General Discussion

General DiscussionSlark is OP for a number of reasons

Slark is OP for a number of reasons in General Discussion

    He rewards you for making bad plays.
    1.His skill mana cost and CDs are a joke, why even have them? 8 second CD 75 mana cost on his escape/root? Wtf? I've never seen a slark run out of mana. 6 second CD 40 mana for his AoE nuke. The point being that it really doesnt matter if you hit your skills or not because you are never going to run out of mana and you are going to get to use them before anyone else has their skills back up.

    2.His ult is literally get out of jail free. It lets you make terrible plays and then just press R to not have any consequences. Combined with his absurd regen, you can lose 95% of your health at the start of the fight AND IT DOESN'T MATTER.

    3.Not to mention the purge from pact is absurd too, as soon as you are out of position, hit it, if they stun you you break stun, if they are "good" and don't stun until the pact go off you just bought 2 seconds for your leap to come back up. Gives the person playing against slark no way out and is not fun to play against.

    Needs serious nerfs, CD needs to be doubled for both, % regen needs to be halved on his ult, remove HP cost to pact (lol 7% HP regen, best farming skill ever?) and double its mana cost and his root should root him in the same area when he uses it.


      how often do you see slark being banned or picked in competitive dota, considering he was insanely popular recently relative to the previous years?

      ASSESS Product

        I eat slark with timber.


          if he's OP he'll beat omni's WR


            i dont think so
            well indeed slark is op with all his ablities
            but he has weakness too
            you never see slark out of mana?Even in early game?
            lol its easy to bully slark
            think of it as little alchemist with op ablities
            shutdown from the start
            dont let him farm


              If u don't counter pick and don't shit on him in lane you are going to struggle hard plain and simple. He's super strong in pubs and exploits poor communication and planning better than most heroes.

              edit: I know timber is very strong but there are some heroes guys that i'm simply never going to play, timber and riki are 2 of them for example. Who else can i use?

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                You are a Normal Skill player, you don't have the insight to judge heroes.


                  I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. The problem with SLARK is that he is one of the heroes that requires the enemy team to draft around him (i.e. broken in all pick.)

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    u have 44% longrun winrate in ranked, and these are all normal skill games. you are a normal skill player.
                    your mmr is your main account mmr, and currently it is ecen higher than it should be. you are by no means a 4k player, and not 3k either.

                    King of Low Prio

                      just normal bracket things

                      Fee Too Pee

                        Axe , tanky hero with stun , anti mage , aggresive offlane , faceless void . Anti mage eat shit on slark if u farm with am right

                        Livin' Real Good

                          You wanna know something from a Slark player? He shits on kids with bad positioning skills and map awareness once he gets his shadow blade, and you sir have shitty map awareness and positioning skills. There's a reason he's not picked all the time in competitive, it's because he's only a DECENT hero at best against players that have positioning skills and map awareness, and good mechanics. (like chain stunning, and all that) The only reason he's been picked abit more lately in competitive is cause a lot of other carrys got nerfed, and that this meta Slark has a lot of better match ups, I guess the new items they added in 6.87 help him abit too, but even then.

                          He is abit strong in pubs, and I see him getting nerfed at the end of this patch slightly, but they definitely shouldn't go overboard, he doesn't deserve it. Remember Anti Mage in 6.84? Was he ever broken? Felt like it, but no, he just did really well in that magic meta.

                          The nerfs YOU suggested? Would DESTROY the HERO, you have no clue what you're talking about.

                          He's ALWAYS been a pub stomper, nothing more.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            Slark is the most picked hero in ranked for every bracket from 3k-7k. He had impressive winrates and stats in pro tournaments from the past several months. He can snowball hard without much effort or outplay kind of like zip-zap-storm. That version of storm is a good comparison I think. Both could have bad laning stage but they just get a little space or feast on supports until they can 1v5. When people say that little purging piece of shit fish is completely balanced all you have to do is check their game history and without fail you'll find a slark picker. Then check their post history and for some reason slark pickers are also complete dicks to other users most of the time. Its funny because a lot of slarks seem to shit talk all-chat in game and i'm to the point where I read the shit talk in slark's voice, where i'm not even thinking 'wow this dota player is a shithead' i'm actually thinking 'Fuck slark is annoying and bad mouth'. That's how I know i'm too immersed because I actually hate a video game hero as if he were real.

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                            lm ao

                              ELVIS HAS LEFT THE BUILDING

                              yung griphook

                                a Lifestealer worries me a lot more than a slark. If you dont get blown up by the pact then at least you can force staff or some shit. Or even euls while he pacts but once a life stealer gets a hold of you......


                                  Maybe then a hero that counters him instead of refuse to do so.

                                  Non point target stuns work wonders


                                    Just pick doom if you're so afraid or ban him. He isn't that broken but I admit I seriously hate playing against a slark late game it's the most tiring shit ever. Necrophos deals with him well, he hits half hp just ult him and watch him die, no pouncing away or shadow dancing his way out of danger


                                      The fuck you telling me to fuck off you little shit. I mean no offense by what I said.

                                      People that are not 4k+ cannot judge the balance of heroes properly.

                                      And you speaking about Slark's mana and cooldowns. Slark has a severe mana problem in early game.


                                        slark players only win because you dont place sentries, you dont chrono us, you have you supps on the front line instead of cores, you dont silence us (why not anyways), you dont punish when we build mana regen early, and well you dont do anything to kill us until level 6 and it doesnt matter. (not to mention the fact that dual offlane in normal skill never works.)

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          The best way to learn how to counter a particular hero... is by starting to play the hero yourself :)


                                            I'd better chop off my hand than start playing slark, riki, timber etc. :-*

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                            ASSESS Product

                                              Then that was your problem lol. I apparently know how to deal with someone who pick timber in enemy team since I play him a lot :v


                                                when I play slark everyone counters me but when the enemy team does nobody counters him


                                                  If you do not wish to play slark see your previous games from the slark's player perspective. Or for that matter watch any 6k-7k avg mmr match with a slark in it from that player's perspective. You can easily see how they prey on low hp underlevelled supports in almost every fight. Apply that knowledge in your positioning and you are bound to improve against not just slark but most other carries as well who have early game burst.

                                                  I myself play only support role (mostly keeper of the light) for a carry playing 5k friend and when playing with him i can almost notice every single time how the enemy carry will eye for me. Be it a spectre, pa, slark or a morphling. They will try to farm on you and get you first every single fight. Unless you try to see the game from their perspective, you will never be able to position yourself effectively.

                                                  Another important thing is item choice and timing when playing against a slark. Try not to use all skills on him together. Chainstunning is the key. Carry sentries or gem as opposed to dusts. Play vision heroes like Kotl or nightstalker with aghs gem. Slark will get rekt.

                                                  Most importantly, try to enjoy yourself while playing dota. Remember... its just a game :)

                                                  Free 2 Play Scootz

                                                    Ur arguments are invalid

                                                    If u don't counter pick and don't shit on him in lane you are going to struggle hard plain and simple.

                                                    That's pretty much any hero dude. If u don't counter or shit on a medusa, ur obviously gonna struggle lol.

                                                    Slark is the most picked hero in ranked for every bracket from 3k-7k

                                                    Yeah but look at his win rates. Below 50% in 5k+, 4-5k, and 2-3k. The only impressive win rate is at <2k which is probably where u are ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                    He had impressive winrates and stats in pro tournaments from the past several months

                                                    Io and disrupted had 60+% win rates in the Manila major but does that make them op?

                                                    Both could have bad laning stage but they just get a little space or feast on supports until they can 1v5

                                                    What about sf? Okish laning stage and give sf a little space and he can flash farm the jungle.
                                                    What about bs and pudge? They can easily feast on supports or even carries if u don't watch ur positioning.


                                                      Timber will crash him. As will any super late game hard carries or any heavy nukers.

                                                      Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                        Im a bad slark and my team usually carries me while im farming the entire game trying to steal few kills from my teammates so random ppl are going to say "hey that slark is actually useful"

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          TS, I'm sorry, but you're just bad and denial will not change it. Instead of being arrogant and cutting of your hands, you should start being more open minded and put everything you can to use if you really want to win.
                                                          I'm by no means a slark player, yet I know he's not as bad as you say and is perfectly countered.

                                                          Dr. Banana

                                                            Slardar is also good against slark.


                                                              if you have the same farm, AM rekt slarks very hard


                                                                and he is very bad agains hero that have manta natural carrier


                                                                  You can purge slardars ult, only heroes I shit my pants against are Timbersaw and Void.

                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                    Pick Axe. Call can't be purged.


                                                                      If slark is so OP why do you have 30% winrate with him? :/


                                                                        what can i say he shines against retards


                                                                          The fuck you telling me to fuck off you little shit. I mean no offense by what I said.
                                                                          People that are not 4k+ cannot judge the balance of heroes properly.

                                                                          your argument is invalid, everyone in 4k is clueless

                                                                          fuck off you little shit (no offense)


                                                                            When mm decide that u should lose u gonna lose no matter what. No hero or play helps u win. U lose like shit. If u win early game cumbacks are fucking real if u lose early game its a roflstomp
                                                                            When u have to win, you win game even if ure afk or feeding
                                                                            Stop talking shit about heros and git gud
                                                                            #MM Is Rigged

                                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                              GIT GUD


                                                                                As previously said your changes to slark would destroy the hero. Slark is a strong hero but in no way is he overpowered. Slark can't use his skills very often in the early game or he will run into mana problems which means that he's not likely to go hard after you in lane unless he has supports that can set him up. Slarks strong points are that he is hard to punish once he gets lvl 6 because he will never have to go back to the fountain to regen and he can do decent in the jungle meaning its hard to shutdown his farm. He has good spells for pickoffs on squishy heroes but you can counter that by either having a fairly tanky lineup (which is in the meta) or by having cores with good escape abilities like void or ember or pa. Slark relies mainly on being able to get midgame pickoffs and he won't build much damage until his 3rd of 4th item


                                                                                  also people below 4k can analyze heroes just fine. We play exactly the same ones you do. Yes we may not be as skilled as you 4k elitists but I can tell you perfectly well that pa is not a good pick right now for the fact that in a tanky meta she cant burst anyone down before they turn on her with their mkbs and wreck her. Slark is a strong pick because he's hard to catch and has spammable skills that pretty much destroys anyone who can't escape pounce. Slardar is good with any right clicker and life stealer is the strongest carry this patch.

                                                                                  LIL KASALANAN

                                                                                    Someone is mad... Cuz bad. :D

                                                                                    Play darkseer and you should be able to fuck 2ks if you claim yourself to be "4k"

                                                                                    Win lane, win game

                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                    L'ADIEU AU SOLEIL

                                                                                      If you are so smart, if you are better: you climb in rank, if you are not: you go lower until your find a mmr thas suits you ! SIM-PLE.
                                                                                      I mean, if you are 2k5 and think you are 3k5, why aren't you 3k5 yet ?! Your opponents are 2k5 too, theyre are as dumb as your team ! Outplay the shit out of them ! I played with some 1k/0k guys (I'm a 3k pleb, hello guys), I litteraly destroyed theyre asses like nobody's business ! I played at 4k3 avg some times ago, I got destroyed ! Man you have the rank you deserve, I have the rank I deserve, we got the rank we deserve (out of subject: people cries about valve calibration because they are 2k2 and get calibrated at 2k3, come on ! If you suck admit and carry on, get good ! )
                                                                                      Now, about slark (finally bois ayy lmao): Not OP, alot of heroes destroy him, you didn't knew how to counter him before, now you do, with this new knowlegde basis about countering this hero, counter, play smart, good luck !

                                                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                                                        cant get slark dem space man! hes a killa mid game :O

                                                                                        he also dun like silences and disables :]

                                                                                        just do a crossover on dem pounce combo n u be fine :]


                                                                                          ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) < that man makes sense, but TS's pride will not let him listen.


                                                                                            Tide hunter
                                                                                            Life stealer
                                                                                            Storm spirit
                                                                                            Winter wyvern
                                                                                            Faceless void
                                                                                            Bounty hunter
                                                                                            Viper with manta

                                                                                            All counter slark in someway.

                                                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                              I mean a lot of those are weak counters but yes.

                                                                                              You could also probably add pa qop and ember because they have spells that allow them to escape pounce and pa counters any right clicker if they dont have mkb


                                                                                                ALL HAIL FISHY FISHY


                                                                                                  i don't mind if slark gets nerfed more since it means the fotm pickers move on to the next patch hero and i can keep playing him

                                                                                                  the hero was fine in the previous patches but in this one he benefits a lot from the recent item changes

                                                                                                  ghost scepter's one of the best things you can buy against slark pickers, he really doesn't want to go diffusal


                                                                                                    I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy. I am very high skill in unranked and i also have a 4k+ smurf, so fuck off boy.


                                                                                                      Report Oykman, 2k noob :)


                                                                                                        What a trash is OP lol. slark op !! ??? you see axe unkilable machine who desable three heroes over bkb in every game and you say slark is op lol.

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!