145782396Talent Tree+1 Ward Attack Targets25+250 Ether Shock Damage+50% Serpent Wards Max HP20+1.5s Shackles DurationHex Breaks15+160 Serpent Wards Attack Range+1.75 Mana Regen10+170 Shackles Total DamageTalent Tree+1 Ward Attack Targets25+250 Ether Shock Damage+50% Serpent Wards Max HP20+1.5s Shackles DurationHex Breaks15+160 Serpent Wards Attack Range+1.75 Mana Regen10+170 Shackles Total Damage10
2378514911612Talent Tree+50% Blade Dance Lifesteal25+1s Omnislash Duration-3s Blade Fury Cooldown20+2 Healing Ward Hits to Kill+40 Movement Speed During Blade Fury15+1% Healing Ward Heal+4% Duelist Damage10-12s Healing Ward CooldownTalent Tree+50% Blade Dance Lifesteal25+1s Omnislash Duration-3s Blade Fury Cooldown20+2 Healing Ward Hits to Kill+40 Movement Speed During Blade Fury15+1% Healing Ward Heal+4% Duelist Damage10-12s Healing Ward Cooldown10
13112459786Talent Tree+2.5% Liquid Frost and Fire Max Health Damage25+100% Dual Breath Damage and Range+20 Macropyre Damage20+0.4s Ice Path Stun Duration+60 Ice Path Base Damage15+-50 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow-2s Dual Breath Cooldown10+150 Attack RangeTalent Tree+2.5% Liquid Frost and Fire Max Health Damage25+100% Dual Breath Damage and Range+20 Macropyre Damage20+0.4s Ice Path Stun Duration+60 Ice Path Base Damage15+-50 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow-2s Dual Breath Cooldown10+150 Attack Range10
1357489102111316612Talent Tree2 Toss Charges25-8s Avalanche CooldownToss Requires No Target20+60 Tree Grab Base Damage+70 Avalanche Damage15-8% Grow Attack Speed Reduction+8 Strength10+200 Avalanche Cast RangeTalent Tree2 Toss Charges25-8s Avalanche CooldownToss Requires No Target20+60 Tree Grab Base Damage+70 Avalanche Damage15-8% Grow Attack Speed Reduction+8 Strength10+200 Avalanche Cast Range14Talent Tree2 Toss Charges25-8s Avalanche CooldownToss Requires No Target20+60 Tree Grab Base Damage+70 Avalanche Damage15-8% Grow Attack Speed Reduction+8 Strength10+200 Avalanche Cast Range15
13911413142578612Talent Tree+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No ManaTalent Tree+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No Mana10
13582491076Talent Tree+8 Mortimer Kisses Launched25+60% Lil' Shredder Attack Damage+60 Mortimer Kisses Impact Damage20+=2 Lil' Shredder Targets-4s Firesnap Cookie Cooldown15+1 Lil' Shredder attacks+25 Mortimer Kisses Debuff DPS10+70 Scatterblast DamageTalent Tree+8 Mortimer Kisses Launched25+60% Lil' Shredder Attack Damage+60 Mortimer Kisses Impact Damage20+=2 Lil' Shredder Targets-4s Firesnap Cookie Cooldown15+1 Lil' Shredder attacks+25 Mortimer Kisses Debuff DPS10+70 Scatterblast Damage11