General Discussion

General DiscussionSkill needed to be a 6k 7k 8k or a 9k?

Skill needed to be a 6k 7k 8k or a 9k? in General Discussion

    Basically i know ive got all the basics but still miss last hits sometime just wanted to know what it is that i need to improve and learn to become a high mmr player or like the pro players.. advice plz ty :)


      u shouldn't be missing any last hits in lane at all.

      when i practice last hitting for 10 mins i miss usually 1-2 LH in a free lane. (so thats 80/82 possible)

      and generally dota isn't really a game of mechanical skill anymore. anyone 4k+ probably can do most mechanical stuff jsut fine.

      but a good player knows where to be and when etc.

      difference between 4k to 8k is tactics.

      it could be when do you push, when do you fight, or even being able to take advantage of mistakes.

      i guess the biggest difference is being able to calculate if you can win an engagement or not and take fights appropriately.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        4k sare not so good with mechanical skill cus they can`t lasthit and can`t use spells properly so thats wrong. There are about 10% of players at 4500-4600 mmr range that can play `sometimes` fine probably with their best heroes.


          And I mean they are probably good for 3k but you can`t really compared that 4k mmr and 7k mmr are usually same mechanical skill but difference is just in tactic thats totally wrong.. 7ks are simply better at everything, and MUCH MUCH better at farming and understading of lane control split push stacking and so on and so on same as for all the others stuff.. so comparing 4 or 5k mmr to 7k to mechanical skill its joke. Alright 5500+ maybe is getting close to it but and even maybe 5200 or something but 4k is just a joke rofl.


            anyone above 4k generally wont miss that many last hits, or they wont cancel epicenter on accident or w.e

            as marlan said "the biggest difference is being able to calculate if you can win an engagement or not and take fights appropriately."

            knowing wether or not you can "get this guy" requires more than mechanical skill.


              5k + has the pace and momentum that 4k lack of


                The only difference is reaction time. LUL


                  People with great MMR's like that are often those who are talented, have been playing for nearly a decade or longer, they play pretty much all day every day. Those who get high mmr with ease are basically special, gifted.

                  4k mechanical skill is almost perfect in a sense, in a complete free farm lane sure I'll get 80 cs in 10 minutes or so.. but when I go vs a 5k in lane all of a sudden I only get like 45 or 50 cs, and I more often than not feed and have trouble finding farm all game. Instead of 300 cs on sven I'll have like 180, it's sad

                  I remember in intenrational ranked I had a few 8k earth spirit (roaming supports) in my games, honestly it's hilarious how they just DUMPSTER 4ks, even 5ks, it's almot like me playing against 1ks. One 8k guy got 6 KILLS in about 4 minutes and helped the team get more also. Check it out for yourself: And in one engagement where he gets a triple, he just escapes with like fucking 50 HP. It's like you expect one kill maybe but nope.

                  I don't know how you git that gud but only around 3000 people in the world are 6k and above. Soo..

                  that wind was liek 5.5k

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    But human eye can only see 30 fps


                      again tbh its nothing to due with mechanical skill, it's all about better players noticing mistakes and taking advantage of them better.

                      the reason why an 8k will dumpster 5ks is because he will take advantage of those mistakes.

                      a 5k will dumpster 1ks in the same sense.

                      and the mistakes an 8k makes a 5k probably won't even realize it's a mistake.

                      if you put a 4k in an empty game im sure he can get near perfect CS.

                      if you ask a 4k to practice a combo im sure he will do it near perfect.

                      i coached a 2k awhile ago and taught her how to play and farm on antimage. she was getting pretty good numbers (~800gpm). but if you put her in a 5k game she will get 200 gpm.

                      it's not because people lack the mechanical skill, it's because of different factors.

                      even things like stun/euls'ing a void for example before he chrono's. unless you're a fucking GOD you're never going to succeed.... UNLESS you are predicting it coming and you're ready for it. that's not mechanical skill, that's game knowledge and foresight.

                      for example a 2k tiny might be smart enough to try and toss away an enemy going to kill him, but he will never succeed because he isn't fast enough. a 6k tiny will be spamming his toss so that the split second his enemy blinks in he gets tossed out. a good player takes out reflexes and instead uses foresight and game knowledge.

                      this is why so many players go watch high mmr play and think oh wow thats not that hard, i could be as good as him. that's because nothing a good player does is "hard". but it requires a lot of planning and foresight, so watching it happen seems easy, but in reality they are thinking 10 moves in advance.

                      if you went and watched a chess grandmaster player, im sure you would think wow that looked easy, except you'd never beat his opponent in 100 years.


                        Where my bro relentless at?

                        Dis game is all about mechanical skill and how fast you are. If we slow the game down even a 1k can make the same decision as a 9k

                        Relentless wil know what I'm talking about


                          making decisions is not the same as mechanical skill taht is technical skill

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            jacked, no he won't
                            and relentless is a joke
                            he MIGHT guess the correct decision sometimes, but that's about it.
                            Dota is chains of decisions. If you build your chain of decisions thinking about various things your chain is going to be stable and adjustable. If you build your chain of decisions on the go as marlan said it can be perfect for the timebeing and it can just as easily crumble into a lost game.

                              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                yea i lack techincal then for sure :(( but mechanical i have no problems with anything in lane tbh


                                  The absolute biggest difference is decision making. knowing when to push, farm, gank, your item and skill build. And then being able to squeeze out as much value as you can out of everything you do, such as farming and supporting efficiently. Making efficient use of your time, such as being able to get items at a particular time every game and stacking whenever possible.


                                    yea i learned e alot

                                    see u miracle stupid noob u dont know whats coming


                                      I'm mid 5k and consistently miss 25% of my last hits
                                      From 6k above the difference is mostly decision making, teamfight positioning+ spellcasting, map awareness/game sense, mechanical skill 6k =9k imo

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        I think there is definitely mechanical skill involved even past 6k. Obviously it becomes less of a blatantly obvious factor but even at TI5 Sumail won mid vs Shiki in unfavourable matchups multiple times, if that isn't mechanical skill difference then nothing is. That being said decision-making is much more important and much harder to improve. I have played with/against many 5ks and even 4ks who dumpster me in lane and press their buttons better in fights, but I make the difference up by playing intelligently, leading my 4ks through the power of PMA and making good decisions throughout the game (or at least I like to think I play that way).

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          One difference I feel is the fact that in 4k people spam spells without planning too much ahead, they usually time pretty bad their skill usage, for example; You are cn and you're against an offlane earth spirit (not good offlaner but whatever), a 4k guy will just stun him right away meanwhile a 6k is gonna wait for the exact time the earth spirit uses his w to scape in order to cut it, little things that make kills easy.
                                          Thats 1 point, then there's obviously the game sense thing which is completely true, people at 5k read the game faster than 4ks and 6k even faster than 5ks,e tc.

                                          face my fears

                                            What 4k players lack is the map awareness and the decision making, item choices. Pretty much 4k is the new 3k now.

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              @arukado the fuck are u talking ur not even 4k sh.ut up


                                                and yes i think too bigggest difference is reading game faster thats very true .