General Discussion

General DiscussionGuys help me

Guys help me in General Discussion
Super Speed Snail

    I am a noob that trying to train my ability to push/split push/ratting.

    Are there any common knowledge or some common sense regarding this? Any good tips?

    I have try to do split push with some hero like ember and luna, but i still have no good sense to do it.

    I want to start learning pusher heroes like lycan, tb, np, siren, tinker.

    Sometime, I got too paranoid and retreating too early when I cant see any enemy. Sometimes I got too reckless and killed because I want to poke that tower a couple times more.

    Help me plz, guys.


      1. be opposite to where the rest of your team is
      2. farm as fast as possible
      3. force your enemies to teleport or if they don't, don't stop hitting it till they show up. if they don't then take the tower
      4. if they teleport, depending on what you can do, you can either:

      A) if you can kill them: kill them as soon as they teleport in.

      B) if you can't kill them: go to the jungle while they clear the wave, and when they leave push again

      or if there's a fight that you can join and get free kills, you join it

      5. don't get killed, EVER, you ALWAYS have to have an escape plan when you're splitpushing
      6. if your team has deathball potential, then you go 5 man and just hit towers instead of splitpushing

      7. if you die due to a lack of map awareness:

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        Be scared if they have blink initiators who can blink on u out of nowhere. Make sure u keep An "eye" on their map position at all times. Beware The anti split push aka anti fun heroes like LC, or Riki who can smoke cloud u and fuck u up as an ember.

        Also depends on ur hero. Am can arguably hit towers longer be cuz he can blink away easily even if some ppl show up. Luna is harder without a good escape. It's better to be scared if u have shitty escape or easily busted by chain disables from fog. How u usually do it is farm nearby jungle first and wait for ppl
        To show or fight to break out before u start hitting without tower without fear.

        Ez pz


          yo i read your guide and i believe u said something about the neutral creep minimap icon.

          yo im pretty sure if the enemy farms it, the camp icon wouldn't disappear would it? like doesn that give super a lot of information?


            Actually the icon goes away only if the camp is revealed

            Aka anyone(from both teams) can farm it from behind the fog without revealing it(some aoe nukes) and the icon will still remain for both teams, but no creeps present

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!