TI6—Heroes of the Tournament

The International 6 was full of great games—courtesy of an excellent patch and seemingly equal power levels of the participating teams. Analyzing the tournament meta is close to impossible with a relatively even spread across hero contest rates, even throughout the main event. If previously, when pressed against a wall, teams would resort to the comfort picks, this time the exact opposite was true—on the brink of elimination experiments had to be made and one-dimensional teams were among the first to leave.

The hero pool diversity was the key to success in this tournament. While execution undoubtedly matters, the teams were frequently so close to each other in terms of their skill that the drafting stage became incredibly important. Smart targeted picks and bans made for very intense moments even before the games have even started.

That said, there were still several distinct trends in the picking phase. Some heroes were a better fit in more situations, allowing for better reaction picks in the consequent phases of the draft. Some heroes have been very successful as follow-ups and some were highly valued but ultimately didn't work that well. As previously, the most interesting representatives of these distinct pools will be selected and analyzed.

Note that some of the heroes have already been discussed in the Group Stage Stats Recap and the opinion on them has remained unchanged.

Tier 1—The Big Winners (High contest and win rate)

Drow Ranger Drow Ranger strategies are generally associated with heavy early-game aggression and high-risk, high-reward lineups. After this tournament it should no longer be the case though, since the hero has proven to be an effective tool in all stages of the game and, unless countered with strong initiation heroes, can be an extremely tricky core to deal with.

One of the big reasons for her popularity is the [missing skill: drow-ranger-precision-aura-5021]—a strong global buff to the ranged teammates with an outpushing tool built into it. This skill allows originally unfavorable match-ups in the other lanes to be won and scales almost indefinitely to a point where even Puck Puck can become a strong right-click hero.

The way the hero was generally played was based around her level 6 timings—once Drow got to this massive power spike the lane stage was generally over and the team would gather to start applying pressure around the map. Precision Aura ensures great damage to objectives as well as potential switch in lane momentum—ranged creeps with bonus damage are unlikely to deter a dedicated split-pusher, but will definitely protect your towers on an uncontested lane.

Later on, the Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter+Mjollnir Mjollnir build is one of the most effective tools at dealing with illusion heroes—most of them have high level of armor, but relatively low HP, making magical effects of Mjolnir have a very strong impact. Moreover, with high AS and split-arrows, Drow can wipe entire creep waves in a matter of seconds.

Finally, the hero is also great at solving some issues tankier cores tend to have—a severe lack of damage. Late-game Medusa is extremely scary, yet her damage output on a single target is very lacking even when she is 6-slotted. Precision Aura allows her and several other similar heroes to come online and farm faster.

Shadow Demon Shadow Demon is probably the poster boy of this tournament. 70.83% win rate on the main stage across 24 games speaks for itself. The hero is an extremely versatile support who pairs well with any core in the game, but even more so with the stats-based ones. He can provide 150% damage of the hero in the illusion form for his team (given all of the hero's damage is stats-based) and ensure that no direct confrontation is needed.

For a hero with such strong late-game presence, Shadow Demon is surprisingly effective in the early game. His Disruption is a great setup for otherwise hard-to-land skillshots, while Shadow Poison can become an unexpectedly strong nuke.

Overall, the hero offers low-risk, high-reward skills which are extremely versatile. He can facilitate his teams damage when ahead and stall the enemy, while his team is behind. He can steal strong auras for a respectable period of time while dominating the early game. And he also scales exceptionally well, since his ultimate upgrade can deal with strong passive abilities and allow his team to kite most enemy melee cores.

Tier 2—Niche Kings (low contest rate, high win rate)

Slowly but surely the buffs to Sand King have made him a very viable and extremely scary pick. If previously played as a roaming and/or jungling support, he is now usually a core hero and has made appearances in almost all lanes and roles, barring position 1 carry.

What made the hero so popular are the changes to Caustic Finale Caustic Finale—the skill was buffed several patches ago, making for a very strong harassing and farming tool in the lane. The added slow has provided some extra utility, while an Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter upgrade made Sand King invaluable at dealing with illusion and split-pushing heroes.

When played as a core, Sand Kings can quickly spiral out of control with great damage and massive initiation ranges. He is also a strong deterrent to pushing lineups and excels at fighting in choke points. Most importantly, he leaves little room to counterplay—the travel speed and cast point on Burrowstrike Burrowstrike make for an initiation which is almost impossible to react to, while the diameter and range of the skill frequently results in multiple targets disabled. Top it with the general elusiveness of the hero and it becomes clear why the hero was so successful in the tournament.

Huskar is in a slightly different boat—he originally started as a part of a rather cheesy strategy which could punish an unsuspecting draft of the enemy. Over the course of the tournament, however, the hero has evolved to become a decent pick on his own, even without the usual Dazzle or Oracle pairing.

The hero offers high damage and decent survivability against magic damage, making him a very strong tempo play for early game domination. He can come online faster than most other cores and, despite the general beliefs, does not fall off as hard as other strong tempo cores. AS buff remains invaluable throughout the game while scaling heal and nuke make the hero relatively scary at all stages of the game.

The hero remains highly susceptible to physical and pure damage, however, and is unlikely to go toe-to-toe with more conventional carries in the late game, yet his tempo control is high enough to never allow the enemy to get to this stage. Played aggressively but smartly he can be an absolute beast even against unfavorable matchups.

Tier 3—Overvalued heroes (high contest rate, low win rate)

All three heroes in this group have been heavily contested throughout the tournament, yet their results were not too impressive. While not particularly abysmal, the 44-46% win rate on these heroes raises a question, whether the high contest rate for them was justified.

In a case of Io Io, it probably is. The hero opens up so many ways to win the game and creates unexpected win conditions for the team. Understanding this, teams rarely allowed the hero to go through the first two stages of bans, especially against teams which are known to play the hero effectively. When allowed to be picked, the hero was generally countered with at least one dedicated Relocate shutdown.

Given his position in the meta, his rather low win rate is understandable—teams have learned to play against the hero or were confident enough that they will be able to beat the Io of the enemy—not all players have fully mastered the hero and his has a great deal of nuances which require years of practice.

Ogre Magi, on the other hand, is pretty straightforward. Mainly used for his buff, the hero enabled his core to come online faster and with greater force. The trade off was frequently the damage output of Ogre Magi himself—he is capable of strong burst damage, but not when his primary focus is Bloodlust Bloodlust.

As a core enabler Ogre Magi did not particularly shine. The effects of Bloodlust are somewhat comparable to the Inner Beast Inner Beast Aura, but Beastmaster offers a lot more in direct confrontations, be it damage, utility or even vision. In his current state and with the most popular build, Ogre Magi is a rather weak substitute to Beastmaster who, however, can be a strong lane dominator against squishier enemies and does not take the core position.

Finally, Batrider just seems slightly out of place with the focus on saving abilities in the current support meta. There is just so many saves available and without the ability to get a hero bursted down fast, Batrider becomes less relevant—he does not guarantee a 4v5 engagement.

The hero remains weak in lane with a decent catch-up mechanism, but it also requires some support stacking—something a lot less frequent this TI, with a strong focus on tempo game. Without the ability to safely offlane, the hero got outclassed by higher burst damage or better scaling cores and only a few teams have stuck with him by the end of the tournament.

Closing Thoughts

Unfortunately, the best tournament of the recent few years has come to an end. The announcements made during the tournament, however, paint a very pretty picture for the future of the game with two more heroes soon added. One of those heroes was already discussed previously in our Blog and if you would like to come prepared we strongly suggest you read it (the numbers might have changed in the transition from Dota 1, though). The second is yet to be fully revealed, but seems to be a highly elusive ability-based core.

With 6.88 being as great as it is, it seems Valve have figured out some magical formula for making an even better and more diverse game. Lets hope the trend will continue with the next updates—Dota has never been that good.

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37 კომენტარი
The DarKNovA

    Morphling still can't put his legs down in the scene too much.
    Maybe cause he ain't have legs.

    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
    M u r d e r

      I predicted SD to have the highest winrate.


        that's it




            ... where is pom?


              no mention of mirana or faceless?


                Mirana barely didn't make it into top3 after the main stage portion of the tournament—her win rate has dropped a little and drow with SD took over.

                Faceless was very memorable, on the back of the plays by Universe mostly, but sits at 50% win rate across the GSL/Main Stage

                Arya Stark



                    EZ JUGG ARCANA


                      RIGGED ARCANA


                        Shadow Demon put EG on LB against Wings Gaming. And Huskar eliminated an EU Powerhouse. TI6 is the best IMO. There are so many incredible games to choose from!

                        Schmoogis McClane

                          How is there no mention of Void in this entire article...? Or Mirana? WTF

                          Hector Banana-Bread

                            Relax guys... the heroes they highlighted here were based on P/B rates contrasted with Winrates. By my reckoning the top 3 heroes really did win a lot of games.
                            As for Mirana not being there, you can thank DC for that. Those final 3 losses might have hurt the percentage.


                              Mirana will be nerfed hard in the next patch

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                              Cho rong

                                I still dont understand the IO first ban every game


                                  Well wisp is pretty broken if you give it to certain teams.

                                    კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                      Rigged arcana!!!1


                                        Rigged Arcana!!!!111oneone

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          Shadow Deamon, is my favorite support hero since day 1 of Dota! <3


                                            RIGGED ARCANA
                                            (GLAD THAT JUGG GONNA HAVE ARCANA) XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

                                            Matt Damon

                                              is that not a mistake when you quote Shadow Demon illusion damage done? the hero ability says that the illusion from Disruption TAKES 150% damage, but only outputs 75% (still really good).


                                                They do 75% damage but there are 2 of them so 150%


                                                  Bat is love, Bat is life! #underrated

                                                  always keep it 69

                                                    Mirana was still the most contested hero EVEN if you only consider the main event. zero fucking mentions. Also Bat had 1% less winrate than ET, suddenly tier 1 into tier 3, like what. nice review.


                                                      Ez KUNKKA, EZ GHOST SHIP

                                                        კომენტარი წაიშალა
                                                        just me

                                                          Spam mirana/ET ez mmr XD

                                                          KYLO REN

                                                            but i dont think mirana iss op or need a nerf because u still need a good timing on aghs to make her effective and start farming like crazy .


                                                              why does a hero like Juggernaut, who has a million accessory items, need arcana and Io, who has not, doesn't?

                                                              Derp's missing tax files

                                                                Currently the Enchanted Mango has a 38.79% win rate. It is our duty as fellow gamers to give the wondrous item the respect it is due. Please take arms in this attempt to avert this tradgedy.


                                                                  IO arcana? puff, even after volvo tricks, i am so happy of juggernaut getting his arcana


                                                                    The Title was heroes of the tournament but no Mirana nor Void.. i doubt you are good as analyst.


                                                                      I hope Morph doesn't get hit :(


                                                                        Mirana had a 5 kda average with a 57% winrate in 90 matches. And she's not up there ?!

                                                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                          Arcana was RIGGED!!!!

                                                                          Player 102098282

                                                                            Happy to see 2 of my favorite heroes (namely Elder Titan and Shadow Demon) are back on the scene.
                                                                            Expecting a Mirana nerf this coming patch. Everytime I see Mirana pick on the draft it seems too easy for the team to win.