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39 კომენტარი

    oh i knew this would happen

    კომენტარი შეიცვალა



        Instead of contesting Roshan, we contest whom to be the first, but I'm the third

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          Great, Im only 4th here


            5th PogChamp


              kunkka. used to love it so much.. and its time to stop posting on the order of postings...


                great im 7th

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                sasugay uchinchindaisuki

                  omg this is why core kunkka should go 4-1-4 but that depends on the situation sometimes 3-4-2 is really good


                    Which heroes werent picked at qualifiers?


                      ^techies, od, pudge, sniper, centaur


                        Kunkka is a carry. Deal with it.


                          Oh, I know it's off-topic, bur sir Skim, I personally think the staff should do something about the forum. I'm sure you are aware of its conditions.


                            "Kunkka is a carry. Deal with it." when you follow the suggested items list.


                              It's so refreshing to see such a variety of heroes in competitive play. Last year it was never heard of to be picking Kunkka, Riki, OD, Faceless Void and any mid hero who wasn't Storm Spirit or Leshrac.


                                What I mean is: Kunkka is a character created in order to be a carry (you can see it from the heroipedia). You can of course build him as a support or whatever (everything can work in this videogame) but he will remain a hero suited to cover the carry role. That's what I meant.


                                  Also, a lot of poeple play to win and they don't want to struggle much. So, what they do is picking heroes who win the most in every single game (and / or the so called "overpowered" heroes of the patch). That's why we didn't (and actually, partially, we aren't seeing) see a lot of variety. Because people (most of them) play to win and picking a strong / op hero helps them a lot.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    The thing about the heropedia is that these heroes were created long before its existence. A lot of the stuff in the heropedia and suggested items list is incredibly outdated. Valve just doesn't like to educate its players about the current meta. They completely reworked Faceless Void, nerfed mask of madness and still the suggested items on Faceless Void are MoM battlefury and daedalus. It's hard for players to understand the game when you're just getting into it and the game is telling you to buy a battlefury on bounty hunter and then go straight into deso.


                                      I assumed Valve kept the heroipedia informations updated. This changes everything. Very interesting... thank you, sir Chales.


                                        No problem fam. :)


                                          Damn, This is going to get IceFrog's attention.... I was having so much fun.

                                          JOHN TRAZ DE VOLTA

                                            What is Admiral's Rum anyway?????????????????????????????????????????????????


                                              Its the effect that delays damage for Kunkka and his allies when the ship goes through them.


                                                If you can land his abilities, and last hit in lane, it is very, very easy to play carry Kunkka.
                                                But then again, if you can land his abilities it would be even easier to play support Kunkka :D


                                                  Why is it that I pick up a hero in 6k, and 1 week later someone writes about it on Dotabuff. FeelsBadMan


                                                    пудж мой любимый герой


                                                      пудж мой любимый герой


                                                        You come on teamfight, completely misplace ship, torrent AND tidebringer, but people still are scared of you bec of x-mark. everytime


                                                          You come on teamfight, completely misplace ship, torrent AND tidebringer, but people still are scared of you bec of x-mark. everytime


                                                            Come on just go for W, E, Q, W, W, R, E, E build and you will land all your ships on solo targets.


                                                              Support Kunks was semi-popular right after the X change but it faded out. With Lanm finding a laning role for him we will see if it stays popular.

                                                              Buyback enjoyer

                                                                i hope !attacker reads this
                                                                ( •_•)
                                                                ( •_•)>⌐■-■
                                                                right side

                                                                Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                                                                  "It may be shorter in range, but the duration and flexibility on the “resummon” make it stronger in some cases." In which cases or at least against which heroes? :3

                                                                  Goofy Associate

                                                                    Great hero


                                                                      +1 for the topic. Looking forward to see Kunkka being back at TI6 again <3

                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                        Quinkerros, regarding which heroes it's good against: QoP, AM, Void. Puck even. The versatility in it is that you can cast it on people, and then if they don't blink away, you hit them. If they do, you just pull them back. It's basically a no-escape situation unless they can dispel the X (e.g. manta, euls). Plus, it allows you to time your spells with it (and spells of your teammates if necessary), which Glimpse can't provide with as much accuracy. Also, with glimpse, the enemy *can* save their blinks for upon returning, and then blink away - with X, you take none of that :)

                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                        Рождённый пообедать

                                                                          I think the first Kunkka supp was Notail back in Team Secret, because it was the earliest i can remember. Thought they picked him in DotaCinema Capitan's Draft, but i think it still counts.

                                                                          Freaking Dinosaur

                                                                            BoT + bottle,ta-da a walking fountain


                                                                              I cant believe that od is ignored. The hero is still strong especially in late game man oh man he can crush enemies easily