General Discussion

General Discussionquick bloodseeker question

quick bloodseeker question in General Discussion

    is it always good to bloodrage yourself? because i can think of so many situations where you can bloodrage the enemy you're chasing in a fight so you deal 40% damage bonus to them and they'll only do 40% damage to you whereas if you bloodrage yourself the entire enemy team can do +40% damage to you, however this can be dangerous if the opponent has huge aoe spells etc


      I'd say it depends on the situation. If your team can dish out more damage to your target than your target can, then go ahead and bloodrage em.

      Heck, if your target has a Linkens then bloodrage them first to break it (or use another targetable item, I dunno).

      If you're just playing some 2k games or something, then I wouldn't really bother TOO much and just bloodrage yourself, assuming you won't get chainstunned or something.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
      Riguma Borusu

        This is entirely down to experience, there's no good answer to this question. But let's say if you rupture a Sven and your PA blinks in to kill him, if you blood rage him he might not only kill PA but heal whatever HP he might have lost to rupture. Or if there are creeps around, and you bloodrage Luna, she's gonna get a fucking rampage.

        The best way to use blood rage on the enemy is if they are disabled. You can even build a sheepstick on BS to this effect. The general idea is that a disabled target won't dish out damage unless it's spectre or bristleback or someone with radiance. At that point you should just make sure that there is no way the target will heal, as a BS player I have given many rampages to enemy carries because I blood raged them and they had AoE, so I would advise against this unless you are 120% sure there is no way for the enemy to heal up.

        死の恐怖 Haseo

          bloodrage anti-mage after rupture so he will kill himself in a single blink :bc_ok:


            bloodrage in general can backfire a lot
            in general only commit bloodrage when dmg is being dealt, don't open a gank by bloodraging a zeus and or by bloodraging urself, he will either kill u or kill ur team. just hold the spell and bloodrage zeus if he is stunned to kill him or bloodrage self when ur in range.
            don't forget to bloodrage ur own zeus/tinker/necro to great affect

            Riguma Borusu

              BS is actually a really hard hero to truly master because your use of blood rage can make or break the game, pretty much, and it is a spell that's on short CD and you want to spam it a lot but really shouldn't in many cases.


                I think you should just leave that thoughts outside the game and never bloodrage an enemy.
                Keeps things simple and clean.

                Riguma Borusu

                  Not even when he's reaper'd? I always bloodrage my necro before he goes to reaper someone, and then I bloodrage the person when he casts scythe. It doubles the damage basically, so the threshold is lower. Not to mention it heals necro for a fuckton.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    Rules of Bloodrage
                    #1: Never Bloodrage teammates in a gank or fight, if they die they will tilt & throw.
                    #2: Only Bloodrage enemy that is ganked and sure to die, if the enemy team saves him and retaliates, your team will tilt & throw.
                    #3: The only thing you get to Bloodrage is yourself, because even if you die, you have no one to blame, so no tilt&throw.


                      in the start BS is pretty strong so bloodraging yourself is the most efficient ganks bloodrage the single enemy(especially if they're about to be silenced). in HG defense bloodrage range carries or carries with lifesteal. Don't go worrying whether it's worth it to bloodrage a sniper and thinking what if they catch him because if they catch him he's dead anyways.

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        bloodrage urself always when its off cooldown, if there are no invis enemies and bloodrage enemy u want to kill + rupture to deal double dmg


                          Bloodraging an opponent is the way to go after you rupture and pop up your blademail. If you are bored of your ranked games though and would like to enjoy some easy low prio try amplifying a bristleback while your 5-man team hits his back. Easy -25, true story, been there done that. After that you wil hear many death threats, xaxa. :)


                            I played with a bs who bloodraged enemy zeus while we were focusing someone else then zeus gets a double kills bs and my carry and almost kills me
                            Dont do that


                              use bloodrage on roshan, enjoy 5500hp