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    apes strong together

      Dammit I'm too late to block ^him^ from doing that

      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        My mmr is almost the same 4yrs ago.


          Currently resetting my mmr now, we will see where I end up post-battle pass. But the games have been better in international ranked, and that's something too.

          Good article!

          Vem Comigo

            These games are way better than my normal mmr experience


              I love it that they added an option to recalibrate and that this will (probably) be a yearly thing but overall the ranked system in dota is complete trash. No matter what you do there will ALWAYS be bought and boosted accounts. In league of lesbians they don't have that so maybe Valve should copy whatever they do to make that happen. Another thing is, dota's ranked system doesn't feel rewarding at all. The division system in lol feels much more rewarding since it takes quite a few games to ascend but you end up doing it a few times a season if you're a decent player, so you feel rewarded for your efforts. In dota if you win 3 games and lose 2 you go up by 25 mmr at best. ~5 hours of gameplay to go up 25.... I don't know the ration of won vs lost points in the lol ranks but from what i've seen and tried very little, it's bigger than in dota for sure. This is why i basically stopped playing ranked the moment i calibrated 3-4 years ago at 4K. After playing almost exclusively non ranked i end up with much better team mates and opponents there than in ranked. With the non existent reward in ranked plus getting matches up with weaker players, I have no incentive to even try to play ranked. I got the pass and went in game and what did i get? An ursa rushing shadow blade, going to clear camps after we kill 4 for zero, going in rosh once they are all back and dying, dragging 2-3 others with him and giving away rosh and aegis. Blaming everyone else in the process. I'm not one to argue that I'm 9K mmr but the bad system put me in 4 but in all seriousness a huge overhaul is needed to handle all the holes in this system.


                Well I've had feeders, item destroyers, 4 core heroes. So stopped playing after 4 games.


                  Maybe if there's a way to measure the SOLO play and his efforts and flaws ... dont just rely on the macro info of victory, maybe that way the individuals will play better...

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    every 1k/2k/3k/4k scrub giving excuses how mm is unfair

                    people have gone and climbed up on their own accord despite all the bullshit you spout, have you even for one fucking second stopped to think that mm was magically modified so you could climb, a huge number of other people would climb as well? the original people 1k mmr above you would just feed on you and climb another 1k higher

                    your relative position would not change


                      Stopped playing after 3 games. All 3 games i had people picking gyro/ursa/slardar and rushing shadow blade. I do not have the nerves to play with them because it feels like a 1-2k mmr game. In all these games i had 4 carry insta picks+no communication so you can't even support them properly.

                      If your mmr is higher than 3.5k i don`t recommend playing season mmr.


                        I tried the recalibration and ended up at 3233. I accept it since I have not really improved. It's been forever since I reached VHS level games.

                        18 games in and so far it's been okay, game quality has been better than normal ranked games since some people calibrating seriously want to get better mmr.

                        The only qualms I have is that sometimes someone in a lower bracket calibrating ocassionally gets matched up mid 3k and the difference can be seen.

                        Also, sometimes those trying to do a quests path during an mmr game makes it hard at times but most games have been pleasing to support in the US West Server!


                          How is this introductory of seasonal mmr when its not mandatory. If we are not obligated to take battle pass mmr this is no inovation at all. All other games RTS, cs go and other mobas use divisions for rank, some with seasons, some dont


                            even worse, dota doesn't value supports in mmr calibration. people who pick supports usually get 300-500 lesser than carries who have high gpm, xpm, apm, blah blah. i owned my 10 calibration games using supports. but i got calibrated 250 mmr lower than 4 years ago when i feed with a carry.

                            Team Vision Dota

                              This is great. I'm not a "pro" or someone who really complains. However, I played roughly 1,000 games between 3,000-3,750 MMR. One BAD weekend in a mix of me playing poorly and a slew of awful mates dropped me to 2,500 in less than a weekend, now I'm stuck in poison 2,000-2,100 and cannot get out.

                              I play mainly support. I'm sorry but it seems to be a completely different game every ~1,000 MMR. Playing support in 2k is poison - it doesn't mean anything. You can be the best support of all time and still lose 60% of games due to poison mates in 2k. Re-calibrating put me back into 3k where I truly feel my skill level is. I can't wait for the season to end and get my MMR back where it should be.

                              Player 95251565

                                It's just hard to climb.

                                The issue is the abandoners, griefers are always on my team. I wanted to push 6k so badly, but it's really fucking annoying. In 16 games I played yesterday, 5 had ruiners (DC/intentional feed/AFK/destroying items). To offset, I'd need to win 5 games straight up. Needless to say, I didn't get any free games in a long time.

                                \\  VintageR  \\

                                  i started with 2.6k then i fell down to 1.8k (it was hell, toxic players everywhere), and then, in some moment, i reach high mmr and get 4k, now i fell down again and i have 3.6k, but it has been a good experience this 2 years in dota xD.


                                    For my recalibration, I won 9/10 games and only with two of them I had negative KDA. In the rest I had positive KDA and a huge amounts of assists, and none of them lasting over 42 minutes, most lasting around 30 minutes. Yet, I ended up with 1700 MMR...I don't even understand the MMR system.


                                      Climbing should have some changes. If you win 3 in a row the fourth one should come with higher + mmr per game, or something. Cuz' it's really like "Team Vision Dota" said. You're playing good, you're climbing, then you have a poor weekend or lose streak and you have the same or even less than before you start climbing. So... that's my only complaint.


                                        I really don't understand all these complaints about the MMR system, it's the fairest and most balanced system I could think off. If you're callibrated below your "true" MMR, you will win more games than you lose, because you will play with 4 bad teammates against 5 bad enemies. If you're callibrated too high, your MMR will sink, because you can't play at that level. The just is no Elo hell, this has been proven so many times by high skilled players and often is just an excuse by low skilled players for their rankings. If you're better than others, you win more games and get more MMR. The best gets the most MMR, cause he wins more against the other pros than they do, winning is after all all that matters and the MM system just represents that. Simple as that.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          I feel that the people who complain about bad teammates do not realize that the opposing team will have equally bad teammates as well sometimes since i refuse to believe valve has personal vendetta against any one person to always put bad people on only their side. If people DC/grief/feed 5 out of 16 games on your team, your opposing teams will also have DC/feeders etc 5 out of 16 times so those should be easy mmr for you. If you lose even when there are bad people on the other team then i am sure you dont deserve that mmr. In the long run there is an equal chance of being bad players on either team so I think the bad teammate excuse is not a valid one. But I also feel that you need to be atleast 2k above your current skill level to successfully get out of your current mmr tier. Like if you want to get from 3k to 4k you have to play like a 5k to reach 4k in a reasonable amount of time(2-3 months), though if you play consistently like a 4k but your real mmr is 3k you will get to 4k but that will take really long(6-7 months) because mmr is ultimately a function of your winrate and the better you are higher will be your winrate.


                                            Yea this is nice...... I was paired with a stupid earthshaker teammate who bought shadow blade instead of blink in my first season ranked game.....


                                              But the idea to pay to reset your MMR still bugs me. I mean, I also bought battle pass, but my 1k friends who actually play pretty good are not happy since they can't re-calibrate.

                                              The Laughing Man

                                                Seasons wouldn't work as well with dota, with skill differences at any given mmr (one 3k can be twice as good as the 3k next to him) resetting players who are used to playing 6k+ would be like gods to the under-tiers, you'd spend months just waiting for the high mmrs to pass over you so you can start playing without getting absolutely wrecked.


                                                  goo.. i have battle pass


                                                    how could u win the game when some of player pick base on daily quest
                                                    and they cant even play with it ??!!!!!!
                                                    OR atfer they die they call it gg and stay afk in base !!!

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                      @xyphxer know that feel bro. sad :/


                                                        I would like quests to only be doable in non-MMR games. It does throw a spanner in the works when someone obviously can't play their hero. Ranked matches were designed to be competitive, not a mess around. Take your Barathum with bottle mid to spam charge for your 75 sec stun quest in normal.

                                                        Ranked is for quality gameplay.

                                                        [IR] Colitas

                                                          this mmr reset SHIT should be accessable for all players
                                                          maybe every 6 months/500 matches
                                                          maybe for sell in the market as an item worth some bucks
                                                          should also be played in separate matchmaking modes (just like how it is now- international rank blah blah)


                                                            TY , i LEarned Dat ..... " I M ACTUALly GETTING WORSE " :/


                                                              matchmaking system algorithm was altered during first days of BP release.
                                                              Sorry to point out the obvious


                                                                If you're callibrated below your "true" MMR, you will win more games than you lose, because you will play with 4 bad teammates against 5 bad enemies
                                                                It only works if you play on heroes who can truly impact the game. Like carries or some offlaners. But least probably it would be a lonely support.

                                                                Hoodoo Operator.

                                                                  Seems totally pointless to me. I'd rather gain MMR as I have been doing (about +500 over the past month) in solo queue by actually paying attention and communicating with the others on my team (and gave up smoking a certain herb). I have no idea why people think 10 games is going to give you an accurate depiction of your skill level. Re/Calibration just gives you a starting point. If you work out a way to cheat it (high ward count/gpm/xpm/kda) at the cost of losing games you might end up with a higher calibrated MMR, but you WILL fall back down to the bracket that you belong in.

                                                                  For years I thought that MMR was bogus and non-representative, however this past month has shown me otherwise. If you don't seem to be able to make any progress on your MMR, it's probably not the "random retards" that you blame for losing every game. It's more than likely you... The more people that realise this, the faster the general level of play will increase.

                                                                  Basement Dweller

                                                                    if i have 1k mmr, i will begin pass games on 1k mmr and get max 1,5 - 2k? It is not bad, coz this better, than i will try to receieve 25p.
                                                                    I guess Volvo don't mistakes with that: "I have 1 k mmr, hm, let's i call my friend to boost me and i get 5k. 2. 3. PROFIT"


                                                                      "Without any sort of decay, MMR is rising over time."

                                                                      well everytime a team wins 4 v5 50 MMR just go away


                                                                        People keep complaining about how this mmr system is broken because they won 9 of their 10 games and whatever but they dont understand how the system works. The system doesnt care about wins as much as the overall stats of the games. Dont get me wrong wins are important you cant calibrate high with 10 losses. However i calibrated at 2.5k with 8 losses with stats that you would get playing solo mid as a 3k player against another 3k player. If you want to calibrate higher then do last hit training and item progression training in non ranked or practice games like the old days of source 1

                                                                        Mr. Sandman

                                                                          It's kinda off-topic, but I wish they would introduce the kick and the concede options in the damn game. We all had these games where there is one player who just won't ever adjust to his team(and destroy items etc). Pls. let us vote-kick him.(=same ammount of reports too)
                                                                          And let us concede the game, just like in a lobby game with "gg".
                                                                          These options would prevent a lot of frustration.
                                                                          Is that so much to ask?


                                                                            fuck this international ranked,u qqued with american tard players ,who are shit ,and talking alot shit,ur mmr is not rising there it going down baby.


                                                                              i stopped play ranked long time ago,and international i played 10 games which was pain.i like and love to play ar,i enjoy it,
                                                                              i hate all pick
                                                                              i hate ranked
                                                                              i hate counter picking
                                                                              i hate players who play same heroes over and over again
                                                                              i like go pro go ar.
                                                                              admins should remove swap hero on that mode too to make it more harder.


                                                                                And let us concede the game
                                                                                Never. If you want to concede - just don't def. I mean don't def AT ALL. People often call for "gg ff" and after that try to def vs megas. Never understood that.

                                                                                The ItaJob

                                                                                  Calibration as support is a fake....FIX IT!!


                                                                                    its old joke "gg ff" people use to use it to make enemy team coming end with feeling great when pub trained the game,and when they are on "piss in head mode" they push together they are eazier to own.

                                                                                    so when people say this to me ,im ready,u cant fool me.

                                                                                    Guardian of the Light

                                                                                      well I am going to grind for getting 4.5k during this summer if possible.


                                                                                        best way to get good mmr ,is hidden path,u need play alot games without ranked,so u need get high or very high ur ap mode first then after 3000 games do 10 rankeds or 20 and ur mmr could be 5k ez


                                                                                          u think 4 kplayer better than 2 k ,bullshit


                                                                                            or it can take 200 or 400 games,and when ur very high already ,do some games got ranked mmr score ,and it will automatically be higher


                                                                                              It's a joke guys. I bought the pass just for the mmr reset, however I never play unranked. I won 7 out of my 10 games all with a pretty decent kda and my mmr reset was only 200 mmr higher than my current ranked mmr. It's a waste of your time and money, I play well and in the end it shows nothing of it. GG Volvo

                                                                                              ASSESS Product

                                                                                                ^Every year comp cost like this year comp except it have this international rank. If this was your frst acc, you still have long way to go since your hidden mmr is like 1.5k so dun expect you will jump like 1k mmr lmao


                                                                                                  I was not expecting to jump to 4K mmr, or even 3k but 10 games of my time for 200 mmr. Just playing normal ranked would have been better pay off in the end


                                                                                                    If you want to calibrate higher, try to win the first 7 matches and lost the remaining three. You jump to higher and higher bracket for each successive win.


                                                                                                      win and win and win ,play hero ur good,play mid mid is good ,play carry ,carry is good.