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33 კომენტარი

    this turnament is SO much fun to watch


      Universe is back to EG?


        abandoned LUL

        YUNG ALSA

          So if EG is now shit, will it get worse if Artour comes back? 4Head


            5th . .

            M o a n a

              6th ^^


                should give them some respects, hope they can come back in future games


                  Didn't Newbee win the LBF at Epicenter, not OG?


                    10th? not bad

                    Nervous Bakedown

                      I have a feeling sumaiL is done on eg. I would love to see DC take off and perhaps they could use sumaiL. I feel like during secrets prime they played really well with EEnvy because he played very aggressive heroes like ember and slark. sumaiL could definitely bring some of that to DC considering they obviously have secret players now. W33 is fantastic don't get me wrong. I'm just saying he has a very limited hero pool and his pool consists of very flashy heroes rather than physical cores that escape extremely easy.


                        Woot! Vici Reborn!


                          Make fear carry = win ti6 LUL

                          Sei la

                            Feels great to see all DotA's douchebags being pwned, namely RTZ, PPD and Puppey


                              GG compendium predictions. I'm done with Secret. I tried to stick it out. Sorry Puppey but this fail-fest has broken me.


                                I'm pretty sure Newbee won the lower bracket finals in epicenter moscow


                                  All of you wishing negative things towards EG / Secret are all a bunch of haters.

                                  EG won last TI, and has always placed on top 3 / top 5 in latest tournaments except the very last couple, With Arteezy they have an EXTREMELY high win rate, they literally won 2 games for every match they lost, which if you do the math averages to many series wins.

                                  Secret are the champions of the last major before this one!! if that holds no weight, then why would you or anyone give a single fuck about this major?

                                  Once they work through the roster changes and learn to play together as teams, EG and Secret will be shitting on all those chinese / european teams.

                                  This patch is DEF a weird one. Life stealer is extremely op with 83% win rate in play offs, and that hero is boring as fuck to play.

                                  Just my 2 cents,

                                  TLDR: Stop hating on EG and Secret they will revert back to being great and they wil shit on all your fav teams.

                                  (OG FAN HERE) Just think it's so lame to see haters of EG and Secret for no reason. you are haters and prob not even 5k

                                  You probably have no understanding of dota, LOL (haters)


                                    Yolo swag u noob shhhhh


                                      YOLOSWAG YOUR EXPLANATION IS TOO GAY..GET A LIFE MAN


                                        For me I am loving the current Navi line-up. I love how they are building off each other instead of just getting rid of players. Honestly it takes ages to make a good team you cant just keep swapping players on a regular basis. But what do I know, im just a low mmr pleb who plays to enjoy games.


                                          i agree with you @yoloswag.........


                                            Newbee will win this tournament, I guarantee it


                                              just an edit. The Medusa & Terrorblade game from fanatic v LGD was in game 2 not game 3



                                                not thp

                                                  @YoloSwag i think u might actually be retarded.

                                                  So what if eg and secret were good? They're shit now and thats all that matters. NaVi won the first ti. Does that mean they're still the best????? Shitty logic. Most of the popular teams have won a competition or two.

                                                  ""Once they work through the roster changes and learn to play together as teams"" <<< The fact that they can't even play as a team is what makes them shit and causes them to lose game. Of course if they work through it they'll be good. They're an all-star team after all. However, the undeniable truth is that they're shit now because of puppey's messing around when they had such a strong Shanghai major team with w33 and misery.

                                                  """"This patch is DEF a weird one. Life stealer is extremely op with 83% win rate in play offs, and that hero is boring as fuck to play.""" OK. So what you're saying here is that a fun hero makes the patch normal??? Then are all the patches "weird" because the at least 10 mins am need to farm before he can dominate the game is boring???? Boring heroes doesn't make them shit. Well, unless you think all supports and hard carries are shit. Lifestealer's high win rate and pick rate isn't for no reason. His infest bomb nukes most int or agi cores down.

                                                  TLDR: You're actually ignorant af and thinks you're the best like all other 1k scrubs lol

                                                  YoloSwag (EG SECRET FAN) here. i just think that theres something wrong with you m8. the two teams are shit now and you can't really argue that. tbh the "haters" are probs fans of eg/ secret that are disappointed with them. Og fans won't even give a fuck about those teams.

                                                  Btw ""Just think it's so lame to see haters of EG and Secret for no reason. you are haters"" Of course they're haters if you're talking to the haters

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                  Hector Banana-Bread

                                                    Well, at least Universe is back with EG. Should make for immediate improvements, although if they still insist in aui being the carry I don't see them defending their title.

                                                    Secret will forever be haunted by that team shuffle after winning Shanghai. I follow other sports and one thing holds true regardless of the sport, one of the most bone-headed things team management can do is break up a winning team and expect them to take off from there.


                                                      I think secrets worst decision was to replace W33 with Arteezy. Arteezy is more of a carry player than a mid, and doesn't have many signature heroes in the lane. The first thing I realized after the roster shuffle was that, we would no longer be seeing a mid earth spirit which was extremely devastating to teams playing secret on multiple occasions. They also lost the threat of a meepo, a hero which many teams have been banning against DC. I just feel that this roster change limited secret in what they could play, and the threats that they had in their pocket.

                                                      В доте с 2015



                                                          Cyka blyat!


                                                            You could tell Universe did not like playing with EternalEnvy

                                                            Michael Franzese

                                                              NA ''Dota'' LUL



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