I can see you are new around here, so let`s just do simple math:
Cost of the shadow blade- 3000 gold.
Cost of dusts = 180
You can buy 3000/180=16 dusts * 2 = 32 uses of dust.
So, you need to waste 32 uses of dust in order for sb user to gain full benefit of the item.
By full benefit I mean his successful usage of that item let it be for initiation or escape.
Agaisnt initiation type of sb users (Troll,etc), sentries and gem is better - you don't know when and where they going appear from, so constant vision is required. For escape kind of sb(sniper,drow,etc) dusts are the best because you know where the enemies are when they go invi.So your enemy just wasted 3000 gold on the item that you can counter up to 32 times without going past 3000. Not to mention, the kills you will get from that hero that is relying on shadow blade- and the amount of money that they will lose. Oh yeah, and failed ganks, and so many tears.
Respect the support ;)
i have never seen a score like that ever. 81 kills from dire, and only one from radiant? were you guys on shrooms that day?
Made me laugh so hard.
To be fair, it appears he left the game... and a retarded void kept it alive to be fountain farmed (probably suicided his team into other team)
Further proof is the number of deaths verse kills (92deaths on radiant and only 81kills on dire)
EDIT: And I would have pointed out Terrible's game of 4/24 ... except his team was winning... and he is not the carry. >_> People in glass houses eh?
Yea, when u pick up heroes like pugna on the first time its tough, everyone has shitty games ;D
sb is not only escape item. It gives decent as/ms and damage. Price was fine before remake, but it is really cheap now.
Well, SB is a must for some heroes, like Sniper. Not in every game ofc, but it is useful.
And if u are playing as a support then dont be greedy buy dust and other type of vision. You can even buy a gem for a carry or other person that plays with a hero that has built-in invis like BH, Rikimaru. So they wont drop it that easy, (unless they will also be countered by dust, wards, etc...)
SB is really hard to explain because it all comes to the team coordination both your as well as the opponents team, and a proper use of the item, as it has a cd, and it is very easy to counter.
Also dota is not like LoL. Who cares that countering invis costs, and is annoying you need to have an advantage over enemy, even if it comes to forcing them to buy vision, thats the point man.
+ The info provided by The Terrible. All of this covers the topic of SB.
Why are u stalking The Terrible, when you performed a lot more worse that him. This puts you into kinda pathetic position, not only you are not even trying to answer the topic question but you are also spamming the forums with useless posts. Get your shit together and stop crying on forums man.
If someone is not performing well in particular game that does not mean he is complete rubbish, and he lack the informations about game mechanics, and items. He was just unable to make a proper execution of him knowledge / skill thats all. If you would judge a person by pointing out mistakes, or bad games that he had in the past, then you would be in crappy situation. Think about it man.
Lol sb hard to counter its like saying bkb is hard to counter..
Items are all balanced and good.
Maybe cd for sb is fast thats why usually with dust cant manage to kill.
Get a gem kill that hero 3 times and u get back ur gem amount.
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
Don't you think so? In my honest opinion,spamming with it is a coward play.
and to counter the invi, purchasing dust@ward@gem might be annoying + waste of money LOL