General Discussion

General DiscussionMatchmaking Question Important

Matchmaking Question Important in General Discussion

    I recently played a game.. Match 65355728 . I was nyx assasin. I belive I did my part stunning and silencing enemies with orhicd during team fights and farming and pushing lanes and towers. I was the only one with a positive kdr, most assists, and highest xpm.

    However, my team all fed, and threw the game lol. There was nothing I could do to stop them from feeding. Match making needs to incorporate all individual statistics (kdr, creep score, towers, assists, and also wins/losses) in order to create a fair mmr system. Its not easy to make an algorithm that incorporates all this, but would likely create more fair matches.

    Why was I put with a team which didn't care if they died and fed the opposing team?

    Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

      It does. The MMR doesn't care (or at least not very much) if you win or lose. You can go from Normal to Very High without winning a single game.

      Also, there are no Valve devs on this platform, so I think your question is asked at the wrong place.


        wrong place to post the question. and welcome to dota 2 matchmaking!!


          "The MMR doesn't care (or at least not very much) if you win or lose. You can go from Normal to Very High without winning a single game."

          Can I have the source and some actual proof of that?


            Well that happens, I won my last game, which was a very tough ~~50min game, because at the last decisive fight the enemy Sven, who was fully stacked with items, decided to stay in the fountain and bitch about his team instead of taking a fight he had a huge chance of winning. Bottom line is, games are often decided by your teammates behaviour, as you saw with your throwing feeders, and there's no way around it because Matchmaking can't detect douchebags.

            Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

              "Can I have the source and some actual proof of that?"
              No. I played 4 games in High bracket and lost all of them despite me getting the highest amount of kills and least amount of deaths. Then the next game I got matched with DK.Super! against iG.YYF in front of 150 spectators. Very High.

              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!