General Discussion

General DiscussionNew European Team

New European Team in General Discussion

    Hey there!

    My name is Mads, I am from Denmark.
    I am planning starting a new team, and of cause a team need members.
    So if you want to play on a serious active team, on European servers, this is fro you!

    You have to...
    -be able to play on European servers, without delay.
    -speak/type English, in Latin letters of cause.
    -be an experienced player to Dota 2, with knowledge of heroes, items and map.
    -be flexible with hero roles (Carry, Support, initiate... etc.)
    -Be available 1 to 3 Noons a weak

    I want a flexible team who can think reasonable, a team who works together without discussion, a team with good win/lose spirit.

    If you are interested, add me. Team name and stuff like that will be discussed as/if the team will be founded.

    I can be reached at:
    Steam: Leverpostej
    Skype: pfp_SlowDown


    Hope to hear from you soon.
    Have a nice day :)


      Sounds reasonable, I'm slightly concerned at your sub 50% win rate and the fact you are in low-mid tier games, however, consider me signed up for now.

      If you want to trial game me feel free, or just watch some of my replays.


        it would be great :) add me, we will talk some more


          ofcourse **


            Hey if you still looking for members and or you want to give your team a competitive experience, register for my tournament. Lots of players looking for teams and the tournament will be casted by various youtube personalities like Pyrion Flax. There is also prizemoney and potential sponsorship from various sponsors. Join up and have fun.