General Discussion

General DiscussionPhase or Treads on TA?

Phase or Treads on TA? in General Discussion
Massive Dynamic

    ^ Title. Which boots are better for this hero in your opinion and why.

    doc joferlyn simp

      tranqus. gotta get dem ms


        I'd have treads for the as and stats that can help pushing towers more than phase

        死の恐怖 Haseo

          Treads for higher dps and tread switch


            it's just about player preferences though


              Treads will give you more farm, higher dps, treads switching
              Phase useful for chasing
              But imo if you need to chase people as TA you are already fucked up


                phase was good when u need to run after people, its also ok when fighting, but treads r usually the go to as they are better for tread switching and farming and scale better.

                doc joferlyn simp

                  i think you should look into the talents and see if you can get some AS or atk dmg


                    she gets attack speed at 10, but only 25 as compared to treads' also 25 attack speed. either way better to stack em. treads gives the tread switching benefit too, which is especially good cuz ta goes mid with a bottle.

                    -DI- TheDrengr

                      NEITHER, always tp boots. treads and phase are complete shit compared to travs.


                        Treads. Because i tread switch. Much efficient rather than getting phase boots. Well, at least for me.



                          Potato Marshal

                            Treads, allow you to farm better. Plus you'll be tread switching a lot since you'll often use traps and refraction outside of fights.


                              I like treads better. Tread switching is really gud and so is the attack speed.

                              One Man Army

                                Treads vs attack slow heroes and if no one has arcanes, phase vs movement speed slow heroes. I think phase is underrated on ta, you can always take the +attack speed to compensate, plus it gives you extra kill potential in the earlier laning phase than treads


                                  Dont listen to them, get tranq

                                  Player 404335202

                                    Please dont talk about 3k unless u ve played many games there ... Tried hard ...was triggered alot and finally somehow left this bracket permanently

                                    Player 404335202

                                      For TA --bot --blink --assault--skadi--bkb--silver edge


                                        Treads for switching, and aspd stacks with talent, which equates to pushing and roshan efficiency.

                                        Templar does not lack chasing ability if you utilize the traps well.

                                        [RR53] RR

                                          Since Refraction nerf which happened ages ago (75->100 mana) PT was better. Now with AS talent and PT giving 10 stats (once again) why is this even a question?

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!