General Discussion

General Discussion[EU]Play To WIn

[EU]Play To WIn in General Discussion

    bring up my post


      add me i used to have 56% win rate like 1 month ago and now i fell to 54% i need to bust it up a bit xD


        if u want to play im your men! sick of playing with low pub




            hi, me maybe not good english but i play good, plez add and follow at my twittor

            tveni tveni


              Vaikiss 5 man stack gud pleyrs, no lvl 1 rosh with drow no win :S :S


                5 randoms vs 5 tryhard picks

                and still raped u in mid

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                tveni tveni

                  Ye, random ppl vs a 5 man team. Randomed qop with null and +12 damage getting outfarmed by storm, go watch replay, I can bet my balls I had more CS than you from start until I left the lane. Maybe ask your teammates to pool you a bottle next time so it's even buddy. You know I raped you in 1v1 every time we played anyway

                  Go play more 5 man drow push tryhards, you ain't good for anything else :>


                    Riki and WD are now tryhard picks


                      fuck youself


                        congratz u so gut player u won with nonick+ some other guy + another 2 guys who que together(stack of 3 +2) vs me + 4 pub scrubs (2 guys that played with me like 100 games each and 2 guys i started playing that same day)

                        against our 5 random instapick oh and lets not forget that my internet dropped at like minute 15 and they had to play 4v5 ever since then BUT yeah u stronk pls teach me

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                        tveni tveni


                          Sick rape mid bro, randomed qop with null 10 base damage over storm gets shit on. The game was over way before you rage quitted though. So you call your friends that you played 50 games with just this month ''pub scrubs'', while you lose mid to storm as a randomed qop? And then you rage quit while you're in a 5 man stack, very nice, I wonder who would stack with you lol

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                          Ming (Zufälliger König)

                            now kiss!


                     duo mid storm 56 base damage and witchdoctor 100 base damage with dd on him duo mid zoning me out of lane ? nice top cliff ward too tryhards

                     killing u in lane when suddently TP support from same tryhard wd which was in ur stack ? (9 cs at that point remnant mana cost 70 mana 400 mana lost so u used 6 remnants at that point of the game / u can get 2 creep kills atleast with each remnant)

                              so how come i didin't won mid lane lmao the only cs u got was from static remnants and the time when i was zoned out from lane due being 2 versus 1

                              yeah i call my friends pub scrubs becouse i have 100 games played with them during last 2 months and none of the trlane guys has any "competitive" dota experience

                              so lets see "aggresive trilane" with pudge panda and tuskar (roflmao) vs random rubick random riki both 850 gold and witchdoctor

                              want me to find replays of 1v1 tours in xpam where i raped u ?

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                              tveni tveni


                                You're so bad pls, zoning you out, he hit you once and then went on his lane, he was on lane for 10 seconds maybe. That TP didn't change anything, you think I'd die from your SS with 2 bottle charges and a salve? I was already out of your range when he TPed, but go, more excuses. WD zoning me for 10 seconds lol GG lane! QQ you use remnant storm op pls nerf he win every mid :(

                                They've got no comp dota experience? What's yours? DLG pubs? Xpam IHRL? Hahahah, stop it reto, you haven't had a team once, you're a pubber for years, and a delusional one that thinks he's any good.

                                What does that trilane have to do with you losing mid with randomed qop with 10 more base damage? Lol. You caught up in CS once I already ganked your team 5 times on the other lanes while you were sitting mid catching up to imba remnant storm farm.

                                Go find those replays, they don't exist. As far as I recall you won me once with razor, and I won you like 2-3 times and once you forfeited and didn't wanna play. Go embarass yourself more, I'm having fun anyway


                                  Add me for tryout if you play tonight


                                    as far as i remmember we won vs u in SS tour ? didin't we (random ppl together)

                                    and actually ur the one whos pubber for years where did u played ur "Irock" team with nonick and other serbs ? :D :D :D and ur posts here is clear example of that typical pubber braging how he won pub game against this one guy and his 5 man stack even tho we were throwing games that day multiple times in a row (check tide and kunkka games couple hours ago before that)

                                    yeah ur best i really hope someday i will reach your level

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                    tveni tveni

                                      Hmm, a shit ton of leagues and scrims? And you? ''Hueheuh I'm vaikiss, SL3 dotalicious and xpam 1v1 pubstar, looking for ppl to play 5 man drow lvl 1 roshan''

                                      Oh you were throwing now? :D Please, any more excuses? Lag? Rain outside? Your cat jumped on the keyboard? You're a trashcan player? Oops, not the last one, sry my mistake.

                                      Btw there's nothing to brag about really, I'm just entertaining myself laughing at you

                                        კომენტარი წაიშალა
                                        Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                          why dont u 2 girls have a rematch.


                                            i didin't said we were throwing that game but we definetly weren't playing seriouslee

                                            and i play more scrims in a week than u in a fucking month so go brag somewhere else about ur scrims ONLY ss player who can brag about having some more comp experience is Tay with his team playing in defence and losing every single game there And doomix by being standin in fnatic eu multiple times

                                            Btw Y U SO MAD ? whats up with this hostility against me as far as i remember u used to pick me in every game of ss while being as captain ? i mean wtf why would u pick trash player like me if im so bad ?

                                            tveni tveni

                                              c124324325 random retard why do you post if you don't even play the game lol? Nobody asked for a random bob's opinion here, sorry

                                              Vaikiss you're a decent player, fine, I'll tell you that. What's the problem is your attitude. I posted that game and I knew you're going to make 500 excuses blaming everything but yourself for the loss. You'll even lie about winning mid, you call your friends pub scrubs... the fuck? You're way too arrogant calling everybody shit left and right, that's what's the problem. Even if you were the best player in the world that wouldn't be tolerable at all. You're deleting people here after 1 game, whoa, why even add them? Expected to meet a competitive player over dotabuff forum? Duh, just be a better person instead of whining and rage quitting when you lose games and you'll be having tons of good people to play with


                                                im not blaming them we knew we lost ever since minute 5 and yes im deleting people after 1 game becouse i see how bad they are and i don't want to play with bad people in my team also deleting ppls who r not communicating ingame but thats my problem if im picky with who i want to play

                                                from those 4 guys i played with only 1 was/is in a team rest just plays casual pubs on daily basis so yeah they are pub scrubs and they can admit that theirselves

                                                and yes u can find decent players in this "Forums" but they are rare compared to amount of noobs around

                                                i never ever ragequitted when losing games

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                big dick player pussy slayer

                                                  vaikiss i a lithuanian super star in dota LOL.He doesnt have any friends besides his dota friend mantux and he is a total arogant ass.Although he is probably the best lt player no one likes him because he thinks that he is a god in this game.THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME!

                                                  MisS_MAtr0nic s33s tr@sh PpL

                                                    You can add me on this acc.It is not a high end one (about 200 hrs) cause of work obligations but i had numerous others with a total of about 800-900 hrs and have been playing D1 for more than 8 years before that.Teamspeak is a go for me.Playing positions of long lane suicide solo and secondary support and trying out the solo midZ for some time now (hence the low stats.).Thanks in advance if you decide to add or accept the add or whatevZ.


                                                      'Although he is probably the best lt player'
                                                      Acanthus eats him for dinner


                                                        sure he does lmao

                                                        Woof Woof

                                                          so insecure!

                                                          BOT Adam

                                                            Vaikiss'742. Ive played Dota 1 for like 5 years. since v6.37. 5 months ago i switched to dota 2. Only played 300 games here but im doing good. Im tired of playn alone with bad ppl on pub. Wanna play & Pwn?

                                                            tveni tveni

                                                              Tay the forum lurker :D


                                                                Nick showed me this topic. It's pretty gold.


                                                                  Who's Acanthus
                                                                  also, @welder
                                                                  I'm not his only friend :D


                                                                    oh no 5 game losing streak :X
                                                                    Time to call the win service :?


                                                                      yeah please come win me some games @ eu server very high bracket with ur usa


                                                                        Acanthus eats HIM LOLOL. Acanthus can only eat shit, does Acanthus even know how to play proper dota ? :DD

                                                                        I think vaikiss lacks tons of dota knowledge to be any sort of pub god, but at least he is sticking to what he knows. Swift pwns him though.


                                                                          ey trash why dont u go dodge while loading again against me with ur trash gypsy friends ?


                                                                            i usually dodge when i see bad enemies, mb they do same :D


                                                                              u mean when u know ur gonna get ur ass raped cuz ur bad


                                                                                No, i just see, its above page 5-10 game, and i leave cos i know what pokemons await me inside.
                                                                                Also, i never stack.

                                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                  keep the excuses for someone who actually gives a shit

                                                                                  ur bad thats all no other reason to dodge