General Discussion

General DiscussionWorth of leveling a New Acc?

Worth of leveling a New Acc? in General Discussion
AggreSive Clown

    Well guys after my return in D2 found my acc in 3k mmr (through my brother was playing) like 2 months ago( the same time with the new MMR system release) played the 10 calib games and i got archon 2-3 and a 2,8mmr.Spent like 100 games in like 6 weeks to understand new mechanics (even talents) and the penalty for that was a 600mmr drop at 2,2.Now i am climbing back 2,9atm and my goal is to catch a 5k if possible (the mmr i was playing before the quit).Btw somehow i got promoted liek 3 weeeks ago on a Legend 3 rank while i was at 2,6k(still got that medal) All i want to ask if its worth pushing this acc or trying a new one, coz as far as i am playing my fav heroes the perchentage of winning is good enough to climb BUT i am getting really bored of it really quick (spamming 2-3 heroes) . Is it worth goin on a new acc for the main reason i want to have fun of the game from every aspect (core /support/roam) and thats not possible most of the times in 3k. I catch my self playing dota only for the climb and this affects my attitude. ANyone knows how many games and how the calibration taking part into new accs?


      Make Smurf


        You are trying to make it sound like the game had some groundbreaking changes that prevented you from getting back to it and your "5k skill level".

        A simple dotabuff search shows me that you had 280 ranked mmr matches on the account with a 45% winrate(rounded up to the higher number).

        Implying you didn't calibrate at 5k and kept falling back to your actual mmr, I don't really see why you would feel the need to lie about something like that.

        The only reason you would have to make an account would probably be to learn the game once more, I doubt you will get more out of it compared to simply climbing to the desired mmr since you won't really calibrate above 3.5k anyway.

        AggreSive Clown

          Yes they are serious changes when u rejoin after 18 + months. Nothing prevent me from climbing back not even the changes. I just assume that it needs hours and hours of playing without enjoyin all the aspects of the game coz i am forced to spam specific snowball heroes to climb.I didnt say i should calibrate on 5k. I said that at the end of 2016 i was playing on 4,8 when i stopped it. After that everything is my bro in it.I got the acc on 3k mmr so it was impossible to start on an ancient 2-3 medal. You are out of topic and u didnt answer my question.Take ur toxicity and get out of here. Ty.
          P.S. i had 3000 games in here.


            The overuse of the words like toxic and similar words generated from it doesn't make me wrong in calling you out.

            The number of games you played is irrelevant since it doesn't give you an ingame advantage for it.

            I will summarize the topic for the information out of it:
            -op comes back to dota
            -finds the account where he "had 5k"
            -uses his brother as a scapegoat to why the account is not 5k
            -can't get used to the game, lowers his mmr even more
            -thinks about calibrating a new account for the chance of playing with better players when he is currently losing games on a normal skill level

            -user1 advices op to create smurf
            -I call him out for exaggerating his own potential for literally no reason whatsoever

            -op doesn't like my answer
            -op ones more indicates that there was a huge period absent from the game
            -op shares desire to play on a higher mmr range that prevents him from having fun while literally the only factor is himself
            -calls me toxic for pointing out the obvious

            I will repeat my advice once more:
            - you won't get better by creating another account, the same time involved in getting to higher mmr will be taken by the games needed to even start calibration + you will need another phone number
            - the people you are currently losing too arent winning their games because you are better at the game
            - if you have struggle enjoying competitive games there are turbo and normal games at your use in any time

            You would be playing normal games anyway while waiting for the calibration so creating a smurf might actually not be such a bad idea, it just won't give you any advantage either.

            The thing that you call "toxic" is me being annoyed at selfcentered people who are destroying games of other people by thinking they deserve a better match making rank just because of their own opinion, yet are not able to win games in a mmr range that is more than 2k bellow their expected mmr range.

            Feel free to take offence, the alternative is joining a game and actually getting better.

            муки с рылом

              Hat off to anime fangay for such polite and well-articulated roasting of op. I simply wouldn’t have the nerve.
              To op - I also find it hard to believe that a 2015 5k player has troubles with 2k trash right now, even considering strong annual deflation right now. I also was tilted after dropping from 4k to lower 3 this patch, only to finally accept that this is my true skill level, and I only got higher because of necro buffs

              AggreSive Clown

                I am not here to argue.But when i am asking if it worth creating a new acc and giving some more info about what the situation is so u can have a completed opinion/advice and instead of an answer i recieve a critisism about my acc/ dotabuff stats etc etc i feel annoyed. I wouldnt be if my topic was "Comment my acc profile" but i am asking about a different opionion.
                I am not blaming anyone as the main reason for being at 3k. Obviously i am not a 5k player anymore.At least for the moment.
                I am not selfcentered person and i am not destroying games. WHen i said that my desire for a fast climb affects my attitude i meant that i catch my self getting focused so much on winning instead of having fun like i used to do. I am afraid of picking a lane support coz 7/10 times the enemies will have a 3core setup and my carry isnt able to understand the meaning of the quick finish.He thinks that the great XP/net worth boost he got during the lane phase from my support will give him the win after 50 minutes of game vs 3 cores.Just a simple example that most of the players around 3k have a very different approach of the game (mentally basically) than the other brackets. And yes definitely my approach doesnt belong in here

                Cheesy Wenis

                  If you make a fresh account you will, at most, calibrate to 3.5k. This doesn't really save you much calibration time since the seasonal changes (you can jump between medals more fluidly in the new system) and it removes a valuable metric to improve (your statistical history). Fresh starts might feel nice, but it's not really going to help you in the long run. If anything it removes your ability to reflect on past mistakes and improve, since the history of them will be purged.

                  At best you're going to have ~25 games against brand new players which, while a fun boost to your ego, doesn't actually help you become a better player. You'll just get an inflated ego and develop bad habits.


                    Look, here is my views on why you should create smurfs:
                    -run away from people you don't want to play with in the next few days but would still remain as friends on your account without deleting them(one of the reasons why I am currently playing this account)
                    -get a second account to prevent you from being faced with possible bans if you for some reason fail to ready(I think this is how this smurf is created)
                    -you can't get out of a percieved black pool where people keep reporting each other and keep getting into low prio for no reason
                    -testing purposes to see how the mmr system works

                    What your smurf won't give you:
                    -better game experience
                    -higher chance of betting a better ranking
                    -more fun games

                    The Chainsmokers - Sick Boy

                      I created a new account and will soon be calibrated for the reason that i wanted to measure what mmr or medal i can reach this time. My old account since 2011 which i played till last year calibrated on guardian. I had to admit i once trolled and i had thrown games using that account before and lastly, i didnt look into playing at my best or probably didnt understand how the game is played.Now that i am a different player, this new account will tell me the improvement (hopefully there is) when i calibrated after 35 games. (First 25 games has limited hero, another 15 games for full hero before allowed to play rank.) Playing on a new account gave me a fresh start.Gives me back the fun.

                      Cheesy Wenis

                        ^sick mental gymnastics.