General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for offlane boosters/smurfs

Looking for offlane boosters/smurfs in General Discussion


    As we all know, usually when someone is either smurfing or boosting mmr on low mmr acc while being a much higher mmr himself, this player locks mid since its the easiest way to snowball out of control and win the game fast by outplaying your opponent in 1v1 scenario with the maximum farm available (that additional melee creep per wave)


    In this game the Mk guy claimed at the start that he is boosting mmr on this acc. He stomped this game and if u check his account now he gained 1k mmr in 7 days with sick winrate. He was also streaming this game and had a lot of viewers. Guess he was not lying about being 6k+ on his main.

    The thing is u barely can get mid in a high 3k-low 4k cos everyone is tilted, people dont trust each other and there are 2-3 icons on mid every game and I dont want to ruin the game from the start by putting a 4th icon there despite the fact I can play good invoker/sf/qop. People just take 2nd/3rd mid hero and dont give fucks.

    Thus, I found myself playing offlane lately. However, Ive never seen high mmr boosters/smurfers going thru my bracket with offlane. And thats very sad, cos watching a 7k avg mmr game from the offlaner perspective doesnt give me much. People in 7k are making different kind of mistakes.

    TL, DR: Im looking for accounts or at least games where a high mmr player (6-7k) is stomping 3-4k mmr from the offlane to learn how do they exploit weaknesses of my bracket's players.

    Anyone knows the way I could find these accounts/games? There was a couple of international ranked where people like S4 were playing vs 4ks on offlane but that's kinda not enough.

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Bipdongoe i believe spams offlane brood all the time and ends the game around 15min or so.

      meteor hammer

        idk why anyone would tell their team they are boosting, even when you are it's just an added degree of stupidity/tilt from your teammates for less than 0 benefit

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          If you got a 7k offlane player to boost a 3k account his winrate would probably be in the 75-80% range at a guess.

          he would still be at the mercy of his mid and carry not getting completely stomped. I dont see why a booster woulf main offlane for this reason. the ones i see just first pick meepo, TA or arc.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          meteor hammer

            no lol u can pick borood and rax at like 15 minutes im sure, no matter what ur other heroes do it doesnt matter dude

            anyway 3ks are basically the same as bots, they have no way to stop you from snowballing into 700-800 gpm and literally no idea how to stop you after you get there. as a bonus nobody on either team will rosh unless you tell them to or they are playing a few specific heroes (ursa, troll maybe, slight chance with pa)


              @HueHueHue ty, gonna check this out. however, brood requires some draft conditions to work and a 4-5th pick. I wonder how does he manage to pick her constantly. I used to play brood sometimes but if u dont last pick, they just get sven and 2 supports with disables and u cant do shit in your lane

              @badler right, huskar guy in that game got tilted from min 0 cos he wanted mid.

              About brood: from my experience people buy sentries even in low 4k vs brood and they dont plant them like noobs in the middle of the road but between the trees so u cant quell them fast.
              Example low 4k game, they last picked sven vs my last pick brood and then they trilaned top with 12390429 sentries so I got destroyed

              @Milnor you're right, that's the reason they d just go mid to boost. Maybe I ll find someone doing it thru offlane for some reason though?

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
              meteor hammer

                watch bipdongoe seriously


                  I'm gonna do it for sure

                  Eventually, looks like there re only 2 strats for climbing thru offlane unless ur the real 6-7k:
                  either learn brood really well or spam cheese heroes like aba/underlord/omni (not sure if the 2nd way will actually get me far)


                    watch bipdongoe seriouslywatch bipdongoe seriouslywatch bipdongoe seriouslywatch bipdongoe seriouslywatch bipdongoe seriouslywatch bipdongoe seriously


                      i recently gained 500 mmr to 3.6 k mmr spamming omni offlane tho i am a 3k level player.

                      the lost matches were often mid getting destroyed or an afk jungler being useless. I couldnt stop the enemy snowball.


                        Ye, he is the strongest as offlane. No idea why ppl pick him as a pos 5. Im also having a great success with him yet no many games played.


                          Do you guys play offlane omni like you play underlord or do you go for something different ?


                            Check my games
                            Usually u just shit on their weak safe lane with your Q on allied creeps/yourself while kiting their melee carry. Once you are left 1v1 with the carry, you can easily kill him, then u get their t1, get your first item (usually its mek/force/euls depending on the enemy line up) and then u go for other t1s. You try to play some sort of death ball strat, cos omni is super strong in early team fights given 1 utility item. Mind that he is not that good vs strong lane supports and range carries.


                              always PMS + tangos.
                              always pull ememy lane creeps into river and aggro them out of tower range till your 2nd creeps wave arrive. this will give u ez lvl3. with lvl advantage on omni i dnt even need to give advice you just smash them. get arcanes wand, if u assess that the support is killable (u dnt need to lvl Repel) then get OoV first and hammer him to death. Also always use Q on yourself. never on a creep for CS. you nee ld the sustain. Never use it unless u get max heal value.

                              one of two things will happen: u will stomp the lane or you will keep 2/3 heros busy which in theory means your team should have a good time in the other lanes.

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