Its kinda strange, because even he creeped 100% of waves, and get really fast BF to go jungle too, its impossible to hit more than 1k per minute. But i think cristal maiden feeded him with wards, she just buy sentrys and he just sell. Its 50% of rilay gold. Rilay dont need itens because she is good enough with her aura, so i guess that is what happened.
you can get that cs without treants and without teammates stacking and without furion pushing lanes back but without those things it's pretty close to perfect cs and he had time to get a few kills too so i guess he got some treants
before the patch and the changed towergold best gpm you could do in a singleplayer game that lasts about 28 min is ~1.2k gpm with am
Maybe, allied team can't stack that fast for him, so enemy team helped him
btw, his GPM/net worth is rly low compared to the cs he got <-- Game for me, I had only 340 last hits, and I had same net worth
PS. I dced for 7 minutes that game
no its not low and why are you linking a game that's lasting 50 min you got fucking issues
i just played a singleplayer game am and finished the game with ~500cs at 28 min with suboptimal item build i guess
if the prophet spams his ult and uses treants to push out lanes then he can easily get that cs, if his team's not taking too much space on the map
I posted that, because, I got MUCH lower amount of last hits, though higher net worth, maybe the kills might be the reason, but they would give me only 2-3k gold, nothing more, he had 150 more last hits, yet lower net worth
I think he might have feeded on treants, and that might be the reason why his net worth is so damn low (compared to the amount of CS he got)
It looks rigged, have a look at all the other times he plays Antimage, cs are quite normal:
you do know you get gold from murdering buildings right and his high cs indicates little time wasted on things like lasthitting raxes (which gives you a lasthit too, but it's not efficient if you want as much cs as possible)
then theres passive gold
theres roshan
and yes you get little money from killing treants or the small camps while getting lots of lasthits
what the fucks your problem
The only times he got that high of cs was when there was a NP on the enemy team. I looked at all the Antimage games.
There was another guy that stacked NP against Kunkka last month.
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
unless NP feeded all his treants to antimage, thatt would be impossible