General Discussion

General DiscussionBloodseeker.

Bloodseeker. in General Discussion

    why do most people go for the "dps build" instead of magic build like dagon aghs octarine? if you are looking for dps why not pick carries that actually do more dps with same items.


      Because eul dagon build sucks ? And is countered by 1 item.


        I consider blood to be more of a "1 and done" type of hero. You rupture 1 hero and you just helped your team a lot by making sure he doesn't move.


          Euls and octarine is legit then you can non stop spam W. annoying ass shit

          Potato Marshal

            Magic build on the hero that does no magic damage?

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Thirst give attack damage and ms
              You gotta try SnY on Blood he runs like Ferrari

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                u sure no magic dmg? double rage + eblade + dagon = 3k dmg


                  Eblade Dagon is clowny. Go aghs radiance octarine and just tilt the enemy every team fight


                    i win every bloodseeker game with this talent.
                    +225 health
                    +75 bloodrite
                    +14%rupture damage
                    -7s bloodrite, cooldown every 5 sec.. spamable with mana regen from echo sabre/linken

                    early game build dps phase boots and echo sabre.
                    mid/late build aghanim.

                    Any Q'ers?

                      play him the way I do, its definitely the best


                        what about double rage and hitting people with the added dmg from thirst and items

                        зачем я начал поиск

                          Phase->Euls->Yasha->Manta/Rad->Shiva/Linkens/Octarine/Pipe->optionally get BKB instead of Euls very late is the only legit build I've seen and it was super-popularised in CIS-doto by once top-1 Bloodseeker Dotabuff, who spammed him non-stop and streamed that.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            any bs spammers or can people who actually know what they are talking about enlighten me?

                            зачем я начал поиск

                              I've watched a stream of the ultimate BS spammer, but he's Russian and no point in providing any kinds of links.

                              Also, doesn't stream high MMR doto now - sold main acc.


                                @one step ahead, no aghs in his build?

                                Story Time

                                  some retards even think that BS is a carry, like this one
                                  who picked BS last pick to counter AM (i suggested troll but he said "we have to finish fast")

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    playing against octarine agh bs is ultracancer


                                      I don't get 'double rage' What's that mean?


                                        ^applying rage to yourself and enemy target i guess

                                        주 롄양

                                          low cd+longer duration so u can apply to both enemy and urself

                                          주 롄양

                                            no shit sherlock mybad


                                              Bs magic damage is ultra fun :) look at this


                                                bs magic build isnt good but bs pure damage based caster build is good for sure


                                                  i tried the radiance aghs octarine build. it was fun but my tim hold me bak and we lost

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    He actually scales pretty well into late game if you make a right clicker build which is why I think people do it. The main issue is dumbasses will continue to bloodrage themselves in full on teamfights so as soon as bkb runs out they get nuked in .2 seconds and die, while they should be bloodraging the target so whole team does increased dmg to them.

                                                    Dagon build is super strong early but you fall off late and as soon as enemies can out live your burst or get bkb it's pretty much done.

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                      what on earth are you on about

                                                      BS is a mid/carry this patch, mostly carry, one of the top tier heroes for those roles.

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                        I agree w/ @direwolf


                                                          if you are looking for dps why not pick carries that actually do more dps with same items.



                                                            bs items r super versatile, u can mix in utility and non dps items like octarine euls or force and still be relevant
                                                            so many items r viable on the hero.

                                                            Player 281121816

                                                              Yeah sure, u rupture me,im using bm,u die

                                                              Trash hero, expecially if he was in ur team then he afk farm jungle till 20minutes


                                                                If u blademail his rupture it shudnt matter unless ur tankier than him
                                                                It doesn't always work, and bs is capable of healing if u fail.
                                                                Bs is very good as a safe or mid laner but sucks if the jungle rn and since ur behind on how he is played u think he sucks


                                                                  because cookie


                                                                    Other day, I jungled first 8 minutes or so (while ganking), then proceeded to live in the safe lane, cutting creeps, and getting easy kills 3v1 on the offlaner. Proceeded to build mana boots (missclick), but then went Eul's, blademail and force staff. Good game impact and easy build.


                                                                      @abdal you need to play more before u tell me i rupture you, you blademail, i die. are we playing the same game?


                                                                        damage return from blademail
                                                                        1. ghost scepter and eul.
                                                                        2. get more hp / str status, manta skadi silver edge agh octarine heart

                                                                        and right bs is versatile hero, u should buy item depend enemy/ally draft.

                                                                        pos 2

                                                                          DPS build lets you manfight carries, while Magic build requires you to wait until they're low enough HP to go in for the kill (or dagon).

                                                                          You won't have that luxury every single game.

                                                                          Any Q'ers?

                                                                            the way to play bs is either BF or Radiance early, you can easily get either Rad or BF, if your gonna farm , either is good, but if your gonna fight radiance is better, radiance shadow blade you can rupture, and then deal 100 radiance dmg per second from blood rage increase while invis. BF good vs illusion heros and the cleave is increased by blood rage so the cleave is greater, more like sven cleave.

                                                                            the hero thrives off late game deso bkb butterfly/halberd combined with 30% lifesteal. you can man fight any single hero with bs since his itemization is so versatile and can roll up a silver edge no problem. only PL is hard to deal with, or MK.

                                                                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                              Pls no BF for an early game carry, cleave is unreliable in fight, only for farm.
                                                                              Gotta say Radiance is best build, never tried it out in pubs though.

                                                                              Any Q'ers?

                                                                                The problem is that you consider a hero who has a massive dmg injector, 30% lifesteal, and top farming capability and early game carry.

                                                                                Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                                  I need some bs laning help most of my games are jungle. Madness, sb , sabre build looks intrested.

                                                                                  meteor hammer

                                                                                    if you get the lifesteal talent and play bs as a farming carry you are an absolute lemming and should have your bs privileges revoked