135721113144891061218Talent Tree+2.5% Liquid Frost and Fire Max Health Damage25+100% Dual Breath Damage and Range+20 Macropyre Damage20+0.4s Ice Path Stun Duration+60 Ice Path Base Damage15+-50 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow-2s Dual Breath Cooldown10+150 Attack RangeTalent Tree+2.5% Liquid Frost and Fire Max Health Damage25+100% Dual Breath Damage and Range+20 Macropyre Damage20+0.4s Ice Path Stun Duration+60 Ice Path Base Damage15+-50 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow-2s Dual Breath Cooldown10+150 Attack Range15Talent Tree+2.5% Liquid Frost and Fire Max Health Damage25+100% Dual Breath Damage and Range+20 Macropyre Damage20+0.4s Ice Path Stun Duration+60 Ice Path Base Damage15+-50 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow-2s Dual Breath Cooldown10+150 Attack Range16Talent Tree+2.5% Liquid Frost and Fire Max Health Damage25+100% Dual Breath Damage and Range+20 Macropyre Damage20+0.4s Ice Path Stun Duration+60 Ice Path Base Damage15+-50 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow-2s Dual Breath Cooldown10+150 Attack Range20Talent Tree+2.5% Liquid Frost and Fire Max Health Damage25+100% Dual Breath Damage and Range+20 Macropyre Damage20+0.4s Ice Path Stun Duration+60 Ice Path Base Damage15+-50 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow-2s Dual Breath Cooldown10+150 Attack Range25
247913581113141661218Talent Tree2 Arcane Curse charges25+25% Glaives of Wisdom Damage250 AoE Last Word201 Glaives of Wisdom Bounce+2s/+1s Arcane Curse Base/Penalty Duration15-20s Global Silence Cooldown+20 Attack Speed10+0.5 Arcane Curse Penalty MultiplierTalent Tree2 Arcane Curse charges25+25% Glaives of Wisdom Damage250 AoE Last Word201 Glaives of Wisdom Bounce+2s/+1s Arcane Curse Base/Penalty Duration15-20s Global Silence Cooldown+20 Attack Speed10+0.5 Arcane Curse Penalty Multiplier10Talent Tree2 Arcane Curse charges25+25% Glaives of Wisdom Damage250 AoE Last Word201 Glaives of Wisdom Bounce+2s/+1s Arcane Curse Base/Penalty Duration15-20s Global Silence Cooldown+20 Attack Speed10+0.5 Arcane Curse Penalty Multiplier15Talent Tree2 Arcane Curse charges25+25% Glaives of Wisdom Damage250 AoE Last Word201 Glaives of Wisdom Bounce+2s/+1s Arcane Curse Base/Penalty Duration15-20s Global Silence Cooldown+20 Attack Speed10+0.5 Arcane Curse Penalty Multiplier20Talent Tree2 Arcane Curse charges25+25% Glaives of Wisdom Damage250 AoE Last Word201 Glaives of Wisdom Bounce+2s/+1s Arcane Curse Base/Penalty Duration15-20s Global Silence Cooldown+20 Attack Speed10+0.5 Arcane Curse Penalty Multiplier25
139104131416257861218Talent Tree+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No ManaTalent Tree+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No Mana11Talent Tree+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No Mana15Talent Tree+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No Mana20Talent Tree+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No Mana25
113141624573891061218Talent TreeSplinter Blast 1.5s Stun25+55 Winter's Curse Attack Speed +100 Splinter Blast Damage20+17% Arctic Burn Slow+400 Splinter Blast Shatter Radius15+3s Arctic Burn Debuff Duration+30 Damage10+25 HP/s Cold Embrace HealTalent TreeSplinter Blast 1.5s Stun25+55 Winter's Curse Attack Speed +100 Splinter Blast Damage20+17% Arctic Burn Slow+400 Splinter Blast Shatter Radius15+3s Arctic Burn Debuff Duration+30 Damage10+25 HP/s Cold Embrace Heal11Talent TreeSplinter Blast 1.5s Stun25+55 Winter's Curse Attack Speed +100 Splinter Blast Damage20+17% Arctic Burn Slow+400 Splinter Blast Shatter Radius15+3s Arctic Burn Debuff Duration+30 Damage10+25 HP/s Cold Embrace Heal15Talent TreeSplinter Blast 1.5s Stun25+55 Winter's Curse Attack Speed +100 Splinter Blast Damage20+17% Arctic Burn Slow+400 Splinter Blast Shatter Radius15+3s Arctic Burn Debuff Duration+30 Damage10+25 HP/s Cold Embrace Heal20Talent TreeSplinter Blast 1.5s Stun25+55 Winter's Curse Attack Speed +100 Splinter Blast Damage20+17% Arctic Burn Slow+400 Splinter Blast Shatter Radius15+3s Arctic Burn Debuff Duration+30 Damage10+25 HP/s Cold Embrace Heal25
489101131416235761218Talent Treex2x Battle Hunger Armor Multiplier25+100 Berserker's Call AoE+25 Counter Helix Damage20+100 Culling Blade Damage+10 Berserker's Call Armor15+-10% Battle Hunger Slow+10% Movement Speed per active Battle Hunger10+3s Culling Blade Kill Buff Bonus DurationTalent Treex2x Battle Hunger Armor Multiplier25+100 Berserker's Call AoE+25 Counter Helix Damage20+100 Culling Blade Damage+10 Berserker's Call Armor15+-10% Battle Hunger Slow+10% Movement Speed per active Battle Hunger10+3s Culling Blade Kill Buff Bonus Duration11Talent Treex2x Battle Hunger Armor Multiplier25+100 Berserker's Call AoE+25 Counter Helix Damage20+100 Culling Blade Damage+10 Berserker's Call Armor15+-10% Battle Hunger Slow+10% Movement Speed per active Battle Hunger10+3s Culling Blade Kill Buff Bonus Duration15Talent Treex2x Battle Hunger Armor Multiplier25+100 Berserker's Call AoE+25 Counter Helix Damage20+100 Culling Blade Damage+10 Berserker's Call Armor15+-10% Battle Hunger Slow+10% Movement Speed per active Battle Hunger10+3s Culling Blade Kill Buff Bonus Duration20Talent Treex2x Battle Hunger Armor Multiplier25+100 Berserker's Call AoE+25 Counter Helix Damage20+100 Culling Blade Damage+10 Berserker's Call Armor15+-10% Battle Hunger Slow+10% Movement Speed per active Battle Hunger10+3s Culling Blade Kill Buff Bonus Duration25
189102457313141661218Talent Tree+10s Defense Matrix Duration25200 AoE Laser-0.5s Keen Conveyance Channel Time20+10% Defense Matrix Status Resistance+50 Laser Damage15+75 Defense Matrix Damage Barrier+8% Manacost/Manaloss Reduction10+1s March of the Machines DurationTalent Tree+10s Defense Matrix Duration25200 AoE Laser-0.5s Keen Conveyance Channel Time20+10% Defense Matrix Status Resistance+50 Laser Damage15+75 Defense Matrix Damage Barrier+8% Manacost/Manaloss Reduction10+1s March of the Machines Duration11Talent Tree+10s Defense Matrix Duration25200 AoE Laser-0.5s Keen Conveyance Channel Time20+10% Defense Matrix Status Resistance+50 Laser Damage15+75 Defense Matrix Damage Barrier+8% Manacost/Manaloss Reduction10+1s March of the Machines Duration15Talent Tree+10s Defense Matrix Duration25200 AoE Laser-0.5s Keen Conveyance Channel Time20+10% Defense Matrix Status Resistance+50 Laser Damage15+75 Defense Matrix Damage Barrier+8% Manacost/Manaloss Reduction10+1s March of the Machines Duration20Talent Tree+10s Defense Matrix Duration25200 AoE Laser-0.5s Keen Conveyance Channel Time20+10% Defense Matrix Status Resistance+50 Laser Damage15+75 Defense Matrix Damage Barrier+8% Manacost/Manaloss Reduction10+1s March of the Machines Duration25
248911131416135761218Talent Tree-1s Spark Wraith Activation Delay25Tempest Double Has No Penalties-7s Magnetic Field Cooldown20+40% Spark Wraith Damage+25 Magnetic Field Attack Speed15+20% Flux Slow+200 Health10+200 Flux Cast RangeTalent Tree-1s Spark Wraith Activation Delay25Tempest Double Has No Penalties-7s Magnetic Field Cooldown20+40% Spark Wraith Damage+25 Magnetic Field Attack Speed15+20% Flux Slow+200 Health10+200 Flux Cast Range10Talent Tree-1s Spark Wraith Activation Delay25Tempest Double Has No Penalties-7s Magnetic Field Cooldown20+40% Spark Wraith Damage+25 Magnetic Field Attack Speed15+20% Flux Slow+200 Health10+200 Flux Cast Range15Talent Tree-1s Spark Wraith Activation Delay25Tempest Double Has No Penalties-7s Magnetic Field Cooldown20+40% Spark Wraith Damage+25 Magnetic Field Attack Speed15+20% Flux Slow+200 Health10+200 Flux Cast Range20
413141625911137861218Talent Tree50% chance of Anchor Smash on attack25+0.8s Ravage Stun Duration-4 Gush Armor20Anchor Smash affects buildings+-30% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction15+100 Gush Damage+-15% Gush Slow10+40 Anchor Smash DamageTalent Tree50% chance of Anchor Smash on attack25+0.8s Ravage Stun Duration-4 Gush Armor20Anchor Smash affects buildings+-30% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction15+100 Gush Damage+-15% Gush Slow10+40 Anchor Smash Damage10Talent Tree50% chance of Anchor Smash on attack25+0.8s Ravage Stun Duration-4 Gush Armor20Anchor Smash affects buildings+-30% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction15+100 Gush Damage+-15% Gush Slow10+40 Anchor Smash Damage15Talent Tree50% chance of Anchor Smash on attack25+0.8s Ravage Stun Duration-4 Gush Armor20Anchor Smash affects buildings+-30% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction15+100 Gush Damage+-15% Gush Slow10+40 Anchor Smash Damage20
146823510913141671218Talent Tree+220 Fireblast Damage2517% Fireblast chance on attack+30 Bloodlust Attack Speed20+30 Strength+2/0.01 Dumb Luck Mana/Mana Regen Per Strength15+80 Damage-1s Fireblast Cooldown10+12 Ignite DPSTalent Tree+220 Fireblast Damage2517% Fireblast chance on attack+30 Bloodlust Attack Speed20+30 Strength+2/0.01 Dumb Luck Mana/Mana Regen Per Strength15+80 Damage-1s Fireblast Cooldown10+12 Ignite DPS11Talent Tree+220 Fireblast Damage2517% Fireblast chance on attack+30 Bloodlust Attack Speed20+30 Strength+2/0.01 Dumb Luck Mana/Mana Regen Per Strength15+80 Damage-1s Fireblast Cooldown10+12 Ignite DPS15Talent Tree+220 Fireblast Damage2517% Fireblast chance on attack+30 Bloodlust Attack Speed20+30 Strength+2/0.01 Dumb Luck Mana/Mana Regen Per Strength15+80 Damage-1s Fireblast Cooldown10+12 Ignite DPS20
341013191416257861218Talent Tree-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base DamageTalent Tree-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base Damage11Talent Tree-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base Damage15Talent Tree-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base Damage20