General Discussion

General DiscussionSamples of games with big kill leads and still lost?

Samples of games with big kill leads and still lost? in General Discussion

    dier_amphibian, twas 4v5 game from the start, so it was fair when we even got rosh. Puck was a trashcan.

    waku waku
      turns out that having a terrible team of random players is worse than an even worse team with a 3-stack

      Bad Intentions

        ^ahhh u even use sb there, i like sb :], but that game took too long tho

        waku waku

          well duh, nobody wants to push in pub games, they'd rather rosh
          i'm having a really bad day today and i can only hope it is not my fault


            "Here you have some more close and interesting games Vuk:

            The first one was not really interesting. A mistake at the first blood attempt and the huge advantage reduced to a minor advantage. After that some minor mistakes from both sides then you stomped them hard after some won skirmishes.

            The second one: You always had the upper hand. You only let them believe that they have a chance played slowly and a little sloppy here and there.

            BTW do you prefer these games or the usual 5-15 min stomps?


              I prefer the long ones.


                Then why don't you play other (5-men stack) strats that will more likely last longer?


                  Accept my friendinvite and I'll explain you.

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