General Discussion

General DiscussionStarting a new clan called FF

Starting a new clan called FF in General Discussion

    Hello im starting a new clan and thus making me the leader of this new clan. If u wanna join, just type in the thread or addd me in steam and i will add u to the clan if u meet up to the requirements. FF stands for fast finish, we gonna aim to win games <25 mins

    here are the requirements to join:

    - No Intentional feeding - unless nessecary ofc
    - No Multiclanning
    - No backstabbing
    - Flaming is allowed if your teammates are playing like fucking retards, but only flame opponents if they are being some bunch of arrogant stubborn bitches

    Looking fwd to see u!


      Maybe you should play solo a little more to get better also you cant find anyone here for your team. People here think they are best if you have better win rate than others you are a fucking smurfer, tryhard if you have worse win rate they will think you are a bronze scum and noob.


        why would i play solo with completely rtrded noobs lol


          So you are claiming you are none?

          Arthas 2

            nice feed... 0-31-14 with a 50 min game.


              hahahahahaahga that dotabuff profile


                because of a few bad games, im all of a sudden a noob? WOW! get real!



                  maverick 0-31-14 with skywrath is okay depending on the game, i supported all game bought wards and supported bounty hunter lane by doing good things like stacking and pulling, so its okay u idiot. Dendi the worlds best dota player has lots of deaths too but is still owning like a king, he died 25 times in a game but still dominated the game like a boss just like i do all game go watch my games i play really good, they all focused me instead of bounty hunter so we won the game coz of my good initation that got me killed all the time


                    yea but you had 0 kills which is clearly not dominating?

                    TriDrex The First

                      Completely retarded teammates... Let's ignore your amazing W/L ratio at 35%?


                        Yeah i have 35% coz i get matched with completely retarded teammates u get it???? okay?? thats why i wanna get a team that is pro now. JESUS! l2read!


                          Add me up! You seem very skilled!!


                            hahahagagaga add mee please u look so goood .

                            Penis Monkey

                              May i just ask how old you are? if you do not wish to disclose that's fine.


                                I hope you find people to carry you, you obviously need them.


                                  i thought FF stands for forfeit.


                                    you guys can't see a troll even if he will stand in your way


                                      lololol omggg. this kid looking to form a clan with his 35% wr and 1.5 average kda


                                        Your game lasted for 40 whole minutes and all you could gather was a boot and a tp scroll? -.-


                                          BAD GREEN TROLL


                                            NoT Sure if troll or just extremely bad and idiot combination

                                            Safe Base

                                              LOL too obvious but still funny


                                                Im wondering how he manages to die 30 times in 40 mins, he must be dead 85% of the game time lol


                                                  He got the game in the wrong way, he thinks dying is ur job as a support


                                                    seriously this post made my day


                                                      @OP, who the hell got u here, I want to call qaeda to deal with him !

                                                      Penis Monkey






                                                        oh man these builds...

                                                        the thing that intrigues me is that in some games his farm is ok, like this one...


                                                        Radiance, Vanguard and Power treads at 27 mins isn't horrendous for a noob, and then there's those above...

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          he was fed, he had 95 last hits only, but its ok farm, he got 4-6 games where he owned, rest r all, 4/132/12, or something near

                                                          Ming (Zufälliger König)


                                                            Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                              op's bad ass o wickedness, IS OVERPOWERED

                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                              Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                fuck i hate to admit, you're an even worst trash compared to that rape guy


                                                                  You disgust me, you go 0/31 as sky wrath and you still won that match cause bounty carried you. uninstall please. you should not have won that match your Win rate should be like 10 percent the 30% win rate is from people carrying you as you only seem do have done well in 2 matches.


                                                                    If you have nothing good to say, why do u even bother posting? You clearly didnt watch the game, i initiated with SWM with silence and tanked all the hits this prevented me from having any gold at all as well as very bad stats. Yes bh is fat and farmed as fuark, but why? Because i supported him like a little baby. Watch the laning phase, did bh have any trouble getting last hits or anything? No he clearly did not, he was free farming and i wasnt even taking away xp from him (or gold but thats pretty obvious)


                                                                      Seems legit


                                                                        Watch the game, then come back and post if u feel like it.


                                                                          wowww i think you are the best support i ever seen. pliz add mey i wanna join for forfiet


                                                                            The 1 - 18 tiny, was it support too?


                                                                              No i gotta say i played bad there. Had a little lag and had to do laundry. So what? Everyone on my team played terribly


                                                                                Hmm, must be a troll thread

                                                                                Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                                  this guy fed intentionally for 16mins and still less deaths than you

                                                                                  i dont know man


                                                                                    we need more threads like this please its fun !


                                                                                      Lets stay, I bet you drag me down to lowest level :D


                                                                                        There is no purpose in dying 31 times in order to initiate why are you even playing skywrath as an initiator in the first place? and if you are dying that many times you are doing more harm than good to be honest.


                                                                                          Why all the flame? He is just a not-so-good dota player looking for buddy to team up with.
                                                                                          Please be tolerant to players from various skill brackets.


                                                                                            So I should be tolerant towards u?
                                                                                            jk, if u low skilled, u don't have to come to a forum full of arrogant ppl, because u will for sure get bashed..


                                                                                              Dat troll

                                                                                              Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                                                i watched his skywrath game, after first blood i stopped watching
                                                                                                he just stood there like a retard letting weaver hit him

                                                                                                and when the creep swarmed him he still stood there not giving any fucks and try to get last hits.

                                                                                                oh and he started with no items.

                                                                                                conclusion, dont waste your time with op. he's a complete retard


                                                                                                  hahahahaha sounds like one.


                                                                                                    ill join your clan :)


                                                                                                      YOU'RE FUCKING TRASH


                                                                                                        add me Sir Jason.

                                                                                                        Ming yeah of course i let Weaver kill me, wow are u serious dude? I didnt let him "kill me"