General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp with meta Safelane carries and builds

Help with meta Safelane carries and builds in General Discussion
Ok I Pull Up

    Lately I have been slacking off on watching enough pro games and I've seen a couple posts on the subreddit talking about how the meta is strong late game carries in 4 protect 1 fashion and lots of battlefury purchases on heroes that traditionally do not buy the item (like pl, spectre, etc.). This is counter intuitive to my experience as of late because I have seen none of these strange battlefury purchases and a lot of people in my pubs tend to prefer carries that can peak early to mid game and to play for a lot of fighting and pushing.

    Could I get some confirmation and suggestions for what carries are meta and if builds like battlefury on pl is the way to go and if so when to use this build.

    par73 KB24 | GTUBE

      well bro always respect that the pro meta different from your meta, meanwhile the reddit meta encompass the whole umbrella of the patches meta

      meanwhile in battle fury phantom lancer land, it's more optimal if you can win last hit supremacy without a ring of aquila. if not u might want to skip it, if ur pub team is not very efficient at creating space for you, you should skip it. however it's a good flash farming item and pro games often have camps stacked to the brim to create cushions of cementing/reboundnig leads for the carry players.
      the ideal meta for bf is : lane supremacy, stacks, space.
      lacking cofidence in those three categories, well, otherwise you better off building some items to survive fights/ganks imo

      sincerely yours,
      poo tier dota 2 player


        its cheap and boosts ur farm, and on heroes who can still contribute midgame with only bf and those who are very powerful in the lategame it can be a decent pickup
        idk too much tho, it gets weird and complicated


          mask of madness best item, get it on every agi carry and even some strength (even good to disassemble on sven)
          battlefury is also good but MoM is just better to pick up first unless you're playing AM or jugg (and even then it can good)


            Just pick lycan and win games bro


              U don't even have to play him well, just murder every building while ur team fights

              Fee Too Pee

                early pusher like lycan and huskar still beast

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