General Discussion

General DiscussionSlark is OP for a number of reasons

Slark is OP for a number of reasons in General Discussion

    For carry against slark I have success with void and anything Mage . For offlane , Riki . Pretty much now days I just Riki or void every time I see a slark . There's a lot of supports that are good vs him too .


      I would say axe is rarely unkillable. In most of the games I see an axe the hero has almost as many deaths as he has kills and I think slark is in most cases stronger than axe although they play very different roles. Really there aren't any op heroes this patch but disruptor and lifestealer are probably the closest.


        Disruptor does wonders in terms of pickoffs, completely broken hero, especially with lens. Of course, he can't do much by himself, but he sets up and secures those pickoffs for his team. Its extremely difficult to play against a team, ganking with disruptor.

        Ступор Мозговины

          slark OP against brainless persons
          it's easy to avoid his solo gang
          slark and dk feeded him before he got SB. I don't now why system decided that my teammates are HS players, dying solo to slark in early game means = you don't have any macro skill, you don't know your hero abilities, or just can't count how many dps has slark.
          TS every 2k playaer can abuse skill bracket. It's easy to go up and down by it.
          i also had ~5k smurf, but it has been calibrated, then abused, but meta changes, heroes got nerfed, became anchor... I can't see differences between HS and VHS, both have feeders, both have afk forest farmers, trash pickers. In normal skill you can play for fun, easily abuse battlepass quests (quest with wards only on VHS, lol)
          Ghost is useless against slark, if his team has a lot of magic damage, i go crazy when see it on core hero (exept that ones, who need to buy etherial) (PA tried to survive the Tide, lol) What you will do if you aimed in teamfight? press ghost and die from Zues/Lina/Lion/.... do not feed slark, feed another hero. Vision+dust+silence+aoe control
          Silver edge breaks his 3rd skill and healing in ultimate -> it breaks his gang. -50% damage.
          1 he will try to fight you and die
          2 press ulti, try to hit you-> understand that it's useless -> escape.

          wait for me

            wanna play carry?? Pick clinkz buy Orchid. wanaa play support? pic disruptor or any other silence/stun ones.

            Don't hate a hero, learn to win counter him


              If slark is OP pick him and prove that instead of rambling bullshit on forums and theorycrafting while not even being 6k

              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!