General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can I lower my pub skill bracket without getting 6 month ban?

How can I lower my pub skill bracket without getting 6 month ban? in General Discussion

    When I queue for a casual match, I wanna play casual match and not a ranked match on 4100 mmr avg
    WITHOUT "professional" "7k mmr" "carry or feed" smurfs in my team
    Is it possible? Or there is no way to enjoy post 6.82 dota?


      idk but why do u have nearly 500 abandons wtf


        but u could play with lower mmr friend or make smurf or some shit lol


          Ur Russian apply for a Turkish or an Iranian citizenship

          not arin

            try buying bloodstone on storm, that will surely put you between worse players




                spam support bh
                u get both commends and losses for that nowadays


                  Just buy a herald or guardian account, i believe that its very cheap or swap ur acc to one


                    You can swap with me hahaha


                      I have legend 1 account but it have 2 lp game. If you can make your acc to 100 game we can trade


                        No trading, sorry. I guess I'll have to feed a lot on smurf


                          Well i have divine friend who plays with us to chill from tryhard games like you, but we still lose tho we are bad and he cant carry us LUL!



                            Okay guys what do you think?


                              Pretty legit, but Void teamkill chronos are more meme worthy.

                              You play on EU west, if you get low prio you can add me for quick way out, i have friend who like meme builds in ranked games he gets low prio often i have experience to get you out ^^

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                Thank god it is unranked. If you are in my team and ranked I may have asked you to commit sudoku.


                                Story Time

                                  honestly to lose games you just need to pick low win rate heros and pretend that you are trying. Just go gyro or allchemist or io


                                    play mostly support, buy ward but play badly, but keep up the good attitude. PLay like shit in those key moment in teamfight i guess hahaha


                                      Don`t feed, just play your less good hereoes, don`t push, don`t try go get so much far as you could, or best way just get wooden pc, there is no way that you will win game while you don`t see what `s going on in game.

                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!