General Discussion

General Discussioncan anyone actually own with broodmother?

can anyone actually own with broodmother? in General Discussion
❤ Ashley ❤

    murs has a group which he pub stomps with, if he plays solo he will lose lol


      When the game?

      Autism is great

        ^^ true but hes top notch pub player anyways


          Murs is a gd player, Vaikiss is a great player, but i think both of them r pubs players still, i know murs play for inphinity+4, but still they cant manage to achieve anything, STILL they both r gd players, better than like 99.9% of the players, or just top of the world..


            ...right wins 4PL cup over 256 teams 7 of them invited pro teams, that's nothing...

            Vaikiss is a 99.9th percentile player, but he is not nearly as good as Murs. Its not close. I guess its hard for some people to tell the difference between a 1 in 1000 player and 1 in 100,000 player. It not a big diffrence, but look -------------------

            My reaction time of 0.5 seconds and the time it takes for me to position a mouse and click precisely of about 0.8 sec....that will lose to Vaikiss who can react in about 0.25 and position correctly and click in 0.5.

            Similarly he will pretty much always lose to Murs who can react in about 0.1 seconds and position and click in 0.3. Especially if they played on a LAN, Murs would beat him in solo lanes 9 of 10 times. Vaikiss can practice all he wants but his fingers will never magically become those of a Virtuoso. And I will never be as fast as Vaikiss. Maybe many of you just don't think about it in those terms but this is the same reason that only a tiny handful of people are the professional athletes or musicians. Nearly all people flat out CANNOT do it. Of course pros still have to practice, but if you don't have pro talent no amount of practice and knowledge matter.

            Watch pro replays, slow down the clock to 0.25 speed. Do the same for your own games. Compare how they handle the hero to someone in a pub. Not teamwork, or decisions, those all come with experience...just can they actually click the buttons. When you have played for over 500 games your skill with selecting a position and clicking with a mouse is not going to get any better. You have already practiced millions of times and maxed out your skills. But watch what people do. Most players take over 1 second to decide to do anything and maybe 1.5 to 2 seconds to actually click to do it. And before you all get all defensive remember I said MOST PLAYERS, not you and your 85th percentile Gold rating.

            This is why you get those teamfights where your super farmed nub sniper does no dmg, because he spent 2 seconds moving around trying to decide what to do, then 2 seconds trying to click assassinate, then decided to run for it because the team was dieing. Later on after he has disconnected his hero gets a triple kill autoattacking from the fountain.

            This is why people still miss lasthits when free farming alone. For most people accurately clicking their mouse is very hard. In fact this is why many just want to autoatattack, because they can't lasthit very well no matter how hard they try and its frustrating to keep failing at it. And there is still an important difference even between a player like Vaikiss and one like Murs. In games where the diffrence between 0.3 seconds and 0.5 seconds to click decides who wins...(pro games) Murs can compete. Vaikiss cannot. This is why The International is played on a LAN. 100 milliseconds delay actually changes the play for top players like Dendi, Ferrari, and TC.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
            tveni tveni

              how do i rate on ur scale relentless, am i legit


                I have not watched any of your games and since your posts all nearly all trolls it would not be wise to waste my time on it.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                tveni tveni

                  omg :(


                    If you seriously want to know you don't need my opinion. Just do what I said and watch your replays. You are good at Niax. If you want to see how you really compare to the best find a replay of Liquid TC playing Naix. Watch his perspective on 0.25 speed. Watch yourself the same way. Then you will know.


                      this guy talks so much rubbish, it even puts clan_iraq to shame

                      edit: and when it comes to pub games, chuan > everyone you can think of (disregarding cheap ass wisp stackers). 1v5 iG stack with pudge? no problem. 1v3 in offlane with wisp and have almost the same CS (during laning stage) as the free farming spectre on his team while also getting something like 6 kills? No worries.

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        Well IG.Chuan was certainly the best support player in the world as of 3 months ago. He still may be, but others have improved. I am really impressed by Chuan's map and battle awareness. He always seems to know what the enemy will do before they do it. His dexterity is not comparable to the most talented players but he makes up for it by reacting to things before they happen like a jedi. When you watch him super-slow you see it clearly. He is moving to counter some guy blinking in BEFORE he blinks - its unreal. He ports in to countergank just before the smoked gankers come out of fog over and over, selects to cast his counter stun just before the animation of the enemy stun begins.

                        Incidentally Loda does those same sort of things, but he rarely plays support. I once saw Loda back-arrow and leap away from Doom so that he landed doomed (and safe behind his tower) surviving on 15 hp when doom ended. He had got low tanking creeps specifically to bait out the doom cast. Then bottled up, turned around and killed doom. He doesn't solo mid much but when he does he just makes other pros look like nubs.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          I'm better and bm is weak in dota 2. Haven't checked the specifics but she is clearly weaker.