General Discussion

General DiscussionSkill Level of Match

Skill Level of Match in General Discussion
Thx JESUS  Gaben

    Please insert a line for the Skill Level of the games.


      +1 +1 +1


        Will be coming soon!


          great +1


            how is that determined and how do you find out?


              We have a few methods we are looking into for match skill. You'll see soon.


                Thanks for the info and good work guys. I'm impress with the site's revamp, it's much more useful and informative. Of all the online games i played this is the only stats site that i use religiously.


                  Glad to hear that! Expect much more content in the following weeks and months though.


                    I'd like do add, please make an option for this type of link ( to show Items used by Skill level.

                    So we can see "low MMR items", "average MMR items" and "high/Pro MMR items".

                    TLDR version > an option to see how good or bad Lothars work on high MMR.


                      Yeh, seems my MMR is inconsistent. And it's pretty annoying when I'm playing with a low skilled team against a party of 5. I really hope the MM makes it so that parties of 5 are prioritized to match up with other parties of 5. I don't have many friends in the community, so I can't always get a team I trust.

                      Tai sabaki

                        yeah would be nice


                          The current way to check out your skill level is to use the filter, in which you can set the skill level to high or very high to see how many that level matches you have played.


                            yes but you can't check other players skill level unless they are in your friends list.


                              Where is this filter you speak of?


                                the filter referred to by slashddot is available in the watch recent games section


                                  It is not possible to check players skill level. You can only check skill level of replay (normal/high/very high).


                                    this would be awesome.

                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                      +1 would be nice.


                                        It'd be great if you could see just how many normal/high/very high games were played in people's profiles as well.




                                            I think valve should scrap their buggy performance bars/ replay downloading system and pour some funds into this site instead


                                              Valve is really against the idea of stats in their game, it breeds ego and hateful people who base impressions on people off their stats. HoN was disgusting because of this, too many people would argue things based on their stats, which were openly available.

                                              high load

                                                @mOCHU can't see any such filter. :/

                                                Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                  Start the game
                                                  Go to the Watch tab
                                                  Go to the Recent Games tab
                                                  click on "Filter"
                                                  There is a filter by skill level where you can choose between Normal, High and Very High skill.


                                                    eh why dun u play in asia server and see if u can keep up wif ur current winning rate ? its too imba


                                                      Is anything happening on this request, some indication along these lines would be really great.

                                                      (OP are you still playing?)


                                                        Getting skill levels for every match isn't feasible, Valve servers can't handle so many requests. We might have an alternative.


                                                          Thanks for the feedback Tharuler. In terms of the skill levels, would this be the Normal / High / Very High brackets?


                                                            Yes, those were the ones I meant.


                                                              hows it going?

                                                              N = N

                                                                +1 +1 +1 just about to post something similar as this, but i saw this thread. hope u guys developing it! ;)


                                                                  This is being developed for the website only? Or the game client too?

                                                                  N = N

                                                                    Bni-Power : this thing is already in game client, 3 level normal, high or very high skilled.


                                                                      No, I'm talking about in the game history tab in the game client.


                                                                        Lol, Midway as in the old Gotfrag editor?


                                                                          shitty wisp spammer

                                                                          can't even break 80% ))




                                                                              lol murs, u r everywhere speaking about wisp spammers xD


                                                                                wow murs u enraged the wisp..
                                                                                he gna overtake u NP


                                                                                  lmfao this guy ☆☆ only plays wisp .. also wtf y is ur name stars man ur so bitchmade lmfao ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                    murs, why u stopped playing on this account and went back to ur old account with around 50 percent win rate?