General Discussion

General DiscussionRiki is the new dark willow

Riki is the new dark willow in General Discussion

    Both ults insta deletes one hero


      Except willow needs levels and not items, also can lock down 1 target more reliably

      Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

        What's the point of this thread?... it's not a news. They are both cancerous and they will be nerfed in the next 7.14 patch.


          riki was completely fine but i dont know why ice frog thought he needed to break riki's ult. wtf is that crazy ass fucking ult i just lost a bunch of games to guardian rikis because that shit with basher diffusal is just so fucking ridiculous it's no wonder new players hate this game. lol
          so fucking cancerous in lower brackets he'll get to 25 and no one can deal with that guy. look at his winrate. stop balancing for pro games jesus christ

          Potato Marshal

            I just had a match where our dipshit SF died 12 times in 20 minutes but we still won and got carried by a pos 4 Riki with only a diffusal, sny, and bkb. This was on top of our dead weight mid and carry doing the least damage and always dying solo and not even contributing to most team fights.

            Story Time

              ^typical divine game

              Potato Marshal

                Yeah, I don't know what's wrong with SEA divine games right now, you'll randomly see mids and carries go 0/8/3 and constantly forget to use their abilities or charge into the enemy team in the dark solo. I don't know how this shit is considered top 1% of players when these people can't even stay awake during the picking stage.


                  Riki is strong but not OP
                  Willow is strong and pretty OP
                  They also both do completely different thibgs

                  Riki before this buff was bad, Riki after is nuts
                  Could they not have found a better way to buff the hero without us having this shit

                  casual gamer

                    dw isnt a hard carry with 05 base damage and invis

                    I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                      ex fucking cuse me?


                        both are OP and need tone down.

                        But riki is seriously Pub cancer now [especially Turbo]

                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!