General Discussion

General DiscussionVenomancer discussion.

Venomancer discussion. in General Discussion
Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

    Hi guys I've been playing a few rankeds and I watched so many players playing Venomancer as Jungle. Despite the fact that is not good in terms of suporting due to there's one guy suporting. He can reach level 6 at 4 minutes mark and in some cases in min 3.45 . and it's kinda broken. he can harras the safelane carry so hard.
    Are there another viable way to play this hero ? he deals a lot of damage in the early minutes.

    . . . ?

      Usually you just be a bitch and harass the offlane away along with your duo sup until the offlane becomes a potential kill target for your carry to swipe.

      ?.Stock @zzo

        I've seen people going the jungle veno with midas and get 6th level by min 4. Than they usually went rambo-mode in and started feeding from a a higher level.
        Gg wp.

        Btw I agree with Horsemen, he is a pain at harassing. Why not let him, than?


          List of veno counters?
          I'm kinda scared of these unconventional heroes getting picked and wreck everything in MMR because nobody knows how to counter them

          Dire Wolf

            Really? You need veno counters? The guy is literally a two trick pony. He harasses well in lane cus his lvl 2 passive deals as much dmg as jakiro's level 4, but his range is bad and it's not an orb so he exposes himself to taking dmg. Second thing is he ults in team fights, gg, but again range isn't that good. Ok I guess a 3rd thing is he can ward up high ground really well.

            But he's squishy and easy to kill and very countered by bkb and pipe. If you pick a bunch of disablers and just run at him in lane he won't win the lane. If you go all passive and let him harass you he will win the lane.

            I honestly don't think he's that good unless teamed up with a wombo combo to setup his ult like tide or magnus.

            Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

              I think his ultimate pierces spell inmmunity. But anyways I think if you played him as position 3,4,5 you should rush for aghanim, if you play him as position 2 its way better to play him as semi carry build.


                i think there's a high mmr guy who was spamming veno jungle

                his tactic was to get levels in jungle as fast as possible and then deathball push

                it's actually quite legit


                  it's because of bren dota

                  Dire Wolf

                    It applies the effect through spell immunity but doesn't do dmg.


                      veno jungle is stupidly good in pubs because no 4 position iwll ever think about contesting u

                      Dire Wolf

                        Do your wards block camps?

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