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General Discussionserious topic on evasion, mkb, and best solutions to deal with high a...

serious topic on evasion, mkb, and best solutions to deal with high armour in General Discussion

    im making this topic because recently there's been some discussion on this, and no doubt it has been quite contentious as is the case whenever someone suggest a new and unusual build. now i know my reputation in this forum may not be the best, because people think im trolling and whatnot. but i'm just curious about new builds and i detest following dogmatic pro player builds.

    especially coming from a guardian, no doubt i may not be the best player in the world, but i always strive to think independently with full confidence in my own analytical skills and applying sound logic. perhaps it should be said that i do have a very very high IQ (for those who doubt my analytical ability).

    let's get right to it:

    what is the best approach to dealing with high armour and evasion? buy mkb? against PA's 50% evasion and another 25% evasion talent? theres literally no way your hitting PA let alone doing any damage against high armour heroes. the hero im suggesting to pick to counter these agi heroes is sven. because of one very important ability. cleave. which goes through evasion. i was experimenting and the build seemed bad. i was still losing to PA: First game even with a lead and good farm because of 2 battlefuries i lost. i was playing sven normally, tryng to hit PA. i totally forgot about cleave. 2 battlefuries and 2 daedalus didnt seem like enough damage. i thought i needed mobility so that i could get in more than 2 hits. wrong

    the solution is actually 3 battlefuries. and you're literally stronger than kunka. you one shot almost all carries when they are near creepwaves. high evasion high armour no worries. AM bought butterfly, PA had +25% evasion talent + a butterfly. no problem winning fights. 2 is not enough because you can't one shot them (and the creepwave dies). te only choice is to one shot them.

    proof it works:

    თემა შეიცვალა

      You got carried by my fangay


        Okay I'll assume you're not trolling
        with that build you get maximum of one cleave attack on the enemy before the entire wave is dead, supposing you get a jump on them when they're next to creeps (which you never do because you had 0 mobility/surprise items).

        1- PA becomes a creep when you use silver edge on her. killing a PA with no passives is the easiest thing to do in game. and It would've given you a chance to initiate and have a bit more mobility.
        2- Instead of Daedalus you could've gone for Bloodthorn which gives you True strike for long enough to burst her down to 25% HP (Sven would need 2 seconds only but considering you get kited a bit) .
        3-Of course MKB also comes to mind considering Sven can use the attack speed as well and .... you know.... the True strike.

        I used to go carry riki back when it was very crap and had 75% win rate with him at 1.5k MMR. It didn't Prove anything, It's low MMR anything that is built with a thought behind it works.

        instead of all the mentioned items which are very logical, you still try to go for cleave which is very unreliable just to be able to claim you have a high IQ? Sorry but new builds don't make people smarter.....

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          i did get a blink so that i could ensure to get them when they are near creeps.
          mkb is bad on sven.


            btw mkb doesnt really care if you have 100% evasion or something

            it has 70% chacne of not missing

            < blank >

              i did get a blink so that i could ensure to get them when they are near creeps.
              mkb is bad on sven.

              This kid is damn funny. All hail HanYolo


                70% chance of not missing is not good enough when you are slow and get kited.


                  So the solution is to get 2 cleave items on a hero with natural cleave.


                    u can't miss someone u don't hit right?


                      Dude mkb giving attack speed now makes it pretty good for Sven
                      Bloodthorn gives truestrike
                      Bf on creeps isn't needed because u can just do the same tactic without bf, and it's not reliable
                      U can't count on creeps always being there
                      Silver edge as someone said is also good
                      U do get kited, but u fail to mention how ur build combats that
                      Imo there is little way to guarantee u don't get kited, so the best way to deal with it is to guarantee u kill ur target as fast as possible.


                        just get bloodthorn then?

                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                          got carried LUL


                            high armor: mkb, mj

                            low armor: deso

                            passive: silver edge

                            crit is armor-agnostic


                              "perhaps it should be said that i do have a very very high IQ"

                              Tu tayta


                                "HanYolo topic"
                                "Serious topic"

                                And people still manage to get jebaited.


                                  Got me


                                    So the solution is to get 2 cleave items on a hero with natural cleave.

                                    3 cleave item is the magic number. i tried 2 and its not enough damage.
                                    just get bloodthorn then?

                                    they always buy bkb. bloodthorn dont help you farm. sven like to farm.
                                    high armor: mkb, mj

                                    you sound very ignorant. try getting mkb mj against high armour heroes, vs 1 shot from 3 battlefuries. if kunkka can be played that way, why can't sven?


                                      I still not sure if you seriously suggest BF sven or just persistence meme

                                      Kunkka force to go full burst build since he got Huge AOE and CD

                                      Sven Battlefury is just plain bad with out initiator item or heroes like DS/Mag/Enig

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        crit is armor-agnostic

                                        agnostic doesn't mean indifferent
                                        neutral is the word ure looking for


                                          3 bfs damn...wat were u trying to achieve wit tat...tbh if u went silver edge ...and Assault ..ten maybe a heart u could ave man fight him...ur 3rd skill already gives u high armor and Ac wit tat would make u not die so fast of his critical...and wit silver edge his passives r totally nullified...and to counter his 25%evasion talent...well who gives a fuck...get 2 lucky crits he if u wanna give a fuck get n mkb too

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                            One more thing u said cleave goes thru evasion well...if ur hitting pa wit 3 bfs directly ten no it won't...unless u hit someone in front of pa...ten maybe ya


                                              Yes that's what I meant. Cleave. Not direct hits. And those saying it is bad I'm going to Guess that you've never even tried the build but you're passing criticism. Lol


                                                Please leave my man Han alone,
                                                He’s our very own Stephen Hawkings


                                                  Hey hanyolo with very very very high iq, if you really think your build had atleast 5% iota of sense to it, I will lend you my 3.5k mmr account for a couple of games, you can try your build in this mmr and see for yourself what a douchebag you are!


                                                    You know i have a friend who builds 5 battlefury bounter hunter, sits behind creeps, and one shots teams, see the difference is that he has invisibility so he can initiate, and it works half the time because of it, and you're relying on you to be able to just walk up to them, somehow catch them all out of position and next to something inside the battlefury cleave, and hit them, without any initiation or protection whatsoever.


                                                      @john wick, i dont have a shred of doubt that 3.5k is any different from my current rank. the whole point is that the build works, and for any playstyle, esp when teams like to group up in 3.5k.


                                                        People still keep getting jebaited on these threads


                                                          @han im gona try ur build on sven soon. Thanks😍❤️




                                                              how is it a meme when ive had reasonable success with it. keep resisting innovative builds all you want guys. at least im bringing something fresh to this boring conventional stoic forum


                                                                i mustve heard someone use agnostic in this context

                                                                denoting or relating to hardware or software that is compatible with many types of platforms or operating systems.
                                                                "many common file formats (JPEG, MP3, etc.) are platform-agnostic"

                                                                and just assumed it had a similar broader meaning



                                                                  its a meme because you dont get to cleave onto people 100% of the time unless ur playing against pl or meepo

                                                                  the creeps will die way before pa does, and 2x bf has crap stats outside cleave


                                                                    I love hanyolo


                                                                      Why do people still reply to him?

                                                                      Smurf trying to troll people. Brings up semiplausible thought and people are arguing with him


                                                                        Actually I think u keep qb and make it into bf against np so u can escape sprout and not become
                                                                        S P R O U T E E Z Y


                                                                          "the solution to PA is to go late game vs a PA and get a ton of farm"
                                                                          finish the game early, build stuns and euls, press the Bloodthorn button

                                                                          thread is over please lock this trash


                                                                            Silver edge or bloodthorn is easier and deadlier

                                                                            Sven triple bf lul


                                                                              This thread is a joke, so does Guardian 5 game


                                                                                Guardian 5 games are not a joke. It is actually very competitive and challenging in its own way because of the picks, random laning, random rotations, and the lack of 5 manning or random 4 manning with 1 missing player.


                                                                                  Just had a game we were struggling all mid game against a farmed bounty with heart and butterfly who was taking advantage of our chaotic movements and lack of warding. I couldn't even burst him or manfight him without his teammates suddenly showing up.

                                                                                  However we won in the end because of what you all think is a joke, but is actually quite easy to execute. See enemy heroes walk by the creepwave, and 1 shot 2 enemy heroes with just cleave damage. If I had Mkb and tried to initiate the regular way he would've just got away. High Armour high hp bullshit. But instead 3 battlefuries ignores all your 6 slots of shit items. Lmao.

                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                    i like the topic. i press the link. saw sven two battlefury. okay. done with this thread 😂😂😂😂


                                                                                      What the fuck is this shitpost?


                                                                                        @[spec] Rein , why do u like spam visage XD ? Dont u get bored ?


                                                                                          how can u maintain sanity after coating so much bullshit with gold

                                                                                          Player 345996680

                                                                                            how about magic damage Krappa

                                                                                            also you dont even need the battlefuries - i saw, in a very high mmr stream, sven killing a stunned up PA with his natural cleave only.

                                                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                              You're really banking on fighting where the enemy, be it creeps or an enemy hero, is positioned perfectly so that you can cleave PA.
                                                                                              Also, the big problem with cleave is that you can't control it. Just like all AoE things. If any of the enemies decide to get a blade mail and you cleave hit them, you're going down with them. Unlike if you have strong single-target focus and they blade mail, you could switch targets, or avoid hitting them with cleave


                                                                                                Magic damage? Are fkn insane bro. Not even aghs Luna refresher can do what I do. You fucking haters.

                                                                                                It's easier to execute than you think. Fuck heads. If attacker can be relevant as kunka( think about it) doing the exact same thing, what's the Damn difference with sven. You noobs. Lmaooo

                                                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა