General Discussion

General DiscussionHey boy

Hey boy in General Discussion

    Can anyone pay me gameleap or pvgna acc
    I dont have any credit card
    And i will pay you back with steam wallet codes/cache item/3k acc or whatever lets make a deal

    Bosnian Blade

      ok send me money on steam ill buy it for u
      i promise 100%


        Add me on steam if any of you serious, i'll give 7 usd worth steam wallet for that 5 usd subscribe

        And i dont need any sarcasm


          You can try a 3 day free trial by inviting someone. Well, you can create a new pvgna account with the email you used to invite


            Do you already try it?
            It require a credit card information


              i tried gameleap, has a 3 day money return.

              spent 20 minutes on it and then refunded it. Gameleap is designed for 1k


                Just click the button at the end of credit card info. You'll end up at something saying invite 10 friends or so


                  Pvgna is much better than gameleap. And it has 7.06 guides


                    You don't need them. Learn how to analyse your own replays.

                    chicken spook,,,,



                        are u retard or yes ?

                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                          Gameleap is retarded.

                          The only reason it is even mentioned/popular is because Dota WTF, Dota Cinema, and even Trymike4instance advertise it, obviously they are making extra cash from it. But as long as they are making extra cash and getting support, doesn't mean it is helpful or amazing.


                            I already subscribe game-leap before. And i want to see these new arc guide

                            Why you guys talking shit about guides when you are 2k 3k


                              And gameleap is useful for someone lazy like me

                              Yep. Gameleap designed for 1k i agree because the guides so detailed and we'll some useless shit for 1k

                              But you'll be surprised there is something you dont know (at least for me)

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                I'm still learning through matches to analyze them. The how is the biggest question. It comes down what do you seek in rewatching your own replays. Are you going evaluate what went wrong? What you could have done better in a situation that got out of hand? Why am I being felt like I'm being observed by the enemy?

                                Puppey Jr. Dota is very similar to working profession that requires whole lot of technical knowledge that you can't learn on a book. You need to make mistakes and fail if you have to learn what you exactly need. There are no shortcuts to anything in life or dota.

                                If you want get better and earn more figures on your mmr. Learn to understand the bracket you are currently. Don't waste time watching anything beyond you can get offered in any matches you're playing.

                                I.e I love playing mid invoker, but my current skill bracket doesn't provide the best circumstances and resources to play mid in peace. This was my probem when I was in 1K bracket. Thanks to cookie and 1icetea I got clear of my goal in a dota match. Which was only to destroy the ancient.

                                Knowledge is power my friend, and Dota knowledge isn't written in any books out there. It's something that requires hours and hours of learning and gaining experience. Stop blaming others, just only blame yourself. You see, we humans always want to put others on the fire and make them feel bad but never put ourselves in their shoes instead.

                                MMR is self defined. You need to understand what it actually means to you. Do you just want to feel great and proud of the amount of figures you have in your MMR? Justify to the whole world you are better player than them? What do you want from life with your MMRR scores. Learn your why. Here's my definition of MMR,, it is the amount of knowledge that you already have to win a random match. It's a measurement of knowledge you posses. That's about it.

                                The 3 skill brackets we have in dota, varies only by the amount of resources being provided to you. I.e courier, wards, rotations, supports that know their power spikes and how to abuse them, laning threats, and many more.

                                And as your MMR goes higher, your matches will get harder by so many high levels in so many ways, but you will be most likely be compensated with proper resources in return. I hope you this clears your view about MMR.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  When the fuck was I blaming others? That reply is too long but didn't say anything I didn't know. This is just a for the lulz account anyways. Besides, what makes you think that I don't practice the things I hear from the guides for hours. And then, we're just around the same range in MMR.

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!