245711113143891661218Talent Tree+150% Crit On Targets Affected By Spells25+60% Combustion Overheat Damage+10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack20-20s Laguna Blade Cooldown+150 Light Strike Array Damage155% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per Stack-3s Dragon Slave Cooldown10+25 DamageTalent Tree+150% Crit On Targets Affected By Spells25+60% Combustion Overheat Damage+10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack20-20s Laguna Blade Cooldown+150 Light Strike Array Damage155% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per Stack-3s Dragon Slave Cooldown10+25 Damage10Talent Tree+150% Crit On Targets Affected By Spells25+60% Combustion Overheat Damage+10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack20-20s Laguna Blade Cooldown+150 Light Strike Array Damage155% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per Stack-3s Dragon Slave Cooldown10+25 Damage15Talent Tree+150% Crit On Targets Affected By Spells25+60% Combustion Overheat Damage+10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack20-20s Laguna Blade Cooldown+150 Light Strike Array Damage155% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per Stack-3s Dragon Slave Cooldown10+25 Damage20Talent Tree+150% Crit On Targets Affected By Spells25+60% Combustion Overheat Damage+10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack20-20s Laguna Blade Cooldown+150 Light Strike Array Damage155% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per Stack-3s Dragon Slave Cooldown10+25 Damage25
235811314154791061218Talent Tree+400 Sharpshooter Max Damage252 Acorn Shot Charges-3 Armor Corruption20Sharpshooter Provides Vision While Charging+1 Acorn Shot Bounce15+60 Bushwhack Damage+1.5 Mana Regen10+1 Scurry Ability ChargeTalent Tree+400 Sharpshooter Max Damage252 Acorn Shot Charges-3 Armor Corruption20Sharpshooter Provides Vision While Charging+1 Acorn Shot Bounce15+60 Bushwhack Damage+1.5 Mana Regen10+1 Scurry Ability Charge11Talent Tree+400 Sharpshooter Max Damage252 Acorn Shot Charges-3 Armor Corruption20Sharpshooter Provides Vision While Charging+1 Acorn Shot Bounce15+60 Bushwhack Damage+1.5 Mana Regen10+1 Scurry Ability Charge16Talent Tree+400 Sharpshooter Max Damage252 Acorn Shot Charges-3 Armor Corruption20Sharpshooter Provides Vision While Charging+1 Acorn Shot Bounce15+60 Bushwhack Damage+1.5 Mana Regen10+1 Scurry Ability Charge20Talent Tree+400 Sharpshooter Max Damage252 Acorn Shot Charges-3 Armor Corruption20Sharpshooter Provides Vision While Charging+1 Acorn Shot Bounce15+60 Bushwhack Damage+1.5 Mana Regen10+1 Scurry Ability Charge25
179104111314235861218Talent TreeAdditional Wukong's Command Ring25-1 Jingu Mastery Required Hits+60% Boundless Strike Critical Damage200 Cooldown Primal Spring+110 Jingu Mastery Damage15+450 Tree Dance Cast Range+0.2s Boundless Strike Stun Duration10+100 Primal Spring Max DamageTalent TreeAdditional Wukong's Command Ring25-1 Jingu Mastery Required Hits+60% Boundless Strike Critical Damage200 Cooldown Primal Spring+110 Jingu Mastery Damage15+450 Tree Dance Cast Range+0.2s Boundless Strike Stun Duration10+100 Primal Spring Max Damage15Talent TreeAdditional Wukong's Command Ring25-1 Jingu Mastery Required Hits+60% Boundless Strike Critical Damage200 Cooldown Primal Spring+110 Jingu Mastery Damage15+450 Tree Dance Cast Range+0.2s Boundless Strike Stun Duration10+100 Primal Spring Max Damage16Talent TreeAdditional Wukong's Command Ring25-1 Jingu Mastery Required Hits+60% Boundless Strike Critical Damage200 Cooldown Primal Spring+110 Jingu Mastery Damage15+450 Tree Dance Cast Range+0.2s Boundless Strike Stun Duration10+100 Primal Spring Max Damage20Talent TreeAdditional Wukong's Command Ring25-1 Jingu Mastery Required Hits+60% Boundless Strike Critical Damage200 Cooldown Primal Spring+110 Jingu Mastery Damage15+450 Tree Dance Cast Range+0.2s Boundless Strike Stun Duration10+100 Primal Spring Max Damage25
389112457113141661218Talent Tree+120% Tidebringer Cleave Damage25+100 Spell AoE+15% Rum Damage Delay20-4s Torrent Cooldown+70 Tidebringer Damage15+25% Torrent Damage/Knock Up Duration-15s Admiral's Rum Cooldown10Tidebringer applies -60% slow for 1sTalent Tree+120% Tidebringer Cleave Damage25+100 Spell AoE+15% Rum Damage Delay20-4s Torrent Cooldown+70 Tidebringer Damage15+25% Torrent Damage/Knock Up Duration-15s Admiral's Rum Cooldown10Tidebringer applies -60% slow for 1s10Talent Tree+120% Tidebringer Cleave Damage25+100 Spell AoE+15% Rum Damage Delay20-4s Torrent Cooldown+70 Tidebringer Damage15+25% Torrent Damage/Knock Up Duration-15s Admiral's Rum Cooldown10Tidebringer applies -60% slow for 1s15Talent Tree+120% Tidebringer Cleave Damage25+100 Spell AoE+15% Rum Damage Delay20-4s Torrent Cooldown+70 Tidebringer Damage15+25% Torrent Damage/Knock Up Duration-15s Admiral's Rum Cooldown10Tidebringer applies -60% slow for 1s20Talent Tree+120% Tidebringer Cleave Damage25+100 Spell AoE+15% Rum Damage Delay20-4s Torrent Cooldown+70 Tidebringer Damage15+25% Torrent Damage/Knock Up Duration-15s Admiral's Rum Cooldown10Tidebringer applies -60% slow for 1s25
159114131416237861218Talent Tree+250 AoE Hex25+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceEarth Spike affects a 30 degree cone20+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill+15% To Hell And Back Debuff/Spell Amp15-2.5s Hex Cooldown+20 Movement Speed10+10% Mana Drain SlowTalent Tree+250 AoE Hex25+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceEarth Spike affects a 30 degree cone20+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill+15% To Hell And Back Debuff/Spell Amp15-2.5s Hex Cooldown+20 Movement Speed10+10% Mana Drain Slow10Talent Tree+250 AoE Hex25+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceEarth Spike affects a 30 degree cone20+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill+15% To Hell And Back Debuff/Spell Amp15-2.5s Hex Cooldown+20 Movement Speed10+10% Mana Drain Slow15Talent Tree+250 AoE Hex25+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceEarth Spike affects a 30 degree cone20+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill+15% To Hell And Back Debuff/Spell Amp15-2.5s Hex Cooldown+20 Movement Speed10+10% Mana Drain Slow20Talent Tree+250 AoE Hex25+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceEarth Spike affects a 30 degree cone20+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill+15% To Hell And Back Debuff/Spell Amp15-2.5s Hex Cooldown+20 Movement Speed10+10% Mana Drain Slow25
157841314162391061218Talent Tree+45 Death Ward Damage25+8s Maledict Duration+1% Target Max Health Voodoo Restoration Heal20+75 Death Ward Attack Range+125 Maledict AoE15+2 Cask Bounces+200 Health10-25% Voodoo Restoration Mana Per SecondTalent Tree+45 Death Ward Damage25+8s Maledict Duration+1% Target Max Health Voodoo Restoration Heal20+75 Death Ward Attack Range+125 Maledict AoE15+2 Cask Bounces+200 Health10-25% Voodoo Restoration Mana Per Second11Talent Tree+45 Death Ward Damage25+8s Maledict Duration+1% Target Max Health Voodoo Restoration Heal20+75 Death Ward Attack Range+125 Maledict AoE15+2 Cask Bounces+200 Health10-25% Voodoo Restoration Mana Per Second15Talent Tree+45 Death Ward Damage25+8s Maledict Duration+1% Target Max Health Voodoo Restoration Heal20+75 Death Ward Attack Range+125 Maledict AoE15+2 Cask Bounces+200 Health10-25% Voodoo Restoration Mana Per Second20Talent Tree+45 Death Ward Damage25+8s Maledict Duration+1% Target Max Health Voodoo Restoration Heal20+75 Death Ward Attack Range+125 Maledict AoE15+2 Cask Bounces+200 Health10-25% Voodoo Restoration Mana Per Second25
289103457113166121814Talent Tree2 Toss Charges25-8s Avalanche CooldownToss Requires No Target20+60 Tree Grab Base Damage+70 Avalanche Damage15-8% Grow Attack Speed Reduction+8 Strength10+200 Avalanche Cast RangeTalent Tree2 Toss Charges25-8s Avalanche CooldownToss Requires No Target20+60 Tree Grab Base Damage+70 Avalanche Damage15-8% Grow Attack Speed Reduction+8 Strength10+200 Avalanche Cast Range11Talent Tree2 Toss Charges25-8s Avalanche CooldownToss Requires No Target20+60 Tree Grab Base Damage+70 Avalanche Damage15-8% Grow Attack Speed Reduction+8 Strength10+200 Avalanche Cast Range15Talent Tree2 Toss Charges25-8s Avalanche CooldownToss Requires No Target20+60 Tree Grab Base Damage+70 Avalanche Damage15-8% Grow Attack Speed Reduction+8 Strength10+200 Avalanche Cast Range20Talent Tree2 Toss Charges25-8s Avalanche CooldownToss Requires No Target20+60 Tree Grab Base Damage+70 Avalanche Damage15-8% Grow Attack Speed Reduction+8 Strength10+200 Avalanche Cast Range25
138919212261214151617182457101113Talent Treex2x Quas/Wex/Exort Active Bonuses25Radial Deafening Blast+30 Alacrity Damage/Speed20+2 Chaos Meteors-5s Cold Snap Cooldown15-4s Sun Strike Cooldown-4s Tornado Cooldown10+50 Ice Wall DPSTalent Treex2x Quas/Wex/Exort Active Bonuses25Radial Deafening Blast+30 Alacrity Damage/Speed20+2 Chaos Meteors-5s Cold Snap Cooldown15-4s Sun Strike Cooldown-4s Tornado Cooldown10+50 Ice Wall DPS20Talent Treex2x Quas/Wex/Exort Active Bonuses25Radial Deafening Blast+30 Alacrity Damage/Speed20+2 Chaos Meteors-5s Cold Snap Cooldown15-4s Sun Strike Cooldown-4s Tornado Cooldown10+50 Ice Wall DPS23Talent Treex2x Quas/Wex/Exort Active Bonuses25Radial Deafening Blast+30 Alacrity Damage/Speed20+2 Chaos Meteors-5s Cold Snap Cooldown15-4s Sun Strike Cooldown-4s Tornado Cooldown10+50 Ice Wall DPS24Talent Treex2x Quas/Wex/Exort Active Bonuses25Radial Deafening Blast+30 Alacrity Damage/Speed20+2 Chaos Meteors-5s Cold Snap Cooldown15-4s Sun Strike Cooldown-4s Tornado Cooldown10+50 Ice Wall DPS25
135728911413141561218Talent Treex1.5x Flesh Heap and Meat Shield bonuses25x1.5x Dismember Damage/Heal-4s Meat Hook Cooldown20+0.75s Dismember Duration+150 Meat Hook Damage15+8% Spell Lifesteal+-10% Rot Slow10+5 ArmorTalent Treex1.5x Flesh Heap and Meat Shield bonuses25x1.5x Dismember Damage/Heal-4s Meat Hook Cooldown20+0.75s Dismember Duration+150 Meat Hook Damage15+8% Spell Lifesteal+-10% Rot Slow10+5 Armor10Talent Treex1.5x Flesh Heap and Meat Shield bonuses25x1.5x Dismember Damage/Heal-4s Meat Hook Cooldown20+0.75s Dismember Duration+150 Meat Hook Damage15+8% Spell Lifesteal+-10% Rot Slow10+5 Armor16Talent Treex1.5x Flesh Heap and Meat Shield bonuses25x1.5x Dismember Damage/Heal-4s Meat Hook Cooldown20+0.75s Dismember Duration+150 Meat Hook Damage15+8% Spell Lifesteal+-10% Rot Slow10+5 Armor20Talent Treex1.5x Flesh Heap and Meat Shield bonuses25x1.5x Dismember Damage/Heal-4s Meat Hook Cooldown20+0.75s Dismember Duration+150 Meat Hook Damage15+8% Spell Lifesteal+-10% Rot Slow10+5 Armor25
139104131416257861218Talent Tree-30s Call Down Cooldown25-5s Flak Cannon Cooldown+14 Rocket Barrage Damage20+3 Flak Cannon Attacks+25 Flak Cannon Damage15+0.3s Homing Missile Stun Duration+175 Health10+25% Homing Missile DamageTalent Tree-30s Call Down Cooldown25-5s Flak Cannon Cooldown+14 Rocket Barrage Damage20+3 Flak Cannon Attacks+25 Flak Cannon Damage15+0.3s Homing Missile Stun Duration+175 Health10+25% Homing Missile Damage11Talent Tree-30s Call Down Cooldown25-5s Flak Cannon Cooldown+14 Rocket Barrage Damage20+3 Flak Cannon Attacks+25 Flak Cannon Damage15+0.3s Homing Missile Stun Duration+175 Health10+25% Homing Missile Damage15Talent Tree-30s Call Down Cooldown25-5s Flak Cannon Cooldown+14 Rocket Barrage Damage20+3 Flak Cannon Attacks+25 Flak Cannon Damage15+0.3s Homing Missile Stun Duration+175 Health10+25% Homing Missile Damage20Talent Tree-30s Call Down Cooldown25-5s Flak Cannon Cooldown+14 Rocket Barrage Damage20+3 Flak Cannon Attacks+25 Flak Cannon Damage15+0.3s Homing Missile Stun Duration+175 Health10+25% Homing Missile Damage25