General Discussion

General Discussionshould i create a new acc

should i create a new acc in General Discussion

    im a 1k and stuck with 1k plebs....I tried to teach the sup to not waste wards but they just won't listen to me.1 one time I was dire and this rubick waste 4 wards at radiant secret shop and I was at bottom lane on dire farming with lc roaming with blink really close to reaching 2k but just cant seem to reach it with selfish lc junglers,6.88 techies, sup that doesn't know how to ward and etc.Iknow this sounds hypocrite for a 1k to talk trash about other 1k


      u are just dogshit, making new account wont change that


        dude, you're playing in 1k

        wanna give me your account? i'll record myself playing with 1 hand and i'll stomp the shit so hard that they'll delete dota.

        you don't even need half a brain to win in that bracket

        edit: or 2 fingers, 1 on each hand, let's go!

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          give me your 1k acc, ill give you a 3.1 acc


            Do you want to trade accounts? I want to experience 1K bracket.


              lol the answers. man ppl are shit in that bracket the wrong thing u do is thinking they could be good. wanna go higher? find out what mistakes your team makes each game and remember it because youre going to play with and against the same skilled players next games. know the mistakes and abuse them to take towers abd objectives. like how easily you can make them tp to where u are pushing and then you tp to another lane making them not being able to take any objective. or when u know everyone's shit and u cant say 70% sure u can win the fight with those allies in that situation, go push another lane when they're fighting. u can easily take down all raxes like this for real!

              ps. mute every 9 players. enemies wont help u in chat and allies will flame u for ur choices specially not being in retarded fights and stuff. u dont need to hear that

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