General Discussion

General DiscussionYour Hotkeys

Your Hotkeys in General Discussion

    so im changing a bit of my hotkeys to be able to be more efficient on micro and cotrol units and find a place for camera positions. put ur hotkeys here maybe i could pick something up from it. it doesnt matter how complex or retarded it seems kinda just for fun and seeing how others play

    so for me is like this right now:

    qwedfr for levels
    space capslock ~(top left) 1 2 3
    select hero = mouse 4
    select all other = mouse 5
    select all = C
    select courier = V
    control groups = X T 4 5
    next unit tab
    scoreboard B
    Buy TP(sticky) N
    move M
    taunt J
    take stash items H
    purchase quickbuy G
    chat wheel Y

    i wanna switch items from 2 and 3 to x and t to have my control units on 2 3 4 5 also wanna put camera positions on alt1 alt2 to alt5

    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      Still using the traditional dota 1 hotkeys.

      Legacy Keys (except invoker and rubick) + Alt + Q W E A S D for items.

      mr. rabbit

        quickcast spells on QWER

        non quickcast items on capslock x c v b space

        f1 select hero
        f2 select courier
        f3 select all units
        1 select all other units
        4 purchase shiftbuy items
        5 purchase tp
        ` scoreboard
        T talent level up
        Y chat wheel
        Z taunt

        and most importantly,

        end on console, fucking default console bind makes me accidentally press it when i chat

        everything else is on default


          I think the best mechanical change that most people can make is switching to dragging camera with middle mouse button over edge panning.


            qwerdf : abilities
            F1 : Select all units
            F4 : Select all other units
            F2 : Select courier
            F6 : Buy tp
            Tab : Next unit tab
            1 : Select hero
            2,3,4,5... : Control groups
            z,x,c, mouse 4, spacebar, mouse 5 : item hotkeys
            dpi up button: buy quickbuy
            dpi down button : send courier
            dpi shift button : fortify buildings
            Middle mouse : Chat wheel

            mr. rabbit

              I think the best mechanical change that most people can make is switching to dragging camera with middle mouse button over edge panning.

              this x99999 camera grip is so much better than edge pan

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                But my middle mouse button is so stiff D:
                I use 12345 for micro btw


                  i already CAN use mid mouse for it but since my mouses all have mid mouse problems (specially scrolling but also the button itself) i never got used to it. i remember doing it for blocking even tho i edge pan that too. i think i gotta play bot match for a week and just change my whole playing system to get more efficient


                    also how do u use F keys i never got that they're too high jdjtjsok-2-&(jrkr


                      Everything default, never quickcast, or shiftqueue, or use control group, and still a better player than alice

                      41% Pro meepo gaming

                        1; select hero
                        2; select all units
                        3; select all other units
                        4; courier
                        5; courier deliver items
                        6; courier speed burst
                        f1; open shop
                        f2; purchase quick buy
                        f3; buy tp
                        tab; next hero
                        items; altq altw alte alta alts altd
                        d and f is quickcast
                        y chat wheel
                        alt; hero invert toggle.

                        QTG 幸せ

                          Everything quickcasts

                          a attack
                          s stop

                          qwer(df) abilities

                          my inv slots are like

                          c 2 mouse5
                          x v space

                          mouse 4 mic
                          b chat wheel
                          g upgrade stats
                          h upgrade talents
                          z and t control groups
                          1 hero
                          3 all untis
                          4 all other units
                          5 cour

                          alt-b buy sticky
                          alt-g fast buy
                          alt-t take cour
                          alt-5 speed burst cour

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            1 - select hero
                            2 - select other
                            ctrl - control all
                            caps lock - select all
                            tab - toggle all selected units
                            qwer34 - abilities
                            a - attack
                            s - cancel
                            dfxcy space - items
                            5 - buy
                            F1 - I don't have a clue what is on this button, but it is something (got it scoreboard or maybe grab stash lol)
                            F2 - courier deliver
                            F3 - quick buy
                            F4 - open shop
                            F5 - courier speed
                            shift qwer34 - upgrade talents

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              QWEDFR : Skills
                              F1 : Select Hero
                              F2 : Select Courier
                              F3 : Courier Deliver Items
                              F5 : Purchase Quickbuy
                              F8 : Purchase TP Scrolls
                              F9 : Pause
                              ALT + QWEASD : Use items
                              1 : Select All Units
                              2-9 : Control Groups
                              G : Microphone
                              Y : Chat Wheel
                              J : Glyph
                              P : Scan
                              Space : Open Shop


                                F2-Control group
                                F3-Select all units
                                X, V --> In case of more than 4 skills
                                4-5-6 Items


                                  Muscle memory takes least 2 weeks for a single key addition or alteration.

                                  1-IceTea 🌟


                                    for item,does it count?

                                    I don't have other hot key

                                    I have all thouse default but I rarely use it,only open shop and cour delivery ...

                                    am I a noob? :sad:

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      yes i would make the sacrifice. im thinking of moving some of my keys to F keys to make room for some more comfortable places for other keys like i dont have any comfortable place left for auto attack toggle for heroes like meepo


                                        icetea PogChamp


                                          E R T and ulti C

                                          items : Q V Space
                                          X B W

                                          purchase quickbuy 1
                                          sticky 2
                                          score field 3
                                          next unit TAB
                                          wheel chat Y

                                          microphone G

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!