11131414892357612Talent Tree+300 Crystal Nova Damage25+1s Frostbite Duration+50 Freezing Field Damage20+225 Attack Speed-4.5s Crystal Nova Cooldown15+100 Frostbite Cast Range+12 Intelligence10+200 HealthTalent Tree+300 Crystal Nova Damage25+1s Frostbite Duration+50 Freezing Field Damage20+225 Attack Speed-4.5s Crystal Nova Cooldown15+100 Frostbite Cast Range+12 Intelligence10+200 Health10
235711314164891161218Talent Tree-0.25s Battery Assault Interval25Debuff Immunity Inside Power Cogs+75 Rocket Flare Damage20Rocket Flare True Sight+24 Battery Assault Damage15+2 Power Cogs Hit To Kill+75 Hookshot Damage10+0.4s Rocket Flare Slow DurationTalent Tree-0.25s Battery Assault Interval25Debuff Immunity Inside Power Cogs+75 Rocket Flare Damage20Rocket Flare True Sight+24 Battery Assault Damage15+2 Power Cogs Hit To Kill+75 Hookshot Damage10+0.4s Rocket Flare Slow Duration10Talent Tree-0.25s Battery Assault Interval25Debuff Immunity Inside Power Cogs+75 Rocket Flare Damage20Rocket Flare True Sight+24 Battery Assault Damage15+2 Power Cogs Hit To Kill+75 Hookshot Damage10+0.4s Rocket Flare Slow Duration15Talent Tree-0.25s Battery Assault Interval25Debuff Immunity Inside Power Cogs+75 Rocket Flare Damage20Rocket Flare True Sight+24 Battery Assault Damage15+2 Power Cogs Hit To Kill+75 Hookshot Damage10+0.4s Rocket Flare Slow Duration20
38121319146112457Talent TreeNo Cooldown on Jinada25+250 Shuriken Toss Damage+50 Jinada Gold Steal20Track Grants Shared Vision+50 Track Gold15-30% Damage Taken in Shadow Walk+20 Damage10+0.6s Shuriken Toss SlowTalent TreeNo Cooldown on Jinada25+250 Shuriken Toss Damage+50 Jinada Gold Steal20Track Grants Shared Vision+50 Track Gold15-30% Damage Taken in Shadow Walk+20 Damage10+0.6s Shuriken Toss Slow10Talent TreeNo Cooldown on Jinada25+250 Shuriken Toss Damage+50 Jinada Gold Steal20Track Grants Shared Vision+50 Track Gold15-30% Damage Taken in Shadow Walk+20 Damage10+0.6s Shuriken Toss Slow15
235711131416148961218Talent Tree+8 Exorcism Spirits25-22s Spirit Siphon Replenish Time+25 Spirit Siphon Damage/Heal20+400 Health-2.5s Crypt Swarm Cooldown15+75 Silence AoE+12% Magic Resistance10+40 Attack SpeedTalent Tree+8 Exorcism Spirits25-22s Spirit Siphon Replenish Time+25 Spirit Siphon Damage/Heal20+400 Health-2.5s Crypt Swarm Cooldown15+75 Silence AoE+12% Magic Resistance10+40 Attack Speed10Talent Tree+8 Exorcism Spirits25-22s Spirit Siphon Replenish Time+25 Spirit Siphon Damage/Heal20+400 Health-2.5s Crypt Swarm Cooldown15+75 Silence AoE+12% Magic Resistance10+40 Attack Speed15Talent Tree+8 Exorcism Spirits25-22s Spirit Siphon Replenish Time+25 Spirit Siphon Damage/Heal20+400 Health-2.5s Crypt Swarm Cooldown15+75 Silence AoE+12% Magic Resistance10+40 Attack Speed20
291114135748131661218Talent Tree+10s Phantasm Duration25+10% Chaos Strike ChanceReality Rift Pierces Spell Immunity20+0.6 Min/Max Chaos Bolt Duration+10 Strength15-3s Chaos Bolt Cooldown+225 Reality Rift Pull Distance10+30% Chaos Strike LifestealTalent Tree+10s Phantasm Duration25+10% Chaos Strike ChanceReality Rift Pierces Spell Immunity20+0.6 Min/Max Chaos Bolt Duration+10 Strength15-3s Chaos Bolt Cooldown+225 Reality Rift Pull Distance10+30% Chaos Strike Lifesteal10Talent Tree+10s Phantasm Duration25+10% Chaos Strike ChanceReality Rift Pierces Spell Immunity20+0.6 Min/Max Chaos Bolt Duration+10 Strength15-3s Chaos Bolt Cooldown+225 Reality Rift Pull Distance10+30% Chaos Strike Lifesteal15Talent Tree+10s Phantasm Duration25+10% Chaos Strike ChanceReality Rift Pierces Spell Immunity20+0.6 Min/Max Chaos Bolt Duration+10 Strength15-3s Chaos Bolt Cooldown+225 Reality Rift Pull Distance10+30% Chaos Strike Lifesteal20Talent Tree+10s Phantasm Duration25+10% Chaos Strike ChanceReality Rift Pierces Spell Immunity20+0.6 Min/Max Chaos Bolt Duration+10 Strength15-3s Chaos Bolt Cooldown+225 Reality Rift Pull Distance10+30% Chaos Strike Lifesteal25
135721314154891061218Talent Tree+1.9 Nether Ward Damage Per Mana25+180 Nether Blast Damage+1.5s Decrepify Duration20+20% Life Drain Heal+350 Health15+30% Decrepify Movement Speed To Allies+2 Nether Ward Health10-1s Nether Blast CooldownTalent Tree+1.9 Nether Ward Damage Per Mana25+180 Nether Blast Damage+1.5s Decrepify Duration20+20% Life Drain Heal+350 Health15+30% Decrepify Movement Speed To Allies+2 Nether Ward Health10-1s Nether Blast Cooldown11Talent Tree+1.9 Nether Ward Damage Per Mana25+180 Nether Blast Damage+1.5s Decrepify Duration20+20% Life Drain Heal+350 Health15+30% Decrepify Movement Speed To Allies+2 Nether Ward Health10-1s Nether Blast Cooldown16Talent Tree+1.9 Nether Ward Damage Per Mana25+180 Nether Blast Damage+1.5s Decrepify Duration20+20% Life Drain Heal+350 Health15+30% Decrepify Movement Speed To Allies+2 Nether Ward Health10-1s Nether Blast Cooldown20
278931014513612Talent Tree+1 Ward Attack Targets25+250 Ether Shock Damage+50% Serpent Wards Max HP20+1.5s Shackles DurationHex Breaks15+160 Serpent Wards Attack Range+1.75 Mana Regen10+170 Shackles Total DamageTalent Tree+1 Ward Attack Targets25+250 Ether Shock Damage+50% Serpent Wards Max HP20+1.5s Shackles DurationHex Breaks15+160 Serpent Wards Attack Range+1.75 Mana Regen10+170 Shackles Total Damage11
2478113141635911612Talent Tree-40s Dark Ascension Cooldown25+100 Hunter In The Night Attack Speed+20 Strength20+20 Crippling Fear DPS+30% Hunter in the Night Status Resistance15+25 Dark Ascension Damage+5s Dark Ascension Duration10-1s Void CooldownTalent Tree-40s Dark Ascension Cooldown25+100 Hunter In The Night Attack Speed+20 Strength20+20 Crippling Fear DPS+30% Hunter in the Night Status Resistance15+25 Dark Ascension Damage+5s Dark Ascension Duration10-1s Void Cooldown10Talent Tree-40s Dark Ascension Cooldown25+100 Hunter In The Night Attack Speed+20 Strength20+20 Crippling Fear DPS+30% Hunter in the Night Status Resistance15+25 Dark Ascension Damage+5s Dark Ascension Duration10-1s Void Cooldown15
147153581129121361418Talent Tree+18% Max Thirst MS252 Rupture Charges-0.7% Bloodrage Max Health Damage Per Second20+425 Rupture Cast Range+100 Blood Rite Damage15+8% Rupture Initial Damage+15% Bloodrage Spell Amplification10+25 Bloodrage Attack SpeedTalent Tree+18% Max Thirst MS252 Rupture Charges-0.7% Bloodrage Max Health Damage Per Second20+425 Rupture Cast Range+100 Blood Rite Damage15+8% Rupture Initial Damage+15% Bloodrage Spell Amplification10+25 Bloodrage Attack Speed10Talent Tree+18% Max Thirst MS252 Rupture Charges-0.7% Bloodrage Max Health Damage Per Second20+425 Rupture Cast Range+100 Blood Rite Damage15+8% Rupture Initial Damage+15% Bloodrage Spell Amplification10+25 Bloodrage Attack Speed16Talent Tree+18% Max Thirst MS252 Rupture Charges-0.7% Bloodrage Max Health Damage Per Second20+425 Rupture Cast Range+100 Blood Rite Damage15+8% Rupture Initial Damage+15% Bloodrage Spell Amplification10+25 Bloodrage Attack Speed20
391011245718131461216Talent Tree+0.8s Hoof Stomp Duration25Gains Retaliate Aura-25s Stampede Cooldown20+45 Retaliate Damage+30% Double Edge Strength Damage15+12 Strength+15 Movement Speed10+4 Health RegenTalent Tree+0.8s Hoof Stomp Duration25Gains Retaliate Aura-25s Stampede Cooldown20+45 Retaliate Damage+30% Double Edge Strength Damage15+12 Strength+15 Movement Speed10+4 Health Regen15Talent Tree+0.8s Hoof Stomp Duration25Gains Retaliate Aura-25s Stampede Cooldown20+45 Retaliate Damage+30% Double Edge Strength Damage15+12 Strength+15 Movement Speed10+4 Health Regen18