Another fortnight—another patch. Dota 7.13 is a very experimental patch that is almost certain to have a massive impact on the meta and power levels of most heroes. It will be exciting to see how it will play out; however, there are definitely some reasons for concern.
The patch has two distinct halves: one that has to do with the economy of the map and building durability and one that concentrates on hero attributes.
The first half is quite easy to understand. Tier 1/2/3/4 towers now give 100/400/300/200 less team gold, while Shrines and Melee Barracks are now much harder to destroy. Melee Barracks now have roughly 600 more EHP against physical damage, while Shrines have ~500 extra EHP and a decent amount of regeneration, hence they can no longer be destroyed without at least some commitment from the opposing team.
The end result should be quite predictable: pushing early will result in less of a snowball effect, while taking high ground and Barracks specifically will take longer and will be riskier. Moreover, Shrines will now have to be destroyed in one go and it will take longer, allowing the opposing team to react and retain map control. Theoretically it will lead to longer, tenser games with laning stage being slightly less important.
Coupled with lower average gold from creep waves, longer glyphs and lower respawn times the game beginning will probably be less explosive and it will no longer be possible to abuse the early game advantage as much.
But that was only the half of the patch had to offer. The second part was definitely unexpected and is probably the more exciting and more impactful half.
The main hero attributes of Dota: Strength, Agility and Intelligence have once again been reworked:
Old Strength:
New Strength:
Old Intelligence:
New Intelligence:
Old Agility:
New Agility:
Reddit user Tofa7 compiled a list of how the changes affected all heroes in terms of Health, Armor and other stats and if you are interested in getting in depth with the stats we strongly recommend looking through it. In general, Strength and Intelligence heroes were affected the most by the changes.
Strength heroes lost the infamous Status Resistance and instead now have extra Magic Resistance from their main attribute. On average, most Strength Heroes will now have extra 10-20% Magic Resistance, depending on their build. Given extra Health from Strength itself, all Strength heroes now have significantly higher EHP against both Physical and Magical damage: on average their effective Physical HP has been increased by almost 10%, while their effective Magical HP has increased by ~20%. At the same time, regeneration has been nerfed across the board and even Strength heroes will have lower regeneration, despite having extra 25% from main attribute.
Intelligence heroes have been significantly nerfed in terms of their survivability, with all of them losing 10-20% Physical and Magical EHP. To compensate for it, all of them now have significantly higher manapools, even at level 1. For example, Crystal Maiden mana pool has been increased by 48, finally allowing her to use two Frostbites at the start of the game.
Extra movement speed all heroes now have access to is also changing the early game landscape: if previously it was only available to Agility heroes, giving them a small, but significant MS advantage, now most heroes start with a similar MS boost from Agility and outrunning enemy early with a squishy Agility hero will be harder.
This means that on paper Strength heroes should become stronger, with higher starting MS and higher EHP. Agility heroes losing the MS advantage, while breaking almost even in terms of EHP and Intelligence heroes losing a lot of survivability should result in both of these groups being slightly weaker in late game. However, early levels of Intelligence heroes should be easier, with access to more spell usage from larger mana pool. Moreover, later in the game they should be even more effective against Agility targets, courtesy of higher Spell Amplification.
It is really hard to predict the end result of this patch. The initial trends definitely show heroes like Spirit Breaker and Slardar gaining momentum, but there are cases where even theoretically nerfed Intelligence heroes are getting stronger: Outworld Devourer, for example, can now boast an almost 54% win rate, courtesy of massive mana pool increases at all stages of the game.
We will return to the patch discussion in a week, looking at the trends, but so far Dota 7.13 definitely looks like it will change a lot about what we know about Dota: the extent of these changes is hard to predict, especially when there is a significant amount of heroes with different stats manipulation mechanics. There is no doubt it will result in a more interesting and diverse Dota, but it does look like it will be a balancing nightmare, at least in the early days of the patch.
OD buff always a good thing for me
od is going to be a monster,the spell amp and the early larger mana pool is awesome.
third yes
Wp Kawai
I just hope larger mana pools won't make AM comeback to meta but there's more pudge for sure
Hmm do u think it's a nerf to storm spirit or a buff?
gg nerf to nukers
What i find strange is when they introduced extra move speed on agi hero they all got a base move speed reduction so now agi heroes are mostly slower then everyone early game since they didn't get such reduction.
In short
Str who should tank buffed a little bit
Agility is nerfed
High int grow intel buffed (or stealer like silencer or od)
rip treant base ms
@AutoMemoriesDoll how the hell you can tell that agility is nerfed?
Now, only aeon disk gives status resistance? Meh.
Agility definitely buffed.
Pretty sure Strength ends up solidly nerfed.
Nukers like me are happy, kaya is even more op now, 16 int + spell amp, great item indeed
If the slower laning stage really happens, I'm overjoyed. I don't at all mind deathball, it can be exciting to see a game last less than 20 minutes, but I've always preferred the slower methodical pace of older Dota circa TI3. Teamfights were truly exciting back then. Now all they have to do is give us back our precious level stats option and remove the majority of unique overspecialized talents and I'll be happy.
But it'll not likely happen so I'll be banging on this pot for a loooong time.
Haven't played since the patch. I just hope it won't nerf Chen games that much.
Rock Paper Scissors with attributes... Dotamon is becoming a reality.
thanks for the free mmr 7.13, now i can actually play carry
hahaah doesn'
t help in SEA no matter how patch...players can't change hahaha
That DAC finals really show Icefrog the way of that patch.. totally fast paced,even u got a fat AM he can't do much once tower are all down.. I be a long time till we see AM or farming core hero back the meta..
More like a "Fortnite" :) haha... get it?.. i'm gonna leave now
It's not that bad tbh.
Thank you Kawaiisocks for the reddit link! The spreadsheet made everything clear up. It seems that earlygame may be more influential, being that many cores can be run down now, but snowballing is much more challenging - somewhat countering the earlygame lead you may acquire through early rotations. Of all the heroes, I feel that Chaos Knight is one that will become even more strong. Already sitting at one of the highest ms in the game, even more may bump him into the "roaming" role? Hopefully, anyways. Also, Pugna is the hero with the biggest increase in spell amp, potentially making him more viable, especially with his push potential (thanks to the barracks buff, making it more important in a draft).
In other news,
Currently the Enchanted Mango has a 34.80% win rate. This is unacceptable. It is our duty as fellow gamers of the DotA 2 community to put this item in the position of power it deserves. It has been there for us when we needed mana for reincarnation, when we had that clutch nyx stun saving our teammate's life, and when we accidentally used it in fountain before the runes even spawned. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.