2.000 Dota 2 matchmaking games, and i play since January 2012.
    I would be happy to play $20 for dotabuff, even maybe %25-30. But if i payed $6 per month, as i am sure i will keep playing dota, i would already have payed $108, and the future is still unpayed.

    Does Dotabuff plus need to be this way? Is it a costly service?

    I understand, that it is a service that need constant processing so a constant pay is the more correct, but is $108 the correct pay for costs of simple Dota 2 stats processing, over a year and a half?


      you can buy plus for 12 months for $56


        Short answer is yes, server time really costs that much for a system as large as dotabuff. Free stuff get what you pay for.

        Pay the money if you want the good stuff.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Well. $108 a year isn't that high is it?


            It is...


              Dotabuff Plus is a monthly service because many (not all) of the features that it includes generally have direct recurring costs associated with them. These types of features require us to process, store and "keep hot" a lot more data, something we're not comfortable doing for the public at large with a free product. Our concerns are cost and quality of service.

              Your $20 scenario fails in the scenarios that I care about trying to build a sustainable service:

              - You pay $20 and play Dota2 for only another week, it costs us $1 to service you. Sucks to be you.
              - You pay $20 and play Dota2 for the next 5 years, we keep up our end and it costs us $200 to service you. Sucks to be us.
              - You pay $20 and play Dota2 for the next 5 years, we go bankrupt because thousands of your friends did the same. Sucks to be everyone.

              The pay-as-you-go model keeps it fair in a few ways:

              - You pay for only what you find valuable.
              - Pressure stays on us to make sure the service is well maintained and valuable.
              - Dotabuff stays online because we can actually pay for it.

              We offer a big discount on the 12 month plan because it helps us grow, if you're sure you'll be playing a year from now I'd say it's a good deal.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                Actually it's $72 a year. And how is that high wtf. It really isn't.


                  It is...

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Wtf if your montly salary is even $600 you make $7200 a year. $72 is only 1/100 of your money.


                      yes, so you can buy only 100 things for 72 per year, you have to choose carefully, now some useless stats for 72 hmm


                        Well at minimum wage in the US Dotabuff Plus costs less than 1 hour of work time per month. If you can't afford it, basically you just don't want it.

                        Even a kid could earn enough to pay for the year by just mowing 1 lawn a few times a summer.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          ^Exactly. If you think it about a year of fee, it might seem high. But it's only 20 cent a day holy shit. You guys are just stingy or something.


                            y, I don't want it enough to pay 72 and I think am not alone
                            btw not everyone is from US

                            now let's see what you get

                            - No Advertisements - adblock
                            - Hero Player Rankings - there is topic with all heroes
                            - Weekly Progress Summary - very easy to do it yourself
                            - Dota 2 News Feed - maybe interesting for someone
                            - Skill Bracket Filters - you can ask someone
                            - Played with Me - maybe interesting for someone
                            - Player Trend Graphs -

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              So don't buy it wtf. Why do you complain about it being expensive if you are not even gonna buy it? Also this is a community based website. So they need to make money from somewhere. What about the priceless feeling of you helping someone?

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                I'd probably do $15 for a years worth.

                                I do enjoy the free product!!!

                                At the moment you get $0 from me. It will stay that way because the extra "value" isn't that interesting, and the price is too high for what it gives.

                                So... you could look at it this way

                                Server costs + development + $0 from people like myself (I'd wager there are a lot).
                                Server costs + development + $15 from people like myself.

                                I'm not sure what the take up of the $6 a month deal is, but if its worth it for dotabuff stick with it!!!

                                If you landed another 10,000+ customers at $15 per year, that's nothing to scoff at.



                                  Generally people who don't want to cough up such a miniscule amount are the unemployed. You ungrateful cunts need cut too the whinging and 1. get a job? 2. shut the fuck up and get a job If you can't afford it oh well shit happens doesn't it. It isn't overpriced, it is what it is. Deal with it and fuck up.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    Icon...calm down and re-read your drivel above. Sense. It makes little. Deal with it and fuck up? 2 stronk.


                                      Monkeh clearly furious irl he cannot afford $6/month, poor guy. Better days ahead of you mate.


                                        plz $1/month



                                          I mean there should me more "plus" features for that price
                                          I also heard that "Played with Me" is not even working

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                          Ples Mercy

                                            id say make it cheaper, if it was like 2-4$ people would buy it.


                                              Sorry to disappoint icon, but I have a very nice job and a could afford plus and would be happy to pay if I thought it worth it. I don't play enough nor do I take video games serously enough to care about seeing more stats or whatever. Dota is a bit of fun for me.

                                              Feel free to have a look at my steam profile. You may see a large collection of games. Games that I paid for.

                                              Not all countries have a minimum wage. Indonesia, China, hell, most of the world. Just because the good 'ol us of a has doesn't mean everyone else has. I'm assuming you're american due to your horrible attitude and your ridiculous assumptions that every dota player can afford the cost. Does China have a minimumn wage? Indonesia? Do children have an income to spend on seeing a few extra numbers on a website?

                                              Oh wait, I doubt you could even point to China on a map...actually I doubt you could point to the usa on a map.

                                              Please grow up and understand the world, and the dota community, is a big place and not everyone is as fortunate as you.

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                              Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                Jason, if this is so, why not make individual features be avabliable? I'd buy played with me feature for 1$ a month, but I don't need everything else.


                                                  ...ok, wow I see you are one of those hate American people. Well I care about you anyway. I won't let you remain wallowing in the filth of your indoctrinated ignorance.

                                                  The fact is I oppose the minimum wage. I would be happy to not have one. It's just an example to show even children can afford this...that's who makes minimum wage...children. And if you care to know that's also who the minimum wage law hurts most and whose jobs it destroys, the teenage kid who wants to work instead of leeching off his parents can't because its illegal. So he can't buy his own stuff unless his parent happen to be rich and give it too him...because the stupid minimum wage law destroys the jobs he could get.

                                                  Dotabuff and PLus do not magically come from nowhere. You do not have a right to force the Dotabuff people who work for you for free. You are not their slave master who can tell them what they must give you for zero cost. Your disrespect for others is disgusting.

                                                  You think about this every time you start imagining that someone OWES you a product or service at a lower price. You are claiming a right to their life, their time working to make what you want. You make yourself out to be a slave master and them your slaves. Who is the arrogant out of touch with reality one now hmm? Stop believing brainless lies just because you heard them. Grow up and see how the world really works.

                                                  Icon does not enjoy his slavery to the unemployed who sit around stealing his life through government systems that pay very well for doing nothing. There are a lot of people here who make more than working people by doing nothing but failing to work. You have no idea what the US is really like. Do you think you could "find it on map"?

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                    id prolly pay for dotabuff plus if they got dbr back or added some more features


                                                      why not just charge 1 dollar/month for dotabuff and add an extra 6 for plus, that way we wont have whiners


                                                        that way u wont have ppls visiting this website


                                                          Well, $6 isn't that much, but in years it becomes alot. The free Dotabuff side must stay too.

                                                          Anyways, what i'm saying, is that $6 a month isn't a price that grabs me. $40 a year, and me, and alot of my friends, would happly pay.

                                                          The thing is, you would get more people paying, if it was cheaper, thats all.
                                                          What Jason said is true, but its expensive, that's the point.
                                                          Why can this site give these statistics free?

                                                          Anyways, your already getting the ads money, its not that the free side is free either.


                                                            Find it on map. A quote that was never uttered. Yes. I can find usa on map. Its that big squarish block of land above Mexico and below Canada in the west, I hear its full of kiddies who have never heard of the theory of evolution but believe the grand canyon was formed by run off from Noah's flood. That place where the idea of how to stop crazies murdering people with automatic rifles in schools is to...add more guns to the situation. The kind of place where a road traffic accident can leave a family homeless through medical bills.

                                                            But all that is irrelevant, my main issue is with the assumption that those claiming welfare are lazy bums who don't want to work. I have numerous friends who have been made redundant thanks to the recent downturn in the global economy and are desperate to get back to work. Problem is literally hundreds of people apply for single positions for even shelf stacking in a supermarket and its just not that easy to stand out in that kind of crowd. Add to that the concept of differing wage levels in different parts of the world and icon's post just came across as idiotic beyond words. Sorry for insulting your glorious nation, feel free to point out the many problems we have here in the UK as recompense.

                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                              Does actually work for anyone? It doesn't find my account by SteamID, only by the STEAM_X:Y:Z pattern (found on the bottom right of your dotabuff profile), but even then it shows no DotA2 stats.


                                                       work's, it's ''processing'' the games, and intill it has 500 of your games processed, it doesn't give your stats. See mine for an example.

                                                                Why can this site give these for free, and dota buff can't?


                                                                  because magic !
                                                                  you know , "Dotabuff plus do not magically come from nowhere" :(


                                                                    dotabuff shows you kda, gpm and much more


                                                                      So Mokeh, based on your post I ask again....can you find the US on a map? It's doubtful from your failure to understand so much of reality. You have listed a few more bits of evidence of just how thoroughly ignorant you are.

                                                                      Reality in the US is this...Evolution is the official state religion. If science teachers don't teach it they are fired. If schools hire someone who claims to not believe it they are sued and shut down. If a scientist published any research even hinting that there might be a problem with evolution, their career is systematically destroyed. There are some private schools in the US, but even the Christian ones, run entirely by people who don't believe evolution have text books for evolution and teach it. They may say privately, well we don't believe this...but they still have to teach it.

                                                                      Many people know it is a lie, but its an institution here. We have fossils of humans with dinosaurs next to each other in the ground. I have personally seen them...I have excavated some myself...and countless other massive, obvious evidences that the textbooks on this subject are complete garbage. Scientists are systematically instructed to lie about it and if they don't they are finished as a scientist. Scientists lie more than politicians. I've read journals where there is faked research in nearly every study. When I did experiments, even in Engineering and the results did not agree with current theoretical doctrine I was instructed to fake the data or get an F. Scientists are not interested in truth, they are interested in grant money and appearing smart. But none of that matter you clearly do not know the US is nothing like it used to be over a hundred years ago. Your knowledge of the USA seems to stop there.

                                                                      Apparently you are also one of those people so naïve that you think criminals care about making weapons illegal and won't use them in the commission of crimes if there is a law saying not to do it. Every school shooting in the US in the last 30 years was done with weapons that were illegally obtained...for a child like you I'll make it even more simple...BAD GUYS DONT FOLLOW THE RULES.

                                                                      Welfare is, specifically, for lazy bums who don't work. All you have to do is call in once a week and claim that you looked for a job by following an automated phone menu for a few minutes. And Obama is trying to remove even that requirement. There is a completely different system called Medicaid for people who can't work. But you don't know anything about the US so you would not know that.

                                                                      The US is not a glorious place. It's a place as evil as any other...where among other atrocities mothers have killed over 50 million of their own children in the last 40 years. The world is full of such insane evil because people are really like this. I would love to pretend that things are all fine, but that's not reality. Ignoring reality will not make it go away. You are still going to die no matter what you do. If you don't admit that you are helpless and doomed you won't even look for a real solution to the problem.

                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                      Just go invis

                                                                        sorry but 6$ a month is really overpriced for that what u offer and i dont think many people who play dota are willing to pay that. and yes i got a job and yes i earn enough money so i could afford it but im not willing to pay 72$ (or 56 whatever) per year for stats.

                                                                        btw im bac @ economics and i honestly think u would earn more money by changing your price-policy. its not about the fact that u would deserve the 6$ per month but u simply would earn more money by charging less because u would get way more paying customers.

                                                                        just my 2 cents

                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                          ^possible...its hard to know unless you test it. This is one reason businesses often have sales (ie temporary reduced prices). Its not just to get rid of overstock or try to attract people to the business. Adjusting prices to see the impact is the only way you can really find the optimum price-point.

                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                            how the hell can someone think 72$ a year is not a high price for dotabuff plus



                                                                              "in the US....Evolution is the official state religion."

                                                                              Interesting. The theory of evolution is not a religion. Are you talking about your State or the whole of the US? Either way, it's not a religion so I have no idea what you're trying to say here.

                                                                              "Many people know it is a lie..."

                                                                              No they don't. Just as I won't say I know it to be true. It's a theory that I choose to believe after many years of reading around the subject. I call it a theory because it is just that, neither proved or disproved as fact or fiction. I assume then, that you hold Creationism as the answer to how this beautiful world of ours got such a diverse and rich flora and fauna. I put to you the case of the humble dog. God didn't create all the numerous species of dog we see today. Once upon a time there were wolves and wild dogs in Africa. That is all. No Labradoodles, no German Shepherds, no pugs. What happened? Humans SELECTED traits they liked and bred them into the population. Notice the word selected, in this case, selected by humans. Over enough time nature would also manage to select for certain traits as well, selected by nature, as in natural selection, as in evolution by natural selection.

                                                                              "We have fossils of humans with dinosaurs next to each other in the ground. I have personally seen them...I have excavated some myself..."

                                                                              Please do link me to a paper or article highlighting this hugely important discovery. I'm sure it was well documented at the time and I'm equally sure such an important discovery would have been peer reviewed to ensure validity.

                                                                              "...and countless other massive, obvious evidences that the textbooks on this subject are complete garbage."

                                                                              I am very familiar with most of the arguments against evolution as it has always been a subject I've found fascinating since I was young and I've done a lot of reading on and around it. Every single argument I've come across that has been attempting to prove the theory false has been explained away to my satisfaction so far, please do enlighten me further.

                                                                              "Scientists are systematically instructed to lie about it and if they don't they are finished as a scientist. Scientists lie more than politicians."

                                                                              Who instructs them to lie? Do they hold sway over every research lab in the entire world? I assume you've heard of peer review and have some knowledge of how the scientific community operates. This statement just appears to be ridiculous. Why would people dedicate their entire working lives to perpetuating lies? How have we made the incredible leaps forward in technologies we have seen in the last century if every scientist lied and falsified experiments. I'm damn sure my wireless router works, that took research and development, if all scientists did was lie we would never get any advancements at all. To that statement, I say hogwash.

                                                                              "I've read journals where there is faked research in nearly every study. When I did experiments, even in Engineering and the results did not agree with current theoretical doctrine I was instructed to fake the data or get an F."

                                                                              It seems you have had a very bad experience, it doesn't mean that EVERY research lab in the entire world and over every field are restricted in the same way.

                                                                              "Scientists are not interested in truth, they are interested in grant money and appearing smart."

                                                                              To some extent the latter part of this statement has some validity, research requires money, whether privately funded or publicly, the people who do the research need to live, buy food, petrol etc. Of course the best way to get rich through research is to find or develop something new and exciting, peer review stops false results from gaining credibility so to suggest scientists and researchers aren't interested in truth is ridiculous. It's true my wireless router works, the people who invented it probably got quite rich. Lies will get you nowhere.

                                                                              "But none of that matter you clearly do not know the US is nothing like it used to be over a hundred years ago. Your knowledge of the USA seems to stop there."

                                                                              Thank you for telling me that the US isn't the same as it was 100 years ago.

                                                                              "Apparently you are also one of those people so naïve that you think criminals care about making weapons illegal and won't use them in the commission of crimes if there is a law saying not to do it. Every school shooting in the US in the last 30 years was done with weapons that were illegally obtained...for a child like you I'll make it even more simple...BAD GUYS DONT FOLLOW THE RULES."

                                                                              First of all, I'm not a child. Second of all the weapons used at Columbine were taken from, (iirc), daddies weapon locker in the garage or bedroom. Daddy had a license for them. Technically the kid who used them broke the law by taking them, but they had no criminal record before they murdered a lot of people. Having guns available almost anywhere means anyone can flip out, pick one up and blow someone away. is it co-incidence that gun crime per capita in the US versus the UK are so wildly different? Just a different culture? Or is it because we don't have guns in every home? Yes, criminals will have and get guns, but a lot of the school shootings I have been made aware of down the years have been carried out by people with no or mild criminal records. I know the right to bare arms is an important part of your constitution, but times change and the murder of so many innocent children, for god's sake, is disgusting and something really should be done about it. Heck, even Obama said so recently, I heard his lovely tones on the news.

                                                                              "Welfare is, specifically, for lazy bums who don't work."

                                                                              I answered this in my post above. It's simply not true. Yes, some people will abuse the system and sit on their arse all day, but there is a lot of people who desperately want to find work but cant.

                                                                              "There is a completely different system called Medicaid for people who can't work. But you don't know anything about the US so you would not know that."

                                                                              My point on this wasn't randomly generated in my head. My source is here: Well within the last 100 years. Utterly reprehensible in the modern western world imho, but then we've had the National Health Service for a long time in this country and sometimes we forget just how goddam awesome it is and take it for granted.

                                                                              "The US is not a glorious place. It's a place as evil as any other...where among other atrocities mothers have killed over 50 million of their own children in the last 40 years. The world is full of such insane evil because people are really like this. I would love to pretend that things are all fine, but that's not reality. Ignoring reality will not make it go away. You are still going to die no matter what you do. If you don't admit that you are helpless and doomed you won't even look for a real solution to the problem."

                                                                              No idea what this last bit has to do with our discussion. I suppose I'm doomed, as are we all, but helpless...nope.

                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                Somebody was talking about a salary of $600. Man, that could be very little in the US or West Europe but people in Eastern Europe and Africa are living with $50 a month, how do imagine these people giving so much money for this service? Btw if the cost is reduced in half there will be much more subscribers, just a hint for the team here.

                                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                  Monkeh all you know is a bunch of lies you read. And you decided to believe them because they fit your personal philosophy. You have no idea what the evidence really is, and you never will if you don't make a serious personal investigation.

                                                                                  You are a child, naïve, ignorant and foolish. You know so little you that can't tell truth from lies. You are helpless and pathetic and it will never change until you admit to yourself that you are.

                                                                                  I believe in more evolution than you ever have. You have no idea how biology and genetics actually function because nearly everything you can read on the subject is fake. Each basic type of animal has the code in it to make every variation and has had that code since creation. I know it from actually seeing the development of new species....seeing new organs appear in one generation. I know it besides all this because the Designer wrote down that he did it this way...but people are so ignorant of the bible they don't know that such things are in it.

                                                                                  I know how nearly every rock on the surface of the planet is made, because I can do it, have done it. Geologist just make up stories they NEVER experimentally test them. They don't even try because they claim it takes millions of years when such things really take minutes...some seconds. I know how to make oil and coal and natural gas...because I have done it. I know how to produce the natural spectrum of radioactive elements in the rock electrically...your books just make up idiotic fairy tales and every lab everywhere DOES fake their data when they do radiometric dating. Such dates are never used to date anything real because the only people who really do paleontology know its fake. Isochrons and such are ALWAYS self-contradictory giving dates of thousands, millions, and billions in every rock...because really all those isotopes are produced by fusion from piezo-electic pressure creating lighting in the rock.

                                                                                  Scientists lie so much and so often because they do not even believe there is such a thing as truth...they are taught Relativism and hence do not believe there is any problem lieing and faking data because they don't think there is really anything but opinion.

                                                                                  The guns used in Columbine where not only taken by children...but illegally obtained by their extremely irresponsible parents as well...the same is true for not only every mass school shooting but nearly every murder in which a gun is used. Criminals don't care about the laws at all. Making more merely makes law abiding citizens weaker and more vulnerable to attack.

                                                                                  I know that all of the animals and plants are found together (with people, with dinosaurs) in the rocks because I have seen it. I know that professional evolutionists deliberately destroy evidence and intentionally write lies because I have witnessed them doing it. I know that geologists don't even correctly categorize basic types of rocks as igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary...nearly everything taught in that field is a lie. Nearly all rocks labels igneous and metamorphic are sedimentary...I know because I can make them. Nearly everything taught in astronomy is a lie. Nearly all pictures from NASA are fake, computer generated images. Images are faked for everything beyond the solar system, and plenty in it as well. Telescopes do not see those things. They cannot make the measurements for distances to stars that they publish...that data is fake. I know because I have done and fully understand every step in the process in creating the fake data for such things.

                                                                                  Energy is not conserved. You never have and never will see an experiment where it is. Instead a fudge factor will be used to cover up the fact that Energy conservation failed...yet this is the foundational idea of all physics and chemistry. Modern science is bunch of crap. Nearly everything you can read about how the physical world works flatly contradicts experiment. People are so blind they even do experiments where they send and receive electromagnetic signals far in excess of light speed and STILL maintain that you cannot exceed "C". Light speed is not the same in different places, not the same over time, not the same directionally...yet everyone thinks that idiot Einstein is the definition of smart. People believe the insane, contradictory garbage of quantum mechanics...when I know that the "magic" of electron diffraction can be done with any size particle. I can easily do it with sand. Physicists were so unfamiliar with reality that when they saw ordinary particle behavior they imagined it was something new.

                                                                                  When the Space shuttle main engine was designed it was constructed fully 37 times and blew up instantly the first times they turned it on. It took 127 tries before it ran for more than 6 seconds. Eventually by countless guesses they finally got it to work. No one understands why. They just keep doing it the same way that finally worked. That is how technology really happens. Science has nothing to do with it. Scientists have almost zero understanding of technology.

                                                                                  If your knowledge comes from professors and from the books they write then all you know is a bunch of modern mythology. Your brain might be good, but it means nothing....because you filled it with lies on top of lies and then more lies. So many lies...that the people who wrote them and told them too you did not even understand they were lying...nor did the morons were who their professors professors...and here you repeat absolute garbage again continuing the chain of misinformation.

                                                                                  I can show you pictures of what I have seen and done...but you would not accept them anyway...because you desperately do not want to believe that what you know is all crap. If you are really so deceived you will have to change who you are and how you live. So you do not want to know. You want to remain ignorant. Ignorance is bliss...until reality bites you in the ass and you die. Then you will know despite all your efforts to believe lies.

                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                    Relentless, what is your ethnicity?


                                                                                      hammerstrikebg22 hours ago
                                                                                      Somebody was talking about a salary of $600. Man, that could be very little in the US or West Europe but people in Eastern Europe and Africa are living with $50 a month, how do imagine these people giving so much money for this service? Btw if the cost is reduced in half there will be much more subscribers, just a hint for the team here.

                                                                                      Halving the cost I guarentee you would not generate more revenue than keeping how it is now. In order for them too make more money they would have too increase their subscriber base by 300%, I don't know the exact amount of people who have plus, I really don't even need it however I am willing to support a website like this, Eventually Valve will lighten up when it comes to community websites and return it to how it was originally intended.

                                                                                      The best deal that they could do has been suggested. $6/month or pay for 3/6/12 month lots at a reduced price. Halving the cost per month is not viable and it's quite ridiculous when it's already cheap.

                                                                                      Woof Woof

                                                                                        .:ne:.Monkeh are you NASA emploeyee by any chance?

                                                                                        Woof Woof

                                                                                          "Monkeh all you know is a bunch of lies you read. And you decided to believe them because they fit your personal philosophy. You have no idea what the evidence really is, and you never will if you don't make a serious personal investigation.

                                                                                          You are a child, naïve, ignorant and foolish. You know so little you that can't tell truth from lies. You are helpless and pathetic and it will never change until you admit to yourself that you are.

                                                                                          I believe in more evolution than you ever have. You have no idea how biology and genetics actually function because nearly everything you can read on the subject is fake. Each basic type of animal has the code in it to make every variation and has had that code since creation. I know it from actually seeing the development of new species....seeing new organs appear in one generation. I know it besides all this because the Designer wrote down that he did it this way...but people are so ignorant of the bible they don't know that such things are in it.

                                                                                          I know how nearly every rock on the surface of the planet is made, because I can do it, have done it. Geologist just make up stories they NEVER experimentally test them. They don't even try because they claim it takes millions of years when such things really take minutes...some seconds. I know how to make oil and coal and natural gas...because I have done it. I know how to produce the natural spectrum of radioactive elements in the rock electrically...your books just make up idiotic fairy tales and every lab everywhere DOES fake their data when they do radiometric dating. Such dates are never used to date anything real because the only people who really do paleontology know its fake. Isochrons and such are ALWAYS self-contradictory giving dates of thousands, millions, and billions in every rock...because really all those isotopes are produced by fusion from piezo-electic pressure creating lighting in the rock.

                                                                                          Scientists lie so much and so often because they do not even believe there is such a thing as truth...they are taught Relativism and hence do not believe there is any problem lieing and faking data because they don't think there is really anything but opinion.

                                                                                          The guns used in Columbine where not only taken by children...but illegally obtained by their extremely irresponsible parents as well...the same is true for not only every mass school shooting but nearly every murder in which a gun is used. Criminals don't care about the laws at all. Making more merely makes law abiding citizens weaker and more vulnerable to attack.

                                                                                          I know that all of the animals and plants are found together (with people, with dinosaurs) in the rocks because I have seen it. I know that professional evolutionists deliberately destroy evidence and intentionally write lies because I have witnessed them doing it. I know that geologists don't even correctly categorize basic types of rocks as igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary...nearly everything taught in that field is a lie. Nearly all rocks labels igneous and metamorphic are sedimentary...I know because I can make them. Nearly everything taught in astronomy is a lie. Nearly all pictures from NASA are fake, computer generated images. Images are faked for everything beyond the solar system, and plenty in it as well. Telescopes do not see those things. They cannot make the measurements for distances to stars that they publish...that data is fake. I know because I have done and fully understand every step in the process in creating the fake data for such things.

                                                                                          Energy is not conserved. You never have and never will see an experiment where it is. Instead a fudge factor will be used to cover up the fact that Energy conservation failed...yet this is the foundational idea of all physics and chemistry. Modern science is bunch of crap. Nearly everything you can read about how the physical world works flatly contradicts experiment. People are so blind they even do experiments where they send and receive electromagnetic signals far in excess of light speed and STILL maintain that you cannot exceed "C". Light speed is not the same in different places, not the same over time, not the same directionally...yet everyone thinks that idiot Einstein is the definition of smart. People believe the insane, contradictory garbage of quantum mechanics...when I know that the "magic" of electron diffraction can be done with any size particle. I can easily do it with sand. Physicists were so unfamiliar with reality that when they saw ordinary particle behavior they imagined it was something new.

                                                                                          When the Space shuttle main engine was designed it was constructed fully 37 times and blew up instantly the first times they turned it on. It took 127 tries before it ran for more than 6 seconds. Eventually by countless guesses they finally got it to work. No one understands why. They just keep doing it the same way that finally worked. That is how technology really happens. Science has nothing to do with it. Scientists have almost zero understanding of technology.

                                                                                          If your knowledge comes from professors and from the books they write then all you know is a bunch of modern mythology. Your brain might be good, but it means nothing....because you filled it with lies on top of lies and then more lies. So many lies...that the people who wrote them and told them too you did not even understand they were lying...nor did the morons were who their professors professors...and here you repeat absolute garbage again continuing the chain of misinformation.

                                                                                          I can show you pictures of what I have seen and done...but you would not accept them anyway...because you desperately do not want to believe that what you know is all crap. If you are really so deceived you will have to change who you are and how you live. So you do not want to know. You want to remain ignorant. Ignorance is bliss...until reality bites you in the ass and you die. Then you will know despite all your efforts to believe lies."

                                                                                          knew i shouldnt read your posts god damn it


                                                                                            Relentless, i just don't understand something, if your using science to take down science, what are you? Realy, all this doesn't make sense.
                                                                                            -> "You have no idea how biology and genetics actually function because nearly everything you can read on the subject is fake. Each basic type of animal has the code in it to make every variation and has had that code since creation."

                                                                                            Science isn't a closed, top secret society, i make it at home, you can do it too, anyone can.
                                                                                            You can say that the new dimensions theory and shit is fake, even big bang theory need 10 other theorys to be true, these that are not proved, but anyways, All the rest is ok science, its true, its all around us.

                                                                                            Energy Conservation surely exists... Thats why you work, your body, everything. If your not transforming matter, it's always conserves itself, but you need to know something about Entropy.

                                                                                            " That is how technology really happens. Science has nothing to do with it. Scientists have almost zero understanding of technology." - So engeenering isnt a science now?
                                                                                            "They cannot make the measurements for distances to stars that they publish...that data is fake." Ok, then you cannot measure the speed of a car, as we do it and many other things that you use in your life. Any person with any little Waves knowledge knows how it works.

                                                                                            But the evolution thing is possible what your saying, but, what does this change? A person with no knowledge of genetics suffers? What's the point in all your saying? If a new guy comes tomorrow and says to us we are all aliens, that came from another world. It doesnt change shit, we are the same.

                                                                                            If your assuming God exists, and all that stuff, i realy don't give a fuck. If i don't belive in all that shit, i'm gonna die? Become poor? Unhappy? How?


                                                                                              No Ted, I don't work for NASA. Would be awsome though.

                                                                                              Relentless. I'm disappointed at your level of personal attacks. There really is no need to be honest, but nvm. This discussion is over. We shall have to agree to disagree. Honestly though, I pity you. Good luck with your tin foil hat wearing and your pointless worship of a non existent diety.


                                                                                                There's nothing like two walls with different opinions.

                                                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                  elefantinho its a matter of semantics. I am not "using science to take down science".

                                                                                                  If science is just a practical understanding of reality based on experience...then fine I'm all for it. When I was in grade school and I first read about these inane ideas that are taught the idea of convention in the solid mantel...I could see they were nonsense...but I thought at the time that perhaps the textbooks and my teachers simply did not explain them well. And so I went on to more and more learning until now I have been through all the undergraduate, post-graduate, and doctoral training anyone could ever care to waste their time doing. Now I know that not only are the ideas stupid and self-contradictory...but the morons who thought them up and teach them regularly fake their supposedly "scientific" studies in vainglorious attempts to convince each other that they know something.

                                                                                                  Its all bullshit. The top experts do not know anymore than my gradeschool fact often I found they knew less because they had memorized and believed a larger quantity of lies.

                                                                                                  Monkeh I don't pity you. You deserve to live your life wallowing in ignorance, imagining that you know what you are doing for the rest of your mayfly like life. I did more than enough to help you already and you did not deserve the tiny bit you got.

                                                                                                  And No elefantinho...Energy conservation is bullshit. That is why the fudge factor for every ulta-specific situation must be experimentally determined to find exactly what amount of energy in any interaction magically appeared or disappeared into one of the various black boxes of "potential". Anyone who has any real understanding of engineering and math will see what I mean. Anyone who is smart enough to understand that...well them I do pity. Because once they have realized that energy is not conserved they are going to really want to know about everything else...and that can destroy their career.

                                                                                                  I will just say this to whoever might be genius enough to comprehend what I said about energy...remember that theoretical explanatory power is entirely irrelevant to functional, practical engineering. Isaac Newton did not believe in forces, certainty not gravity if you read his original writing. Kinematic and Dynamic equations are merely approximate descriptions of behavior. They have nothing behind them. They are simply a mathematical description...and as such there is no problem with the fact that they are long as they are close and applied to appropriate situations. Whenever you interpolate you take a risk. Whenever you extrapolate you take an unreasonable risk. System behavior does not follow the description. The description approximates system behavior...but if you want to know where the as yet undiscovered "potential" energies are you have to test variables that are assumed to be irrelevant.

                                                                                                  ---and don't trust things published in journals. Just do it yourself. Sure it takes longer, but lies move your understanding backwards not forwards.

                                                                                                  Here is another tip from an expert in computational fluid dynamics...water can move sand dunes, wind cannot. There is this little thing called a factor of 1,000 in density. If you want to make them use water...or fake a computer model and pretend wind can do it. Or go read an article somewhere that claims to reference an article that references an article that claims someone did a study where sand dunes moved...they don't and never will unless they are under water again. Anyone with real understanding of fluid dynamics will see that.

                                                                                                  For those of you who like theoretical physics...
                                                                                                  This one is not all lies....just ordinary people making a lot of mistakes and admitting it...a much better source than any textbook you will read.

                                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                    Best thread in dotabuff history. Wow. Just wow.

                                                                                                    Woof Woof

                                                                                                      "Anyone who is smart enough to understand that...well them I do pity. Because once they have realized that energy is not conserved they are going to really want to know about everything else...and that can destroy their career."

                                                                                                      Relentless did NASA fire your ass?