General Discussion

General Discussionquestion regarding match-making

question regarding match-making in General Discussion

    Hi all,

    Quick question regarding the "Team composition".
    Lately all games I Play I am the lowest ranking Player (Archon 3 stars) while the rest of the Team usually is significantly higher (i.e. up to Legend 2).
    A while ago, this was not the case all Players were of the same rank +/-1 star. Did something Change? Or was it always like this and I haven't noticed?

    One more question, how come I sometimes Play "high" ranked skill and sometimes "normal" ranked skill? Is it because the barrier between high and normal is around 3k mmr? I am slightly below (2.95k).

    Thanks in advance for enlightening me!


      (player 1 mmr + player 2 mmr... + player 10 mmr)/10 = x

      if x < ~3000 it's normal skill
      if ~3000 < x < ~3800 it's high skill
      if x > ~3800 it's very high skill