Last time we discussed the strongest utility supports in the current meta, and today we are going to focus on the more late-game, DPS-oriented ones. They are a lot of fun to play as semi-cores in a lower level pub environment, where games tend to be unnecessarily drawn out. In higher level games they usually take the backseat, naturally gravitating towards save and utility items. We are going to discuss today’s trio from both points of view, explaining our reasoning when necessary.
Easily the prime candidate for nerfs. Losing 0.3 Intelligence per level in 7.33c is more or less inconsequential and the hero is as strong as he was at the beginning of the patch, when they made his old Aghanim's Shard a part of his free kit.
Having a powerful slow and area denial is great both during the laning stage and the early skirmishes. Ice Vortex is a scouting tool, a Blink-breaker, a respectable source of damage, a lane outpushing tool, a damage amplification tool and so much more. There is absolutely no reason not to max it out as soon as possible.
In fact, in many laning setup it is perfectly acceptable and even preferable to go 0-2-1-0 at level three. Cold Feet level one costs a lot of mana and does very little even if it connects. You want to have it maxed out second for the cast range increase, but the first point into it can be easily delayed to level four. The obvious exception is having good, reliable stun in your lane: think Wraith King,
Alchemist or maybe even
Another big mistake for lower level pubs is going for the Cold Feet talent at level ten. It is two levels worth of damage on Cold Feet, sure, but having extra cast range and stun duration by investing into the ability itself is much stronger. Also, by the time you get to level ten as AA, Cold Feet is mostly a zoning tool or a dispel bait.
+300 Chilling Touch attack range can give you some interesting options down the line. Our advice: fully skip the level ten talent and concentrate on your other abilities. In lower level pubs consider transitioning into an extra core for your team with the help of the Chilling Touch talent.
For levels fifteen and twenty going the Ice Vortex talents should be self-explanatory. We feel like going the Chilling Touch talent at level twenty is acceptable, but in a default game the right one is going to be stronger. Finally, at level 25 the Ice Blast talent is almost always better. Cold Feet is rather unreliable as a disable and in the later portions of the game will most likely get dispelled regardless.
Finally, always get Aghanim's Shard. It is a ~1.7 second stun in a potentially massive AoE for 1400 gold. Ask your team to kill the Tormentor ASAP and if the Shard doesn’t drop for you, just buy it yourself.
Another “Free MMR” support hero of the current patch. Venomancer is an oppressive laner with strong zoning, Blink-breaking and scouting capabilities through low cooldown Plague Wards. He also has a Health Regen reduction talent at level ten, so basically we are talking about Ancient Apparition, but green. More or less.
The general idea is still the same: you want to be very annoying in lane, trading your HP for debuff application. Get a value level of Venomous Gale, max out Poison Sting first and Plague Ward second and try to transition into whatever save items your team needs. Pavise is still exceptionally good, but there are interesting alternatives in
Spirit Vessel and
Solar Crest as well.
Talent-wise concentrate on getting the most utility, meaning left talent at level ten. Probably the left talent at level fifteen as well: having even more continuous slow is very annoying for your enemy. At level twenty you want more % damage against very beefy popular heroes and at level 25 it is highly situational, but we lean towards the right talent, as -200 AS can be devastating once BKBs start getting shorter.
Unlike AA, Venomancer can’t really turn into a right-clicking machine, but he can scale very well through his Aghanim’s. Getting it too early isn’t particularly good and in many cases you will be better off with a more matchup specific item, but it can be powerful under the right circumstances.
It is also worth noting that Latent Toxicity is one of the most creative disables in the game that punishes enemies who want to use their BKB, Manta or any other dispel. Get it onto the most problematic target at the start of the fight and you should have a much easier time dealing with their Debuff Immunity.
Finally, the most annoying support of the current patch. We are not sure whether we are correctly placing him into the DPS category of supports, since it feels like the hero simply gets to choose what kind of value he brings to his team: he can go both DPS and Utility route. The latter is definitely better in higher level games, but going for Damage can be very snowbally in lower level pubs.
First things first: Phylactery is very questionable on the hero. Having a way to deal 150 magical damage out of invisibility from a huge range is kind of funny, but for the most part it is just going to be mildly annoying for the enemy and a waste of gold for your team. Get tankier with items like
Drum of Endurance into
Boots of Bearing, or get the necessary auras your greedy offlaner doesn’t want to pick up and your team will be much better off.
Going for items like Solar Crest is generally a good play as well. Other situational alternatives are
Heaven's Halberd against strong ranged DPS,
Lotus Orb versus silences or even a straight
Scythe of Vyse against elusive targets.
If you are going the memey DPS route, just get the Aghanim's Scepter. It is highly unlikely Phylactery will pay for itself quickly enough to be a net tempo gain, while Aghanim’s will give your Bounty Hunter some necessary teamfight. It is a lot worse than it used to be, but still very good against enemy supports and if anything, getting Phylactery with Agh’s is much faster than the other way around.
Talent-wise there is a general consensus that BH should maximise the gold and utility gains for his team. Extra speed for your teammates, shared vision from the enemy and extra gold is what BH should typically aim for even in DPS-oriented games. It synergises really well with how Bounty Hunter and his team want to approach fights.
There are definitely a lot of other viable support heroes in the current patch and after the 7.33c changes playing support is a lot of fun. You usually get enough XP and Gold to stay relevant throughout the game and can sometimes even snowball out of control with a couple of good, early pickoffs.
We are not sure whether the support meta is going to change drastically any time soon either: greedier, more late-game oriented supports seem to be doing very well in pubs, regardless of whether they are utility or damage-oriented.
Contest the Wisdom runes, join all the fights, build for survival and you shall be rewarded.
Bro y u griefing my pubs with this veno suggestion smh I have no clue how this -1 hero even has above 20% winrate, it feels like everytime he's on your team it's insta loss
Veno is quite good. Main advantage is his laning stage. Pair with fighting offlane hero and trade with support then with core. Duo to fact that veno is universal 5 braches, tango and q is everything to outtrade most of support/heros. After bulling out enemy pos 1 just sit in enemy jungle stealing creeps. Is it a grief? Probably. Wards give you vision so there is small chance that they will gank you. You can use TP to defend towers and after that back to creating space by using twin gates. his play style is similar to brood but you can playing veno as 4 (pos 5 isn't best for veno). Get ags and blink, wait for fight, jump, press two buttons, watch enemy melt. Enjoy, you just make their day worse.
Where Nyx?
I feel like primal is being slept on, this hero can be pretty bonkers on the right games
Yesterday I played my first game with Veno after years. The hero feels very strong in line, the fact that he is universal means that with stats he has a lot of damage and resistance. drums ? and with very little he is creating plays. The Slow in this patch is insane and venom is that, it gives you vision with snakes and the best thing is that you don't even need a dagger or force or shadow to put an ulti, it is not necessary to commit, just be well positioned.
He can easily play any role. Diffu + manta + Skady? LOL. It even benefits from magic builds and auras.
Do you think you can close with gold gap talking about pos. 4 Spirit Breaker overall please? Item-ization, playstyle. He received a lot of buffs on the 7.33, 7.33b and 7.33c Patches!!!
I think Saksa from Tundra stole OG Aramis's SB on their first two encounters, and used the hero against Entity with good results. :P
I have been spamming Spirit Breaker with good results in my middle playing it off, I don't think it is position 4, I think it is core mid or off and my interpretation of why.
The Slow in the meta is very strong, Venom, Vipers, diffus, Warlock, etc. Off with control, atos. A scepter is NOT enough to have an impact, SB needs items, BKB, Shadow blade and stats resistance.
The strategy that I use off is to farm my line, but being the one who rotates, if you look at my last games with the hero, the dotabuff system takes me as "Roaming". This benefits support 4 who are ambitious and can carry auras, or more static and low mobility heroes. It is not the same that an off is only 2 vs 1 than a Support, in those rotations. I don't know if it is a valid strategy for the professional game, but I have played with Chen and Enchant and they benefit a lot from those rotations and not having to move with their units and it applies to pubs for 4 static supports that love to just harass the HC or Pulse.
The first also allows you to recover quickly, and an off farming or opening space is not the same as a support in more advanced stages of the game.
For me Spirit Breaker is Core.
With the right items veno's ult does a ridiculous amount of single hero damage, but as a support getting them is unlikely. My current go to support (low level crusader) is ogre magi. Tanky, ignite is a nightmare for squishy supports, one low cd stun with the option of another if you get aghs and then the item that makes most sense on your team, sheep stick, dagon, linkens. Higher level games he might not be viable, but low level dota he's hard to beat. Does a lot of damage and takes a lot to kill.
Clinkz support ultimate top tier damage support.