General Discussion

General DiscussionAds on this website

Ads on this website in General Discussion

    I've never felt the need to use adblock before, but the half naked girls taking up half the screen on this website caused 2 awkward situations already. All I'm trying to do is look up Dota 2 stats. If I wanted to jack off, I'd visit a porn website.

    Do people even click on those ads? I think the site would get more clicks on ads about equipment like a gaming keyboard or a gaming mouse.

    I enjoy using this website and would love to allow ads to come up to support it, but the anime girls in underwear forced me to install adblock.


      Wut, where, girls, NAKED ?!?!
      WHERE ?!?!


        "but the anime girls in underwear forced me to install adblock."

        What the fuck is wrong with you?


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