General Discussion

General DiscussionA VERY push-oriented Arc Warden

A VERY push-oriented Arc Warden in General Discussion

    If I wanted to play a very aggressive push playstyle on arc, which of these items fit the bill after BoT-midas-mjolnir/maelstrom?
    Is necrobook still okay?
    Is meteor hammer viable?
    Would you consider deso?
    Maybe skip beating around the bush with these relatively cheap items and go full-physical dps luxury items with butterfly/mkb/daedalus/moonshard?

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      So you want to play the old zet? Which builds mostly around the fact that you can use twice items?
      In general it went something like midas into necro into manta. Also diffusal when it was charge based

      chicken spook,,,,

        drums kappa


          wasnt ee buying early necro1 as a farm accelerant? im not sure if that panned out for him or not


            I don't really think necro is good for accelerating farm since it kinda takes up a good chunk of gold for lvl 1. Maelstrom and midas kinda already fit the bill. But being able to siege towers even harder with the same minimal committment sounds good.
            I haven't really tried meteor hammer nor have seen it in action in my games since its introduction, but if its really strong as I hear as a sieging tool then it might be considerable.
            Deso is fairly cheap, and at the rate arc can farm, it would be attainable around 25 minutes together with a BoT and mael. But considering how he easily starves of slots it loses its efficacy on dragged out games.
            If going straight for a solid luxury dps item, it would be usually attainable 30-35 minutes on a challenged farm pattern, but then you have something to fall back to if the game drags on.


              arc already pushes at max speed with mjolnir bots, what on earth do you need to push faster for

              get items to kill the enemies so you're actually allowed to push towers.

              sb orchid nullifier etc.


                Necrobook meme hammer manta. Enjoy your MMR


                  why would u buy manta ona hero with trash agi and no stat items afgaxwgagwcwf


                    @cookie I'm looking for a way to shred the towers as fast as possible in games where my team just autoloses teamfights, so at the very least I can tip the scales back to our favor by baiting a panic-defend or just plain clearing the enemy base faster than they can clear my team

                    casual gamer

                      Buy mom then i guess, but it's risky


                        necro books deso of course

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