General Discussion

General DiscussionLose Service

Lose Service in General Discussion
∞ regen

    This kid is really bad at dota. Don't bother paying him, he is just lvl 1 roshing. Anybody can do it, it is a free win. The difference, is that if you do it you should know how to play ursa, at least a little bit. This kid doesn't.

    And to top it off he is also an ass.



      you're willing to work for an average of $5~ an hour. (although you're not getting real cash, you're getting keys).

      and you asked other people if they dropped out of school?

      I envy you and your business. I wish I could pay for my life style with dota keys.


        hahaha bring more hate i love it :DDD

        btw i dare anyone to surpass my winrate without playing with the 60%+ stacks like all the other guys above me. Prease, all ursa doto experts, show me ur madskillz!


          You get so excited over a game and how much you win..

          Tell me what you have accomplished in real life, I'm intrigued.


            why does the fact that you are in a public high school have anything to do with this = =
            I'm more intrigued at your ability to completely ignore your despicable stats and speak up to a veteran like me like you know what you're doing with your imbecile efforts to relate this topic with real life.

            tl;dr go back to play riki with ur 50%


            btw, dont play with infiniteregen, he's only gna feed with veno :'(

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              the fact that he had more gold than most of his team is saying it all. he is most likely a better player than you, you have an overall of what? 50 LH at minute 20... i dare you to find a competent player who can get a force staff/ghost scepter/eul/halberd and still stomp

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                teach me plz 47%

                TikTok Uncle

                  very csb


                    not sure if this is obvious, but if you just filter his games, you can see the last match he played in 'Very High' bracket was on January 26 where he went 4-9 with ursa and lost.... not hating just think its funny lol


                      ^ +1 for the lulz.


                        Bump thread for justice. Let the good times never end.

                          კომენტარი წაიშალა

                            soo sad...


                              not sure if this is obvious, but if you just filter his games, you can see the last match he played in 'Very High' bracket was on January 26 where he went 4-9 with ursa and lost.... not hating just think its funny lol

                                კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                  Not sure if this is obvious, but if you just filter his games, you can see the last match he played in the 'Very High' bracket was on January 26 where he went 4-9 with ursa and lost.... he's so cute


                                    + he plays on us servers where skillcap is so much lower

                                    tango fountain

                                      ^grats tho just beat empire twice the both times they met

                                      ∞ regen

                                        You are right, I feed with veno. Good job, ace detective. The fact is, I'm not very good at this game.

                                        And I still stomped you. You are bad, really bad. If you weren't lvl 1 roshing, you would lose most of your games, games which are played at low skill anyways.


                                          +1 cos i had a blast reading this thread :)

                                          thanks all !

                                          srek.rl (LFT)

                                            #D3viLisHDOTA, you must be a goold pub player, next dendi for sure....

                                            face it bro, you will never be more then a pub player, and I like how you think you like hate, but you are probably crying right now, because you know, deep down, you are nothing more than a carry player playing peopl with 25-100 wins. Sorry my man.


                                              The Ursa player think he's good 'cause he can beat low skilled shrimps.
                                              Gratz dude, when you win your first 200 games give me a shout. Newbie.
                                              Oh, btw, good job wasting your time visiting everyones profile and showing a bad game, your detective skills, as your game skills, are unrivaled.




                                                  omg... i cant belive i read the whole thread ._.


                                                    So much hate :(




                                                        Bring back dbr or disband plz
                                                        I wan dat #1-3 spot


                                                          hahahahaha funny guys..



                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!