General Discussion

General DiscussionRight clicker alch

Right clicker alch in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I don't understand why no one builds alch as a right clicker. I get the synergy between radiance and manta and octarine, but none of those really synergize with his abilities other than he can farm radiance fast.

    If you want to look at real synergy his acid spray is armor reduction to improve right click dmg and his ult greatly improves hit BAT ie right click dmg. So any dmg you put on him or attack speed is amplified by his abilities by quite a lot. You might say he doesn't scale into late game, he gets outclassed by other carries who scale, but I think that's kind of bullcrap. His lower bat with ult is like a 40% dmg increase. The extra move speed on ult makes him harder to kite than say a wraith king or some melee hero without speed boosts.

    If you just get phase, medallion, armlet and s&y, which is 8885, which is only ~900g more than brown boots, armlet, radiance, with max acid you can be looking at 14 armor reduction on a target and assloads of movement speed. You will crush any carry 1v1 at that point cus they'll have only 1 or at most 2 items.

    Worried about losing farm potential with no radiance and illusions to farm whole map? You can get mjollnir if you want for aoe wave clear or just go push towers sooner and end game sooner before their carries come online.

    I'm sure someone will come in now and tell me why I'm completely wrong so have at it.

    Kasumi Arimura

      You can do this but in 4k bracket or lower. In higher brackets you will get shut down so quickly if not for the stats and octa-radi effect. Also, you will have far slower farming potential and thats not ehat Alche is meant to be, mainly pro players play Alche this way and Im sure they know what they do

      casual gamer

        sny in 2k17?


          Farming radiance fast is probably the best way to vault your GPM up, and safely pushing lanes with manta is difficult for your opponent to interact with and at the same time find a way to kill you. It's a shame because I love safelane carries that pack a stun and do a lot of hero damage as well, Sven, Chaos Knight come to mind. But if you plan to fight, you aren't planning to farm, so maybe coming online a little bit quicker isn't worth as much as being good right out of the can and assisting your team in very early fights with a stun, or the strong magical damage source like Juggernaut has, or the ability to just chase you down and murder you that Luna's got at level 1.

          That having been said, I do prefer to make armlet on Alchemist when I random the guy. It's just a bit more fun to go ham.


            I do agree u can play alch as a right clicker, but i dont agree with ur build. I wud go fast medallion into armlet into solar into mjollnir. Max stun then greed with an acid spray value point at lvl 1.

            casual gamer

              ive theorycrafted taht crest is great on CORE alch but i havent tried it yet also i can hardly play alch at all

              Dire Wolf

                That's solid, just think s&y or manta is core cus of his base move speed going up with chemical rage, with s&y you move around at 464 without phase boost. Insanely fast. Troll level fast. Mjollnir is a very nice item.

                Idk about stun vs acid. 3 more armor reduction is tight, guess it depends on team you are facing.


                  ^thing is with solar u cover ur minus armor, so stun max gives u the most disable. U can even go blink after solar for even more ganking. If u want ms buy a windlace or fast travels. Idk its not worth to buy sny just for move speed, maybe u can buy manta later after mjollnir or yasha into mjollnir.


                    Playing alch ,is simple ,just farm till the game finish


                      Depends on enemy draft. I've actually tried it before one with shadowblade and the other with blink, it went pretty well. Enemy was expecting the classic rad + manta + octa. Got ganks as soon as the game reached the early 20 mins. and won everytime almost under the 30 min. mark.


                        i think the point of rad manta oc is to make sure you get so far ahead the enemy cant do anything. then you finish AC and end the game.

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