General Discussion

General Discussionbest solo mid in solo matchmaking

best solo mid in solo matchmaking in General Discussion

    so youre playing ap. youre in a pub you cant trust yo0ur team. who do you recommend to choose to go solo mid every time

    Penis Monkey

      silencer is pretty op right now, and he can do just about everything

      Papa Het

        if you are a decent lasthitter... maybe shadowfiend

        Penis Monkey

          if you're not, death prophet is pretty op, q can nuke creeps (make sure enemy hero is behind for damage) and you can rush a tower with level 6, bottle + rune control will allow for constant harass.


            id say slark nyx puck qop

            all of them requires u to be kinda good @ this game

            Woof Woof

              skywrath mage rapes retards like no other


                If you are bad and lazy as me:
                Pick Lich, win lane, at 6 go side lane and get double kill.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  slark but if you are with people who seem ok its pretty easy playing necro mid


                    to: skywrath mage rapes retards like no other
                    just pugna's ward will rape you

                    Woof Woof

                      call mid
                      tell pick to your team
                      pick last

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        Slark no contest! You can win by yourself sometimes.

                        Basically, strong snowball heroes have the most affect.

                        Safe Base

                          Slark +1


                            Noone mentioned batrider? nothing to do here.


                              Best solo mid is Lich. I play solo mid lich and win it every time, even against players far more talented than me. If you do it right, the opposing solo can't even level up. I can pull the lane behind my T1 tower and deny almost all experience. They can go get runes...but what are they really going to do with a rune while stuck at level 2 at 4 min?

                              Now 27-5 with Lich, but I think I have won every game I played it solo mid...maybe 15 games. When the opposing mid solo is level 4 at 8 min and has died twice...that pretty much wins the game.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                they can gank other lanes and snowball out of control doing that ?

                                i win my mid 90% of the time (depending on pics) but then my sidelanes gets raped cuz retards has 0 map awarness and then enemy solo mid gets items /qq


                                  Well there is winning (ie being ahead on cs a bit)...and then there is being level 5 when they are still level 2. They can try to gank a side lane, but they are a level behind the heroes there and if it they come back to face level 7 Lich as a level 2 or 3 hero? I can kill them if I can see them.

                                  Some people know what is coming and have a way of doing some minor jungling to get some xp. But I have kept some melee heroes at level 2 until the 8 min rune spawns. They can't dive behind my tower to get into xp range...they will die if they try it.

                                  I see you have over 90% win on DP. You would probably recognize what I was doing the first time I pulled the lane back and go stack and kill a small jungle camp or something. But most players don't have any idea what to do about it and stand there for a min or so wondering where all the creeps are going. Sometimes people think I am pulling to the jungle and wander around back there and die.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    Really depends what tier you are in, slark is an absolute nightmare for low tier players. When it comes to the higher tier 1v1's, OD wins against every int hero, wrecks almost all strength hero's and mids like Shadow fiend who usually dominate 1v1(not taking into consideration ganks) are stuck with 1-3 souls @ 5 mins

                                    OD is the king of 1v1


                                      good sf wins vs od

                                      Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                        od? LOL
                                        that shit dies in like 4 hits
                                        from any mid hero


                                          OD is easy when you are slark all you have to do is attack him early like first wave early and he cant do shit and will be too poor to buy potions

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            Batrider is kind of good against any hero. There are very little expections that counter him. Same goes for Lone Druid.


                                              With the buff to poison sting, Venomancer could be a really nasty solo mid to try to lane against. I have not tried it yet...but if you maxed sting one harassing attack would do about 75/130/200/300 dmg at levels 1/3/5/7....even with no mana veno could harrass almost any hero out of the lane pretty easily.

                                              By level 7 if veno hits you just have to heal or leave, because you are already low enough to be killed at his convenience.

                                              At level 3 veno should be able to control the lane very well...doing 3 well spaced harass attacks adds up to almost 400 dmg every creep wave. That's just not survivable. If you get low at any point he can gale and finish you off.

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                I used to play a lot of venomancer mid (in top level europe on dota1), he wins a lot of matchup indeed, even if you had sometime to change your build (for example playing ward versus sf is plain stupid). you could do great against bat, using a good micro to last hit with ward while you are far from napalm, and at level 5, you could push against everyone with your ward (but sf :p).

                                                The only hero that always gave me trouble was od, so high attack and good animation, that you have to commit (cause ward will not be good enough), but then he steal mana, and you cann't do shit, also he can kill you level 6.

                                                The early agah + level 11 on venomancer is extremly strong, especially if there's a trilane against you, but in current meta, i don't think he is still worth the mid (unless you have a heavy pushing strat)


                                                  considering how you can't trust your team I'd highly recommend OD. astral imprisonment can be used to escape or initiate from/ on your lane opponent as well as gankers. also high int scaling heroes are often not picked in pub situations. so therefore you'll not only hit like a truck in the late game with a shiva's (highly recommended due to over picking of carries in pub) and a sheep stick. but you're ulti in a team fight will be stupid good as only enig pugna and dazzle scale intelligence better. you'll wreck common carries like drow riki and husk. more importantly PL will be infinitely easier as one well placed ulti will eliminate illlusions. follow with a dust and hes done.


                                                    Best hero mid?

                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                      After Blunt ofc.

                                                      @OP, i suggest you play medusa mid, op n shit you see, totally good at ganking and has 1shotskillofd00m.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        It depends on what the other mid has. If it's an obvious pudge pick go something that counters like qop. Vs a hero who literally can't cast like viper (orb and 2 passives) silencer is an amazing pick because they have no way to drop curse.

                                                        But in a vacuum, I like kunka. Pubs have no idea what to do against his cleavin' ass.

                                                        Bloodseeker is also good for major gank potential, OD is good for all around mid domination, there's tons of good choices. If the other mid is truly awful pudge can snowball pretty easily too. Hell, if the other mid is bad, a sniper will crush with headshots and get all the last hits/denies.

                                                        Player 103543943

                                                          Viper is quite good...

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            OD ... the only hero who beats OD mid is huskar...... and maybe razor ... but cmon who picks razor . Slark cant do shit without mana and od will always have the range advantage.

                                                            A good lich player will be a pain in the ass though.

                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                              I've enjoyed playing TA mid lately, if you get a fast blink dagger you can pretty much roam/assassinate supports. Relatively easy to last hit with, -armor + damage/stealth even tho it's in one place, psi blades harass is annoying and extends far beyond melee if you're good at positioning yourself. I don't think I'd call it the best but it does well against a fair amount of matchups and refraction is great tank/damage output and she probably transitions better into lategame than some of the more gimmicky mids. It's also a good pickup if you really don't want there to be only one carry on your team which sometimes happens in pubs (at least for me).


                                                                Slark wins games


                                                                  Viper beats OD too


                                                                    huskar/centaur/bloodseeker/axe/sniper/druid/weaver/venomancer/broodmother/razor/enigma/pugna/batrider/darkseer > od


                                                                      Depends on skill bracket but like most strong mid heroes atm are like : Bs,Slark,Akasha,Sf,Huskar,Ta,Od,Viper,Storm..but any of them can be countered as well so depends on so many lvls = )


                                                                        nyx solo mid works wonders until mid tier very high games, especialy if u solo q there are rarely sentries.

                                                                        You must constant gank from lvl 6, carry tps, get talisman, arcane, wand dagon if ur doing good.
                                                                        If there is no sense for dagon get mek/blink/urn.
                                                                        Pay atention to use of spiked carapace, extremly good skill.

                                                                        It gets harder to be effective in top games but its not ur problem for now.

                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                          storm spirit


                                                                            batrider hands on.
                                                                            this dude just shits on most common mid picks. specially pudge

                                                                            Downhill Dave

                                                                              I know this is an old thread, but the Veno mid comment is interesting. It's easy to win the lane, but rather tough to snowball IMO. What build do you recommend for something like this, Relentless? Arcane into sceptor? Shadow Blade?

                                                                              Non-standard mid heroes interest me.. I'll have to watch some of your Lich mid games as well.


                                                                                try leshrac he can solo kill enemy heros / push towers / and has great teamfight but he is kinda squichy and pretty bad nowadays ;:D


                                                                                  QoP and Storm Spirit are one of the top choices for me mainly for the reason they can gank other lanes and escape initiations by enemy fairly easily.


                                                                                    Bane in a solo matchup is scary.
                                                                                    - Has some of the highest starting stats.
                                                                                    - Pretty durable for an int hero.
                                                                                    - Can lower your damage to the point where you might as well heal your enemies per hit.
                                                                                    - Amazingly powerful pure damage lifestealing nuke that can quite easily turn around many situations early.
                                                                                    - Nightmare can disable you for ages allowing Bane to escape or turn around a two-man gank pretty convincingly with use of his abilities.

                                                                                    Here is the damage he can do in a 1v1 situation, shift queuing Brain Sap after Fiend's Grip.
                                                                                    These values are after reduction, don't forget that Fiend's Grip steals mana and Brain Sap steals health. (Aghs damage)
                                                                                    Level 6: 605 (1044)
                                                                                    Level 7: 675 (1114)
                                                                                    Level 11: 881 (1429)
                                                                                    Level 16: 1106 (1718)

                                                                                    In a pub you should be fine, you'll hardly invoke a TP reaction if you start to Fiend's Grip the pesky Shadow Fiend that you've harassed down to a health where you can solo him with a Fiend's Grip. But, Bane can't semi-carry or carry very well, he is more of an anti-mid hero. Whenever your Fiend's Grip is off cooldown try and secure a kill, keep a good idea of who you can easily kill with your damage, with this damage you could easily solo a lot of heroes, especially if you rush an Aghs.

                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                      Axe, seriously. Only thing that outlanes axe is SF.


                                                                                        Tinker is pretty solid.

                                                                                        SMELLY APE

                                                                                          not really, axe pushes lane and gives enemy more cs and xp, imo slark is probably the best mid because most people underestimate his killing power and once he is outleveling others , its hard to stop him (4 sec cd self-purge, 8 sec cd leap, not to mention the incredible low manacost of these skills). here are some very high bracket games i played (solo queue):
                                                                                 <-- even lost mid in this one but 2 solo kills gave me a huge adavantage again

                                                                                          another option might be lone druid, doesnt get countered by OD, can rune control easily, can do decent harass, pull enemy wave away with bear to push, RNG gaming entangles, blah blah blah etc
                                                                                          only downside is u cant gank with this hero and ur team will most likely blame u if ur team is losing.

                                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                            "Only thing that outlanes Axe is SF." This is the most retarded thing I have heard in a while.

                                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                                              Sorry but how can slark win against OD mid ? after 3 or 4 stacks slark will have 13 mana ..... 13 .

                                                                                              OD has 315 movement speed is ranged and 5 armor at lvl 1.....


                                                                                                Does Dark Pact remove the intelligence debuff maybe?


                                                                                                  vorksnak maybe+

                                                                                                  Sōu ka

                                                                                                    if it's captains draft I'll always firstban vroksnak
                                                                                                    especially when i play with scandal

                                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                                      "Does Dark Pact remove the intelligence debuff maybe?"

                                                                                                      It does ? That would be OP as shit.

