General Discussion

General DiscussionI can't win as an Underlord.

I can't win as an Underlord. in General Discussion
Fox McCloud

    Winning the offlane is easy - it's transitioning into further objectives that's hard.

    Do you "gank" as an Underlord? Or do you just push?

    Is first item Greaves always optimal?

    Is it wrong that I find atos underwhelming on him?

    How do you use your ult in a pub situation?

    How do you teamfight? I find that even with an early Mek, initiating with Pit and going ham will usually result in my death.

    თემა შეიცვალა

      well you can position yourself to force enemy to target you you are tanky enough to survive or even when you die your team will win the fight

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        i got mana boots , crimson/medallion pipe then shiva and utility , halberd bm are valuable


          I actually really hate the hero.... before when his pit pierced spell immunity he was a situational pick to control things like ls and jug.... now I think any offlaner can perform his role better.... u want teamfight and initiation you have cent or axe or sk.... u want stalling u have elder titan.... u want a hero that gets nerfed every patch you get ds

          Fox McCloud

            Would be nice if I got answers from people who actually win games with Underlord. Or at the very least PLAY him.

            nekopunchhh dadadadadadada

              There was a guy who spammed underlord to 5k with 70% winrates

              Forgot his id though

              nekopunchhh dadadadadadada

                I dont really play this hero much but back then i think veil, thread, shivas build better, since it amplifies ur magic damage and shiva slows attack speed. There is no need to use ur pit so early, just wait for s right timing when enemy's core pop in or when chasing

                nekopunchhh dadadadadadada
                  კომენტარი წაიშალა

                    Played him a few times on my smurf.

                    IMO there's no reason to pick him if you aren't going mek/greaves/pipe. He's extremely strong at death balling and can provide gamebreaking saves with ult. If you foresee your team not grouping up to push and intending to go late, he's a meh hero.

                    It's more you go for towers and the enemies can't approach you because of firestorm and pit than playing him as an imitator.

                    Potato Marshal

                      I'm not exactly the best Underlord player, but I have a 60%+ winrate with him and have gotten rampages. I just buy 3 clarities at the start and just spam firestorm on neutrals and creepwaves. I don't gank or anything with him, just keep pushing and nuking waves, and go to the jungle if the lanes are too pushed and you don't feel safe going any deeper. Don't be afraid of using your ult as a quick boots of travel just for yourself if you need to jump to your team to help them push or fight. You're also an excellent sieger, you can easily get upwards of 250 or more bonus damage after a teamfight to help take towers, when pushing a tower or high ground, sometimes you have to preemptively put down your pit in case they have an initiator to jump in.

                      In terms of items I only usually get atos if they have a hero like Void or Weaver that I really need to chain root. I also get atos if my team lacks any good initiators or chasers. Greaves aren't really that great and are pretty situational, if they have fast rightclickers like troll, or windranger, I get a crimson. Pipe if they have a lot of magic damage. Aghs is also situationally okay if you have a lot of fast righclicker like troll, drow, or wr to help take towers and rax after successful teamfights. Shivas is also great synergy with all your abilities. Halberd and/or solar crest is also very good if your team needs it.

                      My role in the game is usually to just push and farm, and get ready to counter-initiate when the enemy team tries to defend. Underlord is like Jakiro in that once he drops his abilities, he wants to force the fight in that one location. Try your best to dictate where the fight is going to occur, your abilities are weak and underwhelming if you aren't in a position where your allies can follow up with their own disables.