General Discussion

General DiscussionSimple logic behind Valve's actions

Simple logic behind Valve's actions in General Discussion

    I dont get why people dont realize easiest things, but I will explain how it is then:

    Gaben wants money from newbs buying cosmetics -> no stats so newbs cant cry or be told they are newbs and they may leave the game -> db creates stats -> Gaben feels mad and does everything to stop db

    It is so fucking easy to understand. I just dont get why you people argue about some interfaces, rights and point of the universe. Learn to think over the whole thing, so you wont be decieved.


      You missed the problem. If "pro" players (actually kids with high rating) didn't flame newbs based on rating - newbs wouldn't leave and Dota2 would have had the ratings already. It's kinda funny you are part of the reason why you won't get what you want. Oh wait, that's almost always the case in life.


        I would never flame newbs if this trashcans didnt get in almost every game with me. Its all about shitty Gaben's matchmaking, not me. L2think.

        Righteous Path

          Poor poor fail troll...

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            Im still waiting for akonnriddick to reveal his stats. Till then, ure just a scum.


              Sorry, I tried to help you. I guess we won't get ratings after all.

              Chen Centaur Challenge

                We will get ratings. At some point valve will make MMR available. That has always been the plan. However, they were wise enough not to release it before they are confident that it is accurate. What they really want to avoid with this DBR conflict is that people will be able to see whatever flaws still exist in MMR by comparring to DBR. Although I would say the vast majority of my games the teams seem fair enough that either team could win we all know that sometimes matches are hopelessly lopsided. Valve wont release MMR until they get all the problems worked out.

                Im not surprised at all that they have not got it done yet. Its an extremely difficult problem. In fact because of the additional constraint of people wanting games to start asap after joining a que it can be unsolvable. A truly good match may simply not exist within 5 min of queing, much less the 2 min or less ppl would prefer.

                One thing I really did like, before Dotabuff got restricted was that I could see clearly that most of those games that seemed stacked were not. What happened when one team got stomped was just that they happend to have 3 players pick heros they were bad at while the other team got all 5 players on a hero they knew well. Only maybe 1 game in 20 truly appeared to be a failure of matchmaking. The skill and experience varies so widely from one hero to the next. For instance I am 18-3 with Lich, 9-1 Spectre, 11-3 Bloodseeker, 12-4 Zues. I know these heros forwards and backwards and have hundreds of games of practice with them in Dota 1. But I am 1-7 Kunka, 1-6 Slark, 0-6 Puck. I played those heros hardly at all in Dota 1 probably use the wrong skill and item builds and dont have a good sense of how to play them. But my MMR is the same whatever hero I take.


                  i dont need dbr to flame bad players. Just see them playing is enough. Bad player for me is about 1950- dbr but ok.


                    Diamond 1950+ ~ 1%
                    Platinum 1450-1949 ~ 23%
                    Total: >>>24%<<<

                    Gold 1200-1449 ~ 31%
                    Silver 900-1199 ~ 33%
                    Bronze 0-900 ~ 12%
                    Total: >>>76%<<<


                    let's not be naive...

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა