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14 კომენტარი

    You need more articles per week and I shall help you soon


      I was out casting Wallachia, and the studio's in a different city, so didn't have my usual workspace. Hard to keep up with multiple jobs at the same time, though I do try my best(

      Sasha- D.E.P pelusita- ma...

        Es el mes de parker, halloween.

        Eso alimento su alma de gargola por ganar


          How I hate timbersaw oh my god


            >no tier 1 team present
            >morons start thinking SA is tier 1


              >no tier 1 team present
              >morons start thinking SA is tier 1
              >Checks comment owner profile: LEGEND...


                >no tier 1 team present
                >morons start thinking SA is tier 1
                >Checks comment owner profile: LEGEND...
                >Checks comment owner profile: LEGEND...


                  >no tier 1 team present
                  >morons start thinking SA is tier 1
                  >Checks comment owner profile: LEGEND...
                  >Checks comment owner profile: LEGEND...
                  >Checks comment owner profile: GUARDIAN...

                  Boat Anchor


                    But back to being serious - ever since the map got bigger , most games take way to long to end I’ve found.

                    I no longer play ranked or any normal matches. Turbo only for me now.


                      Such an amazing platform, and they post like once a month, sadness.


                        Game is dying, platforms like this are dying. Our epoch is coming to its end, gen-Z trends are taking over. It's the nature of time


                          I don't think Gen-Z have enough attention span to read a whole article lol


                            @NinjaNes it's not about game dying or anything, I am a firm believer that Dota is currently in a good place, generally speaking, with massive updates coming yearly etc.
                            That said, we didn't have a major patch in a while so instead of writing a bad article, I am in information-gathering mode, trying to find interesting topics to cover. I don't think it's a lot of fun to write or read about how the game is "still the same" for a month+
                            Information gathering now also includes casting Tier 1 tournaments and I am currently preparing to work DreamLeague as a RU-language caster, which definitely cuts into my writing time, as I have to travel to a different city to a studio, unfortunately. Since it is now a somewhat consistent position, I am working on ways to improve my work flow when not at home as well, and it is a rather painful process, for both objective, comfort/accessibility to PC reasons and mental reasons. Over the last month I've been home for a ~week and it does take its toll.
                            But don't worry, I am not losing any kind of motivation for writing, in fact I am more motivated than I ever was, as long as I find a good and interesting topic. Dota was and is the most complex and deepest game ever made and it doesn't look like it's going to change any time soon, given the trends Lior pointed out. So good, exciting ideas are definitely coming)